Monday, April 13, 2020


Donald Trump
By David Frum
The Atlantic

"I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on March 13. Those words will probably end up as the epitaph of his presidency, the single sentence that sums it all up.

Trump now fancies himself a “wartime president.” How is his war going? 

By the end of March, the coronavirus had killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks. By the first weekend in April, the virus had killed more Americans than any single battle of the Civil War. By Easter, it may have killed more Americans than the Korean War. 

On the present trajectory, it will kill, by late April, more Americans than Vietnam. Having earlier promised that casualties could be held near zero, Trump now claims he will have done a “very good job” if the toll is held below 200,000 dead.

The United States is on trajectory to suffer more sickness, more dying, and more economic harm from this virus than any other comparably developed country.

That the pandemic occurred is not Trump’s fault. The utter unpreparedness of the United States for a pandemic is Trump’s fault. The loss of stockpiled respirators to breakage because the federal government let maintenance contracts lapse in 2018 is Trump’s fault. The failure to store sufficient protective medical gear in the national arsenal is Trump’s fault.

That states are bidding against other states for equipment, paying many multiples of the pre-crisis price for ventilators, is Trump’s fault. Air travelers summoned home and forced to stand for hours in dense airport crowds alongside infected people? That was Trump’s fault too. 

Ten weeks of insisting that the coronavirus is a harmless flu that would miraculously go away on its own? Trump’s fault again. The refusal of red-state governors to act promptly, the failure to close Florida and Gulf Coast beaches until late March? That fault is more widely shared, but again, responsibility rests with Trump: He could have stopped it, and he did not.

The lying about the coronavirus by hosts on Fox News and conservative talk radio is Trump’s fault: They did it to protect him. The false hope of instant cures and nonexistent vaccines is Trump’s fault, because he told those lies to cover up his failure to act in time. The severity of the economic crisis is Trump’s fault; things would have been less bad if he had acted faster instead of sending out his chief economic adviser and his son Eric to assure Americans that the first stock-market dips were buying opportunities. 

The firing of a Navy captain for speaking truthfully about the virus’s threat to his crew? Trump’s fault. The fact that so many key government jobs were either empty or filled by mediocrities? Trump’s fault. The insertion of Trump’s arrogant and incompetent son-in-law as commander in chief of the national medical supply chain? Trump’s fault.

For three years, Trump has blathered and bluffed and bullied his way through an office for which he is utterly inadequate. But sooner or later, every president must face a supreme test, a test that cannot be evaded by blather and bluff and bullying. That test has overwhelmed Trump.

Trump failed. He is failing. He will continue to fail. And Americans are paying for his failures.
Workers wearing personal protective equipment bury bodies in a trench on Hart Island, New York.

The coronavirus emerged in China in late December. The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak on January 3. 

The first confirmed case in the United States was diagnosed in mid-January. Financial markets in the United States suffered the first of a sequence of crashes on February 24. 

The first person known to have succumbed to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, in the United States died on February 29. 

The 100th died on March 17. By March 20, New York City alone had confirmed 5,600 cases. Not until March 21—the day the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services placed its first large-scale order for N95 masks—did the White House begin marshaling a national supply chain to meet the threat in earnest.

 “What they’ve done over the last 13 days has been really extraordinary,” Jared Kushner said on April 3, implicitly acknowledging the waste of weeks between January 3 and March 21.

Those were the weeks when testing hardly happened, because there were no kits. 

Those were the weeks when tracing hardly happened, because there was little testing. Those were the weeks when isolation did not happen, because the president and his administration insisted that the virus was under control. 

Those were the weeks when supplies were not ordered, because nobody in the White House was home to order them. Those lost weeks placed the United States on the path to the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in the developed world: one-fourth of all confirmed cases anywhere on Earth.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Remember folks, the government is giving you $1,200 of your own money while taking $18,000 to give to corporations.

Anonymous said...

Hispanics Eating Beans new logo for HEB...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This article is a typical Valley narrative exhibiting just how stupid Mexicans are, particularly the author of this left-wing diatribe. Ever wonder why there has not been a Mexican President and never will be?

Anonymous said...

Typical racist rant from a racist republican ever wonder where you were for EIGHT YEARS when OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT?

Anonymous said...

Hispanics for TRUMP 2020! We are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Enough of blaming Trump, Your own local political government, who by the way are, ALMOST, are elected by undocumented illegals using their ITIN (INDIVIDUL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER). That's how they get their freebies, such as education, food stamps, medical care. It all adds up as to why leaders such as Filemon Vela, Henry, Cuellar, Chuy Hinjosa, Vicente Gonzales all are allowing voters to vote without proper ID such as social security number, and photo ID. The United States is sending stimulus monies to "PROPER and LEGAL Authorization taxpayers. You see the United States of America is keeping up with the legal taxpayers, and the undocumented. Your local government is not. Your so called local political leaders were the ones who in Feb. of 2020 allowed 20 or more elite students to travel to Europe, where the virus was at it's most, and then allowed them to come to our local airports, hospitals, South Padre Island for spring break. Those so called children, as identified by Dist. Judge, were allowed to contaminated young, old and innocent victims. Then if it were not enough, come to find out that our so called nursing homes sharing the nursing staff, spreading the virus to our innocent older loved ones. Get over it about blaming Trump for every time you take a fart.

Anonymous said...

the only horseshit is trump.

Anonymous said...

One thing I have learned, during trump presidency is that he will probably win again, because you can't change stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Trump. I blame all the blind sheep that follow him, post Trump 2020, insult all those that don't agree with their cult following and don't care to take the rest of us to the precipice with them.
THOSE voters ARE to blame.

Mr. Montoya: I don't know how true this is, but I have a friend who still shops at HEB ( I have not been there in over a month), and she was telling me that a gallon of clorox is over $4 dollars? How true is that and is that not price gouging ?
Clorox is a name brand, why if you can buy that for a dollar @ dollar Tree, HEB gets away with that ?

Anonymous said...

Poor Democrats have been taught to whine and complain. Is that all you can do? Why don't you try winning an election?
