Monday, May 11, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"If this is an instance of phishing, then BPUB has cyber security insurance that can cover most if not all of the damages that the company has incurred." COB District 1 Commissioner Nurith Golonsky

Let's think about that one.

Some cyber phisherperson(s) somewhere in the world who dedicate themselves to stealing on the internet - say in China or Nigeria, or Who Knows Where, SPI? - stole $1.3 million from the Brownsville Public Utility Board.

Phising is defined as "the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers."

That explanation has been floated as how - about two months ago - the PUB Finance Dept. transferred $1.3 million to an account at Bank of America in payment to Texas Noble Builders.

That explanation asserts that the PUB administration, its Finance Dept., Noble Builders, and the Bank of America were infiltrated by the phiserpersons and retrieved knowledge which allowed them to deduce that:

1. PUB owed Noble a $1.3 million payment for the salary draw on the company's share of the $16.4 million contract to build the utility's new administration building and was issuing a payment in the near future. Payment to vendors always have to come before the board to the PUB board and has to be approved. So that first step could be borderline credible. Those cyberthieves in Beijing or the Ukraine are probably scouring all the agenda of local entities to phish for leads. Then, 

2. Before the (electronic) check was cut and issued, the phishers were able to infiltrate Noble Builders (or PUB)  to learn the bank account number at their bank (Lone Star National Bank), use their email to direct the PUB Finance Dept. to redirect the payment to a bank account at Bank Of America (at a new account they set up, when?).

Later, the PUB requested a hard letter from noble confirming the email directives to redirect the payment, and the (phishers?) had one sent.

3. That once the letter was produced - allegedly by someone at Noble - the Finance Dept. sent the $1.3 million to the Bank of America account. Once there, it flew faster than an electric impulse on the PUB grid. 

4. That's when Noble told PUB it hd not received the payment, the swindle surfaced and that - once Noble insinuated litigation - Bruciak, in consultation with board president Anna Oquin and its legal counsel, had a second $1.3 million payment issued to Noble under the authority of the board's previous payment and never went before the board for approval of the new expenditure. 

Consider this: The additional $1.3 million payment was not part of the original payments approved by the board. It was $1.3 million more than what the board had approved. And Bruciak, the PUB counsel, and the chair saw fit to act unilaterally and spend $1.3 on their own without board approval of the additional cost.

Why do we appoint boards again?

Now, the "Phisher Theory" asserts that online criminals had time between the posting of the PUB meeting agenda (72 hours before the meeting) and the passing of the vote before putting their plan into action. 

Commissioner Galonsky has stated that it's "been less than two months since the incident in question happened and the BPUB Board has decided to wait until the FBI investigation is concluded. If this is an instance of phishing, then BPUB has cyber security insurance that can cover most if not all of the damages that the company has incurred."

Perhaps a situation where the help (Bruciak) can issue a $1.3 million payment over the amount approved by the board on their own accord and with the mere acquiescence of  a board chairman and legal counsel is business as usual to the commissioner, but we beg to differ. Administrators have been hauled off from their offices in handcuffs for approving payments for other things - like wind and medical insurance - on their own.  

There is also, the "Inside Job" Theory that someone (with  conspirators) with inside knowledge  of people, times and places, bank account numbers, etc., staged the heist.

"I trust that the FBI will identify everyone involved in the crime and prosecute them accordingly, the commissioner said. "Meanwhile, BPUB’s internal auditor has done her own audit and given recommendations on what policies and procedures should be adopted to avoid the same situation happening again. Consequently, it is my opinion that having the City Commission initiate its own audit and/or investigation at this time is premature or duplicative."

That Bruciak, who has been the PUB's CEO for the last 22 years and is paid handsomely for it ($303,000) as is CFO Saenz ($2736,603), needs more time to learn and "adopt" safeguards "to avoid the same situation happening again" is more than charitable. It seems to be more of a deliberate abeyance of an elected official to their fiduciary duty to safeguard the public's interest.

Insurance will pay for it? And who pays for the deductible and premiums? Bruciak? The board? The  city commission?

If the $1.3 million was your money and your banker lost it, would you forgive and forget and hope he learned his lesson and it doesn't happen again?

The theory that the $1.3 million theft can be attributed to a phishing crime seems a bit fishy to us. The people who foot the bills need to know the truth.


Anonymous said...

A Public Works Department employee "borrowed" a 1.99 (cost of shovel) to do some work at home. That same day the city police arrived at his home arrested the public works employee handcuffed him in front of his family and his children and took him to jail.
A $1.99 shovel!


