Thursday, May 21, 2020


Special to El Rrrun-Rrun

In 2012, Graham Sevier-Schultz graduated from college with a B.A. in general interdisciplinary studies and spent the next two years there waiting on tables in Dallas restaurants and cafes.

He married a Dolly Lucio - a Brownsville woman on June 2012 in Dallas who graduated from medical school and became a pediatrician - and in 2015 they came to Brownsville. For the next two years, as she worked at her practice, he sold coffee in city commissioner (and gynecologist) Rose Gowen's Farmers market on Linear Park.

The two women, both members of prominent Brownsville families, quickly established a rapport that carried over to benefit Lucio's husband Sevier.

Finally, in 2017, the couple opened up Seventh and Park Cafe helped along by generous public subsidies facilitated to them by their benefactor Cowen. The city granted Seventh and Park favored "bicycle-friendly" designation and subsidized free advertising for what he hyped as “third wave coffee" cafe serving cappuccinos and latte art and bike-parts store.

Under her auspices and her fellow commissioners, Sevier-Schultz was appointed twice to the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, a Part B sales-tax funds entity that could - and did - pour good money into high-dollar quality-of-life projects like Gowen's bike and hike trails across the city.

Today, Sevier-Schultz - who was waiting in tables and peddling coffee less than five years before - is now the chairman of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, which receives about $5 million in Part A sales-tax receipts annually. He was first appointed to the GBIC in 2019.

Since then, he has entered the pizza business in partnership with City of Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez with his Dodici's parlor and garnered appointments to the two boards through city commission appointments. That, apparently, has made him feel untouchable and he has been overheard saying as much.

No Pizza To Burn, No GBIC Business To Tend To, Graham Sevier ...And during her reelection campaign, Gowen made 7th and Park her unofficial headquarters holding political rallies there.

Now, feeling his oats, he pretty much is acting like a bull in a china shop.

Sevier, apparently a firm believer in spreading the public wealth to well-placed friends, last Friday tried to get the board of the GBIC to fund a $500,000 "loan guarantee" to his biking pal Nick Mitchell-Bennett, the Executive Director of the former Community Development Corporation of Brownsville through a creation called the Community Loan Center for the Rio Grande Valley Multi-Bank.

The loan center's  aim - in Mitchell-Bennett's own words - is trying to thwart finance companies and drive the "payday loan industry out of business." But he needed capital and as they looked around for likely funding sources, they alighted on GBIC's annual $5 million in sales-tax receipts.

There was only one catch: The Type A sales tax - in contrast to Type B - is primarily intended for manufacturing and industrial development and under the legislation that created it can only fund land, buildings, equipment, facilities expenditures, and targeted infrastructure and improvements.

(That's Mitchell-Bennett and Sevier enjoying one of Gowen's hike-and-bike trails decked out in the latest cool-guy cycle gear.)

Things like restaurants and lending schemes are not included in the approved funding categories by the State of Texas.

But GBIC records of the February 20 meeting indicate that Russel Gallahan, of the Texas Comptroller’s Office, made a presentation to the board - including Sevier - where he explained the legal parameters of what expenditures could be made with the Type A Tax Code funds.

The intent, Gallahan explained then, was to bring Industrial Primary Jobs that would then bring “new” money into the economy. The focus on small business, loans, etc., only creates a circulation of local money, he said, and no new money is introduced into the economy.

The Type A Tax Code is clear in that the boards can only fund projects that create primary jobs in specific industries that represent certain North America Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes.

The NAICS, he explained, assigns a code or a number to all industries. The Texas Type A Tax Code lists those NAICS codes. Restaurants, service industry, loans, etc., are not on the NAICS list for Texas Type A primary jobs.

But the words of an economic development expert meant nothing to Sevier.

Undaunted, he and his biking pal Mitchell-Bennett justified GBIC fronting the loan center the $500,000 as a strategy at "employee retention" and as a way to attract new employers to the area once they knew that the workers could have a source of funds (loans) to keep them working.

Sevier's actions surrounding the Friday meeting speak volumes.

The regular GBIC meeting was usually held this Thursday every month (today), so calling a meeting on the Friday before (last week) at 10 a.m. seemed a bit odd to members. And he did not provide board members with details of the proposal in the usual backup package provided them for individual items on the agenda. Mitchell-Bennett would fill in the gaps.

Additionally, the four other action items were placed on the Friday agenda by the chair was without consultation with any other members. They dealt with the creation of new projects which would have further encumbered the GBIC's budget.

EL RRUN RRUN: IS MAYOR HOPING TO PREVENT BEDC AUDIT RELEASE?Under former Mayor Tony Martinez, the GBIC was forced to loan the city $1 million each year from its $5 million in sales-tax receipts toward the building of the new terminal expansion at the Brownsville-South Padre Island International Airport.

Characteristic of the Martinez administration, a project scheduled to cost $35 million ballooned to almost $60 million through change orders and steering work to the mayor's camaradas.

 (That's Martinez decked out in bike gear during a jaunt to Colombia with the former BEDC director Sandra Langley - now on the board of the PUB - and a Colombian guide.) 

