Sunday, May 31, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Sources close to the investigation into the missing $1.3 million payment made by the Brownsville Public Utility Board Finance Department to a vendor through a local bank say that they know where the money is at, but that they have not yet retrieved it.

Concurrently, another source close to the probe of the swindle facilitated by a forged email authorizing the department to redirect the payroll payment to Texas Noble Builders says Bank of America has agreed to reimburse the PUB for the $1.3 million overpayment to Noble in the coming days.

"As far as we know, PUB is getting its money back soon from one of the banks," stated the source who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to comment publicly on the matter. "We'll see in the coming days if they were bullshitting us."

"The money's whereabouts is known," said another source close to the investigators, but would not comment on whether it was locally or out the region or the country."It's not technically a reimbursement," they said. "The criminal investigation continues."

In a nutshell, the PUB administration claims that it was an oversight by a payment processor which is to blame for the release of a $1.3 million payroll payment to Texas Noble Builders after receiving a completed  electronic payment form bearing the alleged signature of Rene Capistran - Texas Noble Builders CEO back in February 11.

The form authorized PUB to instruct its bank – Wells Fargo – to deposit the $1.3 million March 11 payment owed to Noble Builders in a new account at Bank of America instead of Lone State Bank, where Capistran is a bank officer.

That form was received by PUB's ACH employee who then passed it on to another clerk for processing. There was no follow up by anyone on its authenticity, calls to the Bank of America on the account to confirm it, or even a call to Capistran on whether he had indeed  changed accounts. An  internal audit allegedly states that no such security requirements are in place at Finance to prevent it.

But the alleged notice of change of the Noble account to Bank of America was sent to PUB's bank, Wells Fargo, who on the date of payment, March 11 - a month after the February 11 alleged change of banks and accounts - dutifully used ACH to transfer the funds to Bank of America.

That was the morning of March 11. By 4:45 p.m., when Noble Builders called PUB about the $1.3 million it had not received, they were told that the deposit had been made with their new bank and PUB showed them the form allegedly filled and sent by Capistran. Noble Builders immediately notified PUB that Capistran's signature was a forgery.

Attached to the forged authorization form were the account numbers for the firm at Lone Star National Bank and the new account number at Bank of America.

When PUB called Wells Fargo to attempt to stop payment on the transfer after Capistran told them his signature  had been forged, they were told that it was too late and the funds had already been sent to the Bank of America account. Then all hell broke loose.

Once the swindle was discovered, PUB administrator notified the City of Brownsville Police Department and the FBI. The Cameron County District Attorneys' Office has also confirmed to the local daily that they were assisting on the case.

By now, investigators say they know what happened at Bank of America and how its bank officers allowed the withdrawal of the $1.3 million on short notice. By the time they were alerted, the money was gone.


Anonymous said...

Tempest in a teapot.

Anonymous said...

Republican Trump lied and 104,000 Americans died.

Anonymous said...

Go interview Bruciak already, Montoya! Shit, man, confront the guy.

Anonymous said...

REGARDLESS THEY ALL NEED TO GO, GET INDICTED AND SENT TO FLORIDA TO A FED FACILITY WITH THE REST OF LAS RATAS y ese pobresito should file a law suit against all of them and take all of them to the bank.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May 31, 2020 @ 1:17pm
What was Trump's lie? Tell us.

Anonymous said...

Noble ??????

Anonymous said...

La cagas, Juan, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

#walkaway....democrats'!!!!!! Viva Trump....

Anonymous said...

White Mamas, Come Get Your Kids

I’m looking at some of the pictures today of some of these protests (Philly, Chicago, Salt Lake City)...protests which have already started to turn violent.

Look, I don’t know who the parents of all these White kids/young adults that want to pretend that they are protesting over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis but they are helping no one...and definitely not black folks.

And I’m going to be cynical enough to say this now…

These white kids have no “skin” in this game. Any backlash that comes will be visited on black folks and, perhaps, other communities of color…

Then again...maybe these young white adults are learning that their real actions have no real consequence for other words, nothing has changed and nothing will be changing anytime soon...I am fed up with the bullshit now.


