Tuesday, May 26, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: This year will be one for the books, with an invisible virus bringing down national economies, stock markets, setting unemployment records, delaying professional sports [baseball, of all things] preventing funeral ceremonies, burials, and the celebrating of high school graduations. But this Pace High School caravan found a way to fete its grads with a procession honoring graduating seniors. Go Vikes!)


Anonymous said...

You need a "Women's Page," which is where this would belong.

Anonymous said...

Juan, write about the Stimulus checks! It's more important than this!

Even if the coronavirus was to disappeared overnight and we could carry on just like before, it would take over a month to reach the same momentum. And some businesses are not even there anymore. This should be kept in mind by those who want to take their good old time to infuse more cash into the economy. We do not have that luxury. The losses are compounding and the damages are becoming permanent.

We want more checks!

Anonymous said...

But still the highlight of some people's life!

Anonymous said...

But immigrants just want a better lifr


Bull shet!

Anonymous said...

go to a japanese noddle restaurant and listen to the rhythm of the surping
UNBELIEVABLE, and than there's the farting INCREDIBLE lol

Anonymous said...

Like yours right? at May 26, 2020 at 7:13 PM

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the Seniors from Pace, Hanna, Porter , Lopez, Memorial and St Joe plus charter schools as well. God bless each one of you on your future endeavors. Folks lets be positive for the future generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to shut down social media.

Demagogue Donny, aka Dementia Donny, can't be gone soon enough. A failed casino owner reality TV show host isn't up to the task of acting Presidential. Who knew?

Worst President* ever.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the 2020 graduates for all the high schools, TSC and UTRGV. Sorry you missed this final semester, but now its time to move forward; to college, vocational school, to work, to serve the nation or your community or to see the world. Life is good....and its all in front of you. Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Everything you need to know about SpaceX's historic astronaut launch
Yes it just won't happen HERE all he wanted was BOCA CHICA BEACH FOR HIMSELF and OUR self-serving elected officials gave it to him as if belonged to them bola de gueyes...

Anonymous said...

Have fun at homeschool prom 2020.

Anonymous said...

So WHY is there a VACANCY for the head principal at Pace?

Anonymous said...

Time to go work 12 years is a long time to waste doing NOTHING WHAT NO WORK que pinche suerte