The GBIC, whose annual take will be curtailed this year because of lowered revenue due to the airport and now the commercial downturn caused by the COVID-19 crisis, could be strapped to meet its obligations on projects already being funded.

In a way, Sevier's petulance might have worked to GBIC's advantage because when the loan guarantee to Mitchell-Bennett was denied, Sevier cancelled three other items he had placed on the agenda that - if passed - would have obligated the GBIC's budget to fund them into the future. Will he wait to have make sure he has a board majority before reintroducing them?

Last Friday, an obviously miffed Sevier also cancelled today's meeting.

So there you have it.

A board which manages a $5 million annual economic development budget is now saddled with a former waiter and current coffee, and bike-parts salesman who is imposing his "vision" and "strategy" over a staff that includes a CEO hired after a national search and paid $250,000 a year to lead  the organization.

Forget the messenger. Listen to the message.

Brownsville is in competition with our neighboring cities for good-paying manufacturing and skilled professional jobs that will raise all boats. One can almost hear the raucous laughter ringing from  north and west of Olmito.

We squandered precious years when the Brownsville Economic Development Council executive committee hired Jason Hilts as CEO, a man without a proven track record who turned out to be an inept, dishonest, self-dealing grifter whose only "qualifications" for the position were a suave flattery with which he stroked politicians' egos and an ability to paint his failures as a necessary step toward a promised economic nirvana that was always just over the horizon.

And now we have this?

By being satisfied with this standard, the city's leadership is sending the message that they are content to have politically-connected, self-serving sycophants occupy critically important positions on boards like the GBIC whose function is to guide the economic development of the city and its future.


Anonymous said...

And to add to that a pinche gringo with a wanna be white coco and their party of ratas de brownsville tedejas bola de putos.

Anonymous said...

So you mean 95% of the southmost citizens can run the GBIC undercover operations?



Anonymous said...

Sevier-Shultz should be removed. He is clearly over his head and has no idea what the function of GBIC is!!!

That's what you get when you place pals of pals on a board, Ben Neece. Neece was doing Mayor Mendez a favor by nominating Mendez's pizza business partner to this post and now we have a complete amateur handling that money?

Say it ain't so, Ben.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why these pinches cocos still have to kiss a white ass. Do they really dispice themselves for being meskin????

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU Elrrunrrun for your awesome reporting talent and keeping us little people informed of these corrupt men. Grahm Sevier, Trey Mendez, Ben Neece, Nick Bennet, Rose Gowen, Jessic T. Kalifa should ALL BE VOTED OUT AND INDICTED. We have an economy that is struggling desperately to survive. While these self serving politicians and Board Member are day and night building SCAMS to enrich themselves. They think we Hispanics and Mexicans deserve to live in Povertity while they take our money to live Rich. They think we Mexicans should be satisfies with Corn Tortillas and Beans with Rice. We should be able to survive with Free Food Bank donations, while they eat steak and drink expensive Wine.

They biggest disapointment is Trey Mendes,( Formely Known as Juan Mendez, which is his birth name) whom is now the Brownsville, TX Mayor. How can anyone know that Trey Mendez would be a sell out and betray his people for 30 pieces of silver? Trey Mendez should now be called Judas Iscartiot Trey Mendez

Anonymous said...

Juan remember, its who you know and not what you know to do business in Brownsville and move ahead. El que no TRansa No Avansa.

Anonymous said...

Republicans remain noncommittal on more aid as millions more file for unemployment.
Thank your racist republican party if you lose your home or no longer get your unemployment check and you can forget about another stimulus check to help you and your family and children.

Anonymous said...

Another political parasite...keep voting in the local family crooks. Otro pendejo con tradicion de Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

This dude married into smarts he's riding mommies coat tails now he thinks he's somebody cause he's on a board.,man many are tired of Gowen and the ex-Mayor Martinez's bullchit!!

Anonymous said...

New Quinnipiac national poll:

Biden 50%
Trump 39%

Anonymous said...

Sometimes doing the right thing also happens to be the politically smart thing. Republicans don't really have the luxury of knowing what that's like anymore, but Democrats do. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer know the right thing to do is to honor the tens of thousands of Americans who have lost their lives to the devastating plague sweeping the country.

Pelosi and Schumer formally requested Thursday that American flags at public buildings be flown at half staff when the nation reaches the grim milestone of losing 100,000 people to coronavirus. At the time of this writing Thursday morning, total U.S. deaths sit at a little over 95,000.

Anonymous said...

10% commission on $5 million is lots of

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe estos idiotas can not give a young educated meskin a chance to advance they need to go, they need to be investigated, they need to be indicted and they ALL need to go to JAIL.. pinches ratas mamones cocos.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but bull shit to give a gringo waiter, a coffee grinder, a gofer, a dish washer, a floor sweeper a big job without no experience at all. All these self-serving elected officials need to go but straight to JAIL...

Anonymous said...

juan this type of funding for loans is not an eligible activity for any type A or B EDC Corporation as per the state comptroller website. Can these guys on the GBIC board know how to read? if not check the websites, plus don't they have an attorney on board? What a bunch or Morons.