Anonymous said...

Today, big-box retail stores are no more a part of the community than fast-food chains. Minneapolis, corporate home of Target, a $77 billion company, is still deeply segregated, and the poverty rate for Black people in the city is more than three times that of white residents. The downtown Minneapolis Target store was built with a public subsidy of $60 million. Nearby Brooklyn Park gave $22 million in tax breaks for Target’s headquarters. In 2015, the company laid off 1,700 people.

Who exactly is looting whom?

Anonymous said...

"Alright, here we go, fifty-six yarder...It has-no, does not have the leg, and Chris Davis takes it out of the back of the endzone, he'll run it out to the ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five 30, 35 40, 45 50, 45! There goes Davis!!! OH, MY GOD!!!! AUBURN'S GONNA WIN THE FOOTBALL GAME!!!!!! AUBURN'S GONNA WIN THE FOOTBALL GAME!!!"

Anonymous said...

Whenever a human being dies while in the custody of any state of our nation, we as a people should mourn. The death of George Floyd, while in the custody of the Minneapolis police, is an outrage that violates the holiest principles on which our nation was founded: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Strict protections in the Bill of Rights exist to protect free citizens from this type of government abuse. It is time that we, as a people, rekindle our earnest desires to be a free people, a people of liberty: one people, regardless of race, who stand and demand accountability when those in authority abuse their power.

I mourn the death of George Floyd. I mourn for those people and communities who have suffered like him, and I mourn that this deplorable act has occurred in the land I love.

Anonymous said...

“What we’re seeing here is the ways in which the vicious legacy of white supremacy manifests in organized hatred, greed and corruption,” West said. “We’re dealing with moral meltdown … We’re witnessing the collapse of the legitimacy of leadership, the political class, the economic class, the professional class. That’s the deeper crisis.”


Anonymous said...

After a night in an underground bunker:

Trump is telling the nation’s governors that most of them are “weak” and calling for tougher crackdowns on violence as protests rage across the nation.

Trump is speaking to governors on a video teleconference with law enforcement and national security officials.

He’s telling them they “have to get much tougher” amid nationwide protests and criticizing their responses, saying: “Most of you are weak.”

And he’s chastising them for failing to use the National Guard more aggressively, saying they’re making themselves “look like fools.”

Attorney General Bill Barr is also on the call and telling governors they have to “dominate” the streets and control, not react to crowds. He’s calling on them to “go after troublemaker” and use “adequate force.”

Anonymous said...

Trump would love an excuse to declare martial law and suspend the elections and civil rights. He has studied Hitler and Goering and other dictators to see how they got power (his first wife said that he kept copies of Hitler's writing by the bedside).

As he shivers & shits himself in the bunker.

Weak little snowflake hiding in his bunker. I heard Melania and Barron were pounding furiously on the door to be let in, but P(ussy)OTUS was too scared to open it.

Anonymous said...

Follow the paper trail

Anonymous said...

Do any of these protesters work? If they were Mexicans protesting they would be in jail, but they are white liberals n that’s ok ...

The Shit Storm is Comin said...

So where is the big mystery?? Capistran either signed the documents to get the money or he didn’t! So does he get a do-over or oops?? The crimes here are serious. Someone needs to stop the pussyfooting around and arrest some people, regardless of their status!
As I understand it,Capistran is closely associated to State Senators?? Do you smell it yet??

Anonymous said...

@ 1939
What a game that was
Go tigers!
Cant stand nick saban!

Anonymous said...

Questionable shootings and killings by police have happened here in the valley y’all don’t have to look that far. I maybe wrong but I don’t remember any protests or gatherings in the valley to question those incidents.

Anonymous said...

Yep like that one BPD officer who pulled over a guy for stealing beer by the college then the officer gun him down because he said he saw a screwdriver wtf.Its on you tube the officer got away with murder imo.
