Sunday, April 26, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Remember around Christmas time when you're walking from the parking lot and even before you even got close to the doors at Walmart  you could hear the Salvation Army bell ringing as a volunteer stood by a large red kettle asking for donations?

Many people, caught in the Christmas spirit, plunked their change, dollars, etc., into the kettle (or receptacle) to the cheery "Merry Christmas and God bless you, sir," from the bell ringer.

Everyone felt good. You, the ringer, th SA.

Fast forward to today's COVD-19 crisis.

You or a neighbor is in need and you pick up the phone, call the Salvation Army number, and are told they can't help you because, you see, there's no SA office in Brownsville.

You have to go all the way to McAllen and apply. Even then, it's not a surefire thing that you will pass the examination.

The Red Cross? The same. It  has to be a disaster that is happening to you. Not just because a neighbor's family is hungry or may need help with the rent because the wolf is at the door.

And we are told that similar things happen when one goes in an emergency need to ask Catholic Charities on Price Road for assistance.

Many often travel on foot all the away from the barrios in Brownsville, only to be told that they have to be registered with the Catholic Diocese before you can be considered for assistance or given a care package stacked inside within sight of the entrance..

The boss seems to be one Sister Norma, who is never there most of the time and spends most of her time doing charitable work around the Basilica de Nuestra Senora de San Juan or, you guessed it, in Hidalgo county.

And don't even bother to try Goodwill or the Amigos del Valle. They, too, are focused on the needs of those in...elsewhere but Brownsville.

If you knew this was going to happen, would you still plunk your extra change or bills in the Salvation Army kettle?

Or donate during a Red Cross blood drive? Or your ropa de marca a Goodwill?

And when will these organizations realize that (like Catholic Charities)  the largest city is Brownsville, the population with the greatest need is also this city, and that the diocese headquarters and its cathedral in South Texas is also in Brownsville?

Is it time for some of the charity shown by local residents to stay home?


Anonymous said...

At almost every juncture, Donald Trump has made decisions about the coronavirus pandemic that have led to more death. His behavior is that of a person who has no care or concern for the health, safety and welfare of the American people.

Nothing could epitomize that more perfectly than his grotesque suggestion this week that "injecting" disinfectants or household cleaning products might kill the coronavirus. This would seem comical, and entirely unbelievable, if it had not actually happened.

Anonymous said...

They don't even have a LUPE office HERE can you believe THAT???? All those gimme gimme organizations have a CEO making over 200k a year JUST LIKE ALL THE CEOs of ALL public agencies in this stinkin' city...

Anonymous said...

McAllen is a do'er, a city doing positive things for itself and its people, Brownsville does for its politicians and its public servants. Fact.

Anonymous said...

The red cross is a joke the red cross is for the red cross money please so we can make people think we do something just a place for the hob nobs to rub elbows and make people think they care

Anonymous said...

Another load of McAllen-envy, Montoya? smh

Anonymous said...

In a second radio interview, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said the announcement will come "either this Friday or next Monday," with the re-openings going into effect a week after the announcement. Business have said they need that weeklong period to "ramp up" again, according to the governor.

"This is gonna be happening in the first couple of days in May where you’re gonna be able to go back and go dining under safe standards, you’re gonna be able to get a haircut … but we’re gonna make sure there’ll be safe standards in place so that you will be able to do that without spreading the coronavirus," Abbott said.

Anonymous said...

Fishing Time: Community enjoys recreation after beaches, boat ramps open
And the local parks QUE? Self-serving elected CITY officials if it belonged to them they would aready be opened...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me "AMIGOS DEL VALLEY" serves north tampulicas "NOT THE VALLBEY" just go to any of their aparmtment complexes in Brownsville and 90% of the tennants are from mexico FORGET AMIGOS DEL VALLEY and non speak read or write english

Anonymous said...

