Thursday, May 28, 2020


Flowers left on a barrier near a temporary morgue truck at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in Brooklyn. Credit... Caitlin Ochs

"The number of confirmed virus deaths in the U.S. has surpassed 100,000. The United States has had 28 percent of global deaths despite having only 4 percent of the world’s population."


Anonymous said...

At this stage, to dine indoors is certainly not in recommended. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should … People who are high risk should really be avoiding it. Right now we haven’t seen that 14-day decline that everyone has been looking for to really feel comfortable. So we still really recommend avoiding dining in and limiting it to drive-through, curbside takeout, delivery and those sorts of things.

Anonymous said...

Americans who say they wear a mask at least most of the time when they leave the house via poll:

Democratic women 89%
Democratic men 89%

Republican women 68%
Republican men 49%

Anonymous said...

How would Donald Trump behave in defeat in the coming presidential election?

The answer ain’t pretty.

Anonymous said...

May 28 @ 9:49AM
How did the Democrats behave to their 2016 defeat?
The answer hasn't been pretty.
Whining, complaining and whining constantly.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, wake up and stop repeating the fake coronavirus deaths news! This was artificial done to collapse the encomony and enter a new monetary system and to also take away some of your rights! Wake up people!!!

Anonymous said...

cry like a honky

Anonymous said...

Doom and gloom is back, I was wondering what happened to you.

Stop the hysteria and look at statistics. 100000 dead out of 330,000,000.

8000 dead a day from other reasons.

How Manny died because of the lockdown? Suicide, substance abuse, no access to health system, poverty due to unemployment.

How long do you want to stay locked down, 6 months? After that you will have no health system of economy left for your socialist programs.

Stop crying and get out of your house, be brave and take some risks, you did that before corona.

Anonymous said...

The threat by Donald Trump to shut down social media platforms that he finds objectionable is a dangerous overreaction by a thin-skinned president. Any such move would be blatantly unconstitutional under the First Amendment. That doesn't make the threat harmless, however, because the president has many ways in which he can hurt individual companies, and his threat to do so as a way of silencing dissent is likely to chill freedom of expression and will undermine constitutional democracy in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Hey its a winning formula more money being generated and 100,000 less inhabitants
It raises the per capita income

Anonymous said...

I watch soccer for two main reasons: to procrastinate and to scare my wife when I suddenly shout “Goooooooal!” and take a lap around the house. I should be thrilled to have my favorite sport back from the dead. But so far, its return is only the latest reminder that it’ll be a very long time before life returns to normal.

Is there really any safe way to play soccer during a pandemic?

Sadly, I say no.

Anonymous said...

It's time for you to wake up 1:04 pm. You are an idiot. Civil rights are wasted on people like you. I bet that you don't wear a mask but you will go running at the next cough.

Anonymous said...

@4:41 If I do cough I'll handle it the way I've handled all my life...but I won't look be looking stupid like you wearing a mask like the Chineses lol Pendejo huevon go work instead of waiting for stimulus checks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Indoor dining! Its friday
Drive down 77 after 1700 hours today
And see the waiting lines
See the salaried employees sipping margaritas and pounding beer mugs while checking in on face
Y todo para que?
Only in the Backward town we live in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank God for the backward town and it's brave citizens!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 2.2 million will die remember that! Got news for you we are all going away but will there be a country when we do? The way it is I think the country will burn to the ground right after all the Target stores wait doesn't that cause pollution when they burn a store down. Oh well it helps with teaching people to understand how when you burn a Target you get people to like you better.

Anonymous said...

They're gonna need a bigger trailer!!!!
