Friday, May 8, 2020


"Cameron County has received confirmation of the second community COVID-19 related death of a Cameron County resident. Cameron County has received confirmation of the second community COVID-19 related death of a Cameron County resident. The resident was an 82-year old male from Brownsville and passed away at Solara Hospital in Brownsville. He was a previously reported case. This raises the number of COVID-19 related deaths to twenty (20)."

Facebook post: "Fucking get over it... you either live or die."

One of the great things about the Internet is the ability to express yourself with no one to censor you except for you exercising your own responsibility on the content of that expression.

But if you were the son, daughter, wife, niece or nephew, grandchild, relative or friend of the 82-year-old Brownsville man who is the last fatality in Brownsville of the COVID-19 plague, is this really something you would want to hear?

You have the freedom to speak, but it includes the freedom not to speak, at least not so unfeelingly. We send our condolences to the family of the last fatality (and to the families of the other 19) and warn our seven readers that the virus is still swirling all around us. And to the unfeeling poster who didn't care about the feelings of the family of the deceased we pray that he or she never has this happen to them or to anyone that they love.


Anonymous said...

Take me to McAllen hospital....19 deaths tells me that you are three times more likely to die from Coronavirus in a Cameron County hospital than you are from a Hidalgo County hospital, Juan.

Anonymous said...

Se Le Estan Callendo El Pantalon En El HEB new hit song by MAZA Y HARINA...

Anonymous said...

Life is for the living.

Anonymous said...

Trump's Dept. of Justice drops charges against Michael Flynn

Not one legal analyst or former prosecutor could think of a case in which someone had lied to the FBI and pleaded guilty "twice" to doing it, and then saw the charges withdrawn by the Justice Department. There are thousands of cases involving matters much less important where people are incarcerated right now, today. This "one standard" only applies to friends of Donald Trump.

And Trump-appointed Attorney General William Barr knows it.

Anonymous said...

Juan, do the Nurith and El Jerry's wife saga at Dodici's, bro.

Anonymous said...

There is no respect for anything left in the U.S.

Thank Trump for that.

Anonymous said...

The Valley’s Sheeple fell right into place with the greatest hoax in modern time...morons that will someday be led over a cliff like a bunch of lemmings...that is if you Mexicans even know what a lemming is...that’s right Mexican, it’s that yellow, sour fruit. Bawhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Nobody values life in Brownsville. People would rather sucker punch you than lend a hand. Dying here is cheap. Pass the pain, bro...

Anonymous said...

Poor Duardo Paz Martinez..... he didn’t qualify for the stimulus unemployment because he hasn’t worked since the herald. How is he buying his diapers? Pobre viejito..... the virus should do him a favor and infect him. But he is always alone because he has no social life..... can’t get infected trolling blogs....smh.

Anonymous said...

Some people sitting at home waiting for the boss to call will be highly disappointed when the call never comes. I have spoke to many managers who stated they are using this to remove lower producing employees and see who is in the market for a new position. Lots of movement will happen.

Prospective employees are being McAllen!

Anonymous said...

Spokesperson for Veep Pence tests positive for Coronavirus

The crazy thing is that Trump and Pence get the frequent testing that they failed to provide to us everyday Americans. Everybody they are in contact with gets tested. They tell everybody to go out without masks, in crowds, that there is nothing to be concerned about. Then they get all terrified when they get near a person with the virus. These guys are lazy incompetent hypocrites.

Is Trump really as dense as he sounds? He's surprised that a person tested positive because she tested negative the last time! Why does he think they are tested frequently? (slap head)

Anonymous said...

Trump doesn't care about other people, only his ego and his appearance. Reporting from the Associated Press confirms this, as a Thursday article explained Trump told advisers that wearing a mask would "send the wrong message."

The president said doing so would make it seem like he is preoccupied with health instead of focused on reopening the nation's economy.

Bang the drum slowly.

sambkatz said...

"How about if you were the son, daughter, wife, niece, or nephew, grandchild, relative, or friend of the 82-year-old Brownsville Man who was the latest fatality of the Covid-19 Plague, is this what you'd want to hear?" Mr. Montoya, I couldn't agree with you more except to state how about if you are just a normal compassionate human being who lives and breathes and thinks kindly of your neighbors and believes we are all in this together?

No, this is NOT WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR! Maybe he or she will grow up someday and realize the enormity of what they posted, or they'll go back to torturing puppies and kittens and end up in prison eventually. Another wasted life.

Anonymous said...

Civility is something the hillbillys and the gringos don't have

Anonymous said...

Bemoaning the lack of civility on this blog is an exercise in hypocrisy. The mother milk of this blog is racial and political hate expressed in the most uncivil ways.

Anonymous said...

The man in question died on Tuesday,April 21,2020 and he did die at Solara. He was buried at Roselawn Cemetary on Friday, April 24,2020 at 10 am. He was a recovery patient there after surgery at a local hospital. I knew he had contacted the virus there from an employee,this was a hush hush situation in my opinion. Comm Jessica Tetreau went to the mans church and confirmed the death as Covid-19 related to the pastor on Thursday,April 23,2020,yet nobody acknowledged this to the media. It was until the funeral director of the funeral home made a scene of this because he could not get a clear death certificate for the family. Could it have been because Lorenzo Pelly owns Solara? So long story short 21/2 weeks passed before this was exposed and the contamination at Solara probably exposed more human beings,unlike HEB a death has occurred hear.I can furnish names if requested,but it’s all public info and connect the dots.I have no reason to lie. Hope this gets printed,expose the culprits.

Anonymous said...

racial and political hate expressed in the most uncivil ways, is there another guey, guey? pendejo
