Friday, April 10, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: What started out as rigorous rules for shoppers on essential grocery shopping at HEB  has deteriorated somehow as the photo above indicates. The six-foot rule doesn't seem to apply here. And one rarely sees a shopper with a face covering which will be required after Monday. Across the state, HEB employees ("partners") have tested positive. HEB is no longer  sanctuary for essential shopping.)

H-E-B announced in a Wednesday news release that an employee at one of its McAllen stores has tested positive for COVID-19.

The grocery chain said the employee, who was last in the store on April 3, worked at the N. 10th and Fern location.

“All Partners at the location have been notified and the store has been deep cleaned and sanitized multiple times since then and we continue to enforce proper social distancing practices,” the news release stated.

Earlier, H-E-B announced more store employees have tested positive for COVID-19 outside the Rio Grande Valley.

The affected employees work at the stores located at:

Store #22 at 1015 South WW White Road: Infected employee was last at this store on March 31st
Store #25 at 7951 Guilbeau Road (Bandera Road and Guilbeau Road): Infected employee was last at this store on April 3rd
Store #44 at 12018 Perrin Beitel (Nacogdoches Road and Thousand Oaks): Infected employee was last at this store on Apr. 1st

Additionally, at least two more stores in areas outside of San Antonio are also confirming cases of COVID-19:
San Marcos location at 641 E. Hopkings (San Marcos, Texas): Infected employee was last at this store on March 24th.
Dripping Springs location at 598 E. Highway US 290 (Dripping Springs, Texas): Infected employee was last at this store on March 8th.

Additionally, authorities in Gatesville said that an autopsy to determine the cause of the death of  H-E-B employee Mario Lee, whose body was found Monday night in the store’s parking lot, can proceed after tests showed Lee did not have the new coronavirus.

The body couldn’t be sent to Dallas for the autopsy until completion of a COVID-19 protocol.

Justice of the Peace Coy Latham said he’ll likely be notified of the preliminary autopsy results on Friday.

Gatesville police found Lee lying in the store parking lot at around 9 p.m. Monday.

Latham pronounced Lee dead and ordered the autopsy.

He said there was no indication of foul play discovered at the scene but he ordered the postmortem exam “out of a measure of caution,” Latham said.


Anonymous said...

Have not been @ HEB for over a month.
The HEB on Boca Chica and the HEB on Southmost are REALLY BAD.

Anonymous said...

Eh, Guey, time to bring back the milk deliveryman and the street tamale vendors! Les Go, people! Tortillas! Pan dulce! Orale.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s recent fixation on hydroxychloroquine has bordered on the monomaniacal, even as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the immunologist who has emerged as the administration’s most credible voice on the coronavirus pandemic, has gone out of his way to urge caution. Still, Trump has continued to hype hydroxychloroquine at every possible opportunity. He has mentioned it in most of the press conferences he has given since mid-March, issuing wildly speculative statements like a huckster trying to convince you to lose money on penny stocks.

Perhaps the president just wants the quickest way out of a crisis he can barely pretend to manage. Whatever it is, this whole dumb gambit is just the latest iteration of something that Trump and his allies do all the time. For the duration of his presidency, and indeed long before, they have taken half-baked ideas from dubious sources, laundered them through pliant news outlets, and crowded out all dissent until those ideas either become policy or at least dominate the news cycle and shift the terms of debate. They have spun these ideas into fly-by-night miracle cures to complex social problems—build that wall!—and through sheer force of repetition convinced millions of Americans that these slogans are actual solutions.

Fox News is the key to the whole operation.

Anonymous said...

Y Lopez no tiene nada nomas el chango comisionado idiota.

Anonymous said...