This must be the voice of a victim, whom this crisis has effected them. You are right, when in time of need you would think that the catholic church would be out there trying to ease the victims. However, the catholic church will be as usual the first charitable church to go and ask the local an federal government for a reimbursement for their services. They do not do good deeds for nothing. They do not bury their own for nothing, they do not hold a church service for nothing, they do not shelter no one for nothing. The Catholic Church takes care of the Catholic Church and that is the honest to goodness truth. They claim to shelter and comfort the legal immigrants, but then they turn around and ask our so called political leaders for reimbursement with a huge cheery on top. They claim to do all their money making services in the name of our LORD Jesus Chris. Yet, it isn't Jesus they serve, its their deep pocket they serve. I truly believe that if Jesus would be here today in the middle of this epidemic, he would not hide behind the wall of the catholic church nor shield himself from his beloved followers for fear of contamination. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Payment Status:

We scheduled your payment to be deposited on December 31, 2020 to the bank account below.

Bank Account Number: misplaced
If you don't see your payment credited to your account, check with your local load shark to verify he received it. We will not mail you a letter and no additional information on this payment.

If you need additional help becasue and did not receive your payment, please DO NOT VISIT OR CALL to Asked Questions .

this is a paid political announcement and i approve this message pendejos
if you want money trying looking for a "JOB"

Anonymous said...

As Sun Tzu wrote in "The Art of War," when your enemy is self-destructing…stand back and don’t interfere. As callous and it might sound, we need to let Trump be Trump so that voters can ask themselves if they are better off today than they were four years ago.

Anonymous said...

anytime we donate money including to the church
the majority is used to pay rent for offices, advettising expenses, and the salary of the people that work for these "non profits"
if u wanna make a diffrence just buy someone u know is in need lunch, clothes, or adopt/ foster a child!

Anonymous said...

City parks are open...only the equipment is closed.

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that Mcallen has left us far behind in most every aspect: business, education, etc. We were once the shining star of the Rio Grande Valley. It is a pity to see our city today.

Anonymous said...

POLL: Most Texans think coronavirus will be contained soon
Of course bunch of hillbills morons

Anonymous said...

Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him
That what this country needs get rid of the racist republicans
bunch of clowns.

Anonymous said...

The park on central blvd is close still has a yellow pd ribbon.

Anonymous said...

And if Trump wins in November will you still continue hating and whining? Of COURSE you will. That's what liberals ARE good at. All you have to do is read the remarks. Pobrecitos. Can't you win an election. NO DEMOCRAT HAS WON A STATE WIDE ELECTION IN TEXAS SINCE 1996. MAN, THAT'S A LONG TIME!

Anonymous said...

The truth finally folks get it
Brownsville is the best Nepetism
Place to live, nomas no vale caca

Anonymous said...

'Outrageous,' 'irresponsible': Governors slam McConnell over bankruptcy comments
kiss it goog bye racist republicans

Anonymous said...

Yo por eso no doy nada. Puros mamones!

Anonymous said...

Girl Scouts get relief loan for lost cookie sales

Anonymous said...

Viva Donald Trump .. otra vez voy a votar por el .. si no te gusta nimodo

Anonymous said...

Trump es mi gallo!
Trump 2020!
Making Democrats hate and whine since 2016!

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Disinfectant Remark Raises a Question About the ‘Very Stable Genius’
that idiot at April 27, 2020 at 7:56 AM must be under the influence of lysol and clorox I hope he has funeral insurance joto

Anonymous said...

C'mon liberals Trump never said to inject or drink disinfectants. And he never mentioned the words Clorox or Lysol. Watch the complete video of what he said. If you do drink it or inject it you have nobody to blame but yourselves. That will just be that many less Democrats voting in November.

Anonymous said...

No Democrats would follow a psycho, only trump rats, so drink up dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Why do democrats have so much hate? Some people think on their own and might have a different opinion than you. Why hate people with a different opinion? Hate is not good. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Governors Move Ahead With Reopening,

Despite Health Worries Confusion and Concerns Over New Trump Testing Plan

Top Unions Accuse Trump of Exploiting Loopholes in Covid-19 Stimulus to 'Enrich Corporate Executives'

Anonymous said...

No more hate! Trump 2020!

Anonymous said...