Anonymous said...

You Get A $2,000 Stimulus Check Every Month if it passes I will vote for the president again and again and bring my buddies from the local resting place and make them vote LOL

Anonymous said...

Astonishing deflection by Galonsky. Even picking a faddish word - phishing - fits her sheltered personality. An investigation also absolves, Nurith.

Anonymous said...

Time to question to our governor as to why he would mislead Texans the way he did on the number of COVID-19 cases. Picking one random day in the past 17 days to make a point that new cases were going down was the worst kind of deceit.

A quick trip to shows the trend most definitely on the rise. I don’t know what the right answer is in terms of reopening the economy. No one does. Gov. Greg Abbott is paid to make these calls, and we’ll live with his decisions.

But please, be upfront and honest and own your decisions. The governor could have said, "The trend says otherwise, but my experts advise me to take this action based on….” We get enough misdirection from Washington. We don’t need it in Texas.

Abbott is a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Galonsky paid more than $60,000 to win her city commission seat. Perhaps she wants her money back, one way or another.

Anonymous said...

The Supreme Court Can’t Help Trump Now Without Hurting Itself

The conservative majority may want to contort the law so Trump can hide his taxes, but the legitimacy of the courts will take a hit if they do — especially if Biden wins the election.

Anonymous said...

The White House is now being labeled a Coronavirus "Hot Zone." Oooooh-la-la.

Staffers clicking their heels three times and saying, "Go away, go away, come back a sunny day, something something."

The magical thinking in a magical bubble.


Anonymous said...

Thus far Trump has not gotten the expected bump that comes from national catastrophes as Americans typically rally around the flag and the president.

These are times when the nation as a whole, the American people, will look to the president and the White House for policies that will get them out of this mess and all they’re seeing is rhetoric designed to get Trump re-elected.

Trump wants to see the economy be revived again but before it’s safe to do so. It's going to become somewhat catastrophic when the numbers start to pick up for that second wave of infections.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t the Mayor on PUB and the audit committee? Didn’t he run to be a leader? Why isn’t he doing anything? He has his two buddies there. He gives us regular updates about the number of new corona infections. Why is he so quiet about this?

Anonymous said...

Why Trump doesn't wear a mask:

This is a show of bravado. If he backtracks now, and starts wearing a mask, it will contradict the red meat he’s feeding to his base constantly. This is the first health crisis that has been politicized.

Wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

Juan it dont matter, no matter what NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT THIS BY PUB BOARD, CITY COMMISSION OR ANYONE ELSE AND CEO BRUCIAK WILL KEEP HIS $300k plus JOB AS THE OTHER TWO CRONIES also. No one will be fired just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine poor little rich girl crying and throwing tantrums because her name is being smeared all over the blogs. Picturing her as Veruca Salt (character in Willy Wonka) asking her daddy to make it all better. Nurith “ Veruca Salt” Galonsky, now that’s a great name for her!

Anonymous said...

How about the $2.3 million dollar purchase of La Casa Del Nylon? That was a fraudulent purchase as that ratnest was not worth more than $700,000 where was the accountability then?

Anonymous said...

A Public Works Department employee "borrowed" a 1.99 (cost of shovel) to do some work at home. That same day the city police arrived at his home arrested the public works employee handcuffed him in front of his family and his children and took him to jail.
A $1.99 shovel!


Anonymous said...

This is NOT a Tikkun Olam nor a mitzvah not even close

"We can battle insensitivity, immorality and dishonesty in our lives individually and collectively as a people. We have a wonderful road map in the Torah and its traditions. It is time to think seriously about our reputation in the world and what we can do to enhance it, not because we want to look good but because we want to be good."


Anonymous said...

Top three need to go to jail or at least fired for derelict of duty!Then these top 3 PUB brass idiot Trump supporters want to ask for citizenship papers work or something to that affect so THE poor can get help.Its was easy to not ask them when they first opened accounts and take their money for 5 -10 -20yrs but now that some lost jobs and need help you want to ask them for papers mamones!! You already took their money from Tenaska project assholes this is a simple case of discrimination city commissioners you all better get to work and fix this problem. Remember their is only a few on commission but their is a hell of alot of rate payers that are fed with you all and especially PUB BRASS!! SAS

Anonymous said...

moving Tesla to Hidalgo Co.

Y los babosos de aqui? counting their money and/or hiding from law enforcement investigations...

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville should change its name to Nadaville cause nothing ever changes, local folks dont want any changes maybe thats the deal anyway just keep drinking the water folks adios, and the band marches on. thump thump thump.