It never was a sanctuary, you mongrel! Virus knows no boundaries, pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Trump vows to observe Easter:

What a joke and farce both Trump and Pence have made by using religion in all of this. From someone like Pence who hates gays and lesbians who also started an HIV epidemic in his state of Indiana when he was Governor to Trump married three times, loves to grab pussy, has been accused of rape and sexual assaulted, has had children out of wedlock, has had multiple affairs with an adult movie star and Playboy Bunny without using safe sex while his third wife Melania was home taking care of their new born son, Trump who has appeared in multiple soft porn movies and when His daughter Ivanka was in her teens Trump said it was ok to say Ivanka was a good piece of ass.

And Pence and Trump want to invoke and portray themselves as religious and to use religion in the mess they made worse? Oh the irony and hypocrisy of it all.

Anonymous said...

Dona Conchita the penny store on 7th and polk would never allow shit like that to happen, but she sold cigarettes at a nickle each.

Anonymous said...

Treasury expected to get started on stimulus payments Friday

Anonymous said...

No solamente el virus covid-19 se expande a pasos descomunales. Junto a él, un remolino de emociones y sentimientos diversos están ocupando un espacio nada discreto en el escenario de la tragedia sanitaria que padece Bronsvil y el mundo.

El alarmante número de fallecimientos en la nacion, la amenaza real de un contagio masivo, así como la ausencia de una cura inmediata están generando en los mexicanos un conjunto de “emociones negativas” muy intensas y con frecuencia caóticas, las cuales – si se prolongan demasiado – pueden generar diversos trastornos mentales de tipo traumático, ansioso, somático o depresivo.

Pero ¿por qué está emergiendo una pandemia de emociones a la par de una viral? ¿A qué se debe que el miedo, que un sector de la población está experimentando, pueda rebasar su límite y comience a transformarse peligrosamente en pánico (es decir, en un posible trauma psicológico)?

Anonymous said...

The Denver Post editorial board this week accused Donald Trump of “playing political games with lives” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The newspaper’s board slammed the president’s politicized response to the public health crisis, saying he was “treating life-saving medical equipment as emoluments he can dole out as favors to loyalists” in a critical column.

“It’s the worst imaginable form of corruption,” the board wrote in the editorial Thursday, adding: “For the good of this nation during what should be a time of unity, he must stop.”

The board noted how Trump had “prevented Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) from securing 500 ventilators from a private company, instead, taking the ventilators for the federal government” and then giving 100 to the state following a request from its GOP Sen. Cory Gardner.

“We are left to believe that if Colorado didn’t have a Republican senator in office, our state would not be getting these 100 ventilators,” said the board.

Trump has repeatedly attacked Democratic governors’ requests for assistance in tackling the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus that has killed more than 16,000 people nationwide. He’s even asked White House coronavirus task force lead Vice President Mike Pence not to call them, saying they should be more appreciative.

“We find it hard to believe decisions are being made on such a morally bankrupt basis, but Trump is doing this nation no favors by giving us the impression that politics will drive his administration’s response to a virus that has already killed thousands of Americans and will kill thousands more,” the board concluded.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a store that sells meat package with a live house fly inside!!!

Anonymous said...

More doom & gloom from Montoya. Man, don't you ever have a good day? I know you're Mexican and it's hard to overcome that, but get a grip, dude.

Anonymous said...

Keep em coming Juanito great reportint and great stories. Pendejo gringos don't understand

Anonymous said...

@1054 osea paredes is fine
telosico where do u think cameron park shops and the low income ppl on paredes ?
pobre vato

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya is not a real Mexican. He can't speak Spanish and he LOVES baseball. Get the man get a job at a maquiladora, live in an infonavit in Matamoros, and don't have adult diapers. Let's see if he can stand life in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

all about the benjamins baby

Anonymous said...

All comments above brought to you by the cyber-pest PUTZ, Eduardo Paz Martinez. Do everyone a favor and travel to China and find a nurse you can mooch off of in the village..... you will be right at home and be pronounced their village idiot.

Anonymous said...

He reports on the state of the local gringos which is doom and gloom what you expect idiota dude?

Anonymous said...

Nothing like Trump succeeding to bring out the POS Trump hater.