Anonymous said...

Nick’s going to run CDCB to the ground! Pinche white trash!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to do an open records request on 7th and Parks sales tax records. Guy can’t even manage is own coffee shop.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why does the Farmers Market utilizes the Gutierrez warehouse to store their staff? This warehouse is city property and should not be used by anyone especially if they are making money at taxpayers expense. Now that the former Jackson Feed building is gone, you can expect that the city is going to invest tax money to benefit business owners.

Anonymous said...

Graham is a PUSSY

Anonymous said...

Brownsville voters, please remember not to elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation" bullshit on personal homes. Persons with this designation should not be in public office since they don't pay a penny on property taxes, they should be setting the example for their constituents and be paying their fair share. Enough is enoug, keep this in mind when the time comes for elections.

Anonymous said...

Facil guys! White guy marries a valley girl. Bike shop plus trails equals Gowen's favor. "Silent" partner with the mayor. Appointed to all the right boards though his lack in knowledge. Thats how it works, babozos.

The guy isn't worth a lick and has no business being on that board. That's how it works, babozos!

Anonymous said...

I thought Mayor Trey Mendez said he wasn't going to put up with Shenanigans? We are looking to see what you are going to do Trey. We are watching to see if you will coward to money and power or stand up for the Poor People of Brownsville, TX? Will you be the Man your Dad taught you be, or will you be the Elite Prostitute?

Anonymous said...

Alomejor son maricones y les gustan los gringos

Anonymous said...

That dude sounds like a major douche bag who married for money

Anonymous said...

I trust a PayDay loan more than I trust Mitchell-Bennett. Look into his activities and you will see. GBEC is and will always be a corrupt joke.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would anyone even entertain helping someone like Mitchell-Bennett? Both Mitchell-Bennett and his wife have unfavorable views of Hispanics, specifically those in reside in the RGV. Both look down on “our kind,” feel superior, and somehow think that their presence in our community will save us from ourselves. If Mitchell-Bennett believes he is superior and we are beneath him, he shouldn’t try to bite the hand that feeds him. Arghh!

Anonymous said...

Thats it! im taking my tax dollars elsewhere
Mcallen, mercedes, harlingen
Port isabel and los fresnos here i come
Lets all do the same
The stores are cleaner and less crowded there anyways
Just avoid Ross. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

It's not what you know but who you know in this corrupt city goverment.

Anonymous said...

It's not what you know but who you know in this corrupt city goverment.

Anonymous said...

Damn Juan, I've only read half of the story and will assure you I will read the rest, but DAMN !!! Your Back, hell ! you've never been gone. Keep kicking Ass.

Anonymous said...

Just so you all know Graham isnt 6 foot or anything...its just that he looks tall in that picture standing next to that weazel Mendez. Has Trey come out yet? If not, he should....its 2020 already, we are all over it.

Anonymous said...

McAllen musicians serenade local firefighters y aqui que?

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of millions of dollars in unemployment funds were lost to fraud even as jobless claims soar.

SOUNDS FAMILIAR but this pendemic seems to be permanent and everywhere. The one here is carry by a few family members only and we know who they are...

Anonymous said...

Latinos nearly 3 times as likely to know a victim of COVID-19: POLL down here its 100% we all know the real question is "DO WE CARE"?

Anonymous said...

I agree that shit needs to change in Cameron County and it needs to starts with our so called LOCAL POLITICAL wanna bees. This coercion and cover-up corrupt setting up ducks has been going on for centuries. In the 1800's Charles Stillman, Miffin Kennedy, Richard King set this plan to take control and gain power in this very same County. These so called corrupt political leaders set a precedent in our so called corrupt judicial system to kill, manipulation, and steal our Porciones and land grants from the true heirs. A great example is the voting issues, check how hard our so called leaders are trying to make sure mail-in voting continues. Even going against and order by Ken Paxton, the question is what are they trying to conceive and cover-up? Are these mail-in voters legal or illegal? How many of these mail-in voters are using their ITIN visas? Some of these ITIN visa holders are Mexican citizens allowed by the LOCAL political leaders to vote in U.S. My question is can a United States Citizen go to Mexico and Vote for the Mexican President?

Anonymous said...

Business as usual. Incompetent and corrupt people in charge of everything. It seems to be a part of the culture and it will never change. Bitch all you want, it is still going to happen.

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago, this Sevier young man went before the city commission by way of their virtual meeting. I must say that it was utterly embarrassing to see an "educated businessman" address the commission, with his cap facing backwards and dressed down in a t-shirt. Past that, he could not get his point across to save one's life.

Maybe it is just me, times have changed and my age showing. Business school days at Georgetown taught me a lot. But by the time I got there, my father had taught me about presentation and respect. He would always say, "poor but proud".

Anonymous said...

Shultz i know nothing just likes Hogans Heroes.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should appoint Arturo Trevino to the GBIC. He's smart, articulate, hard working and honest. Everything he does is for the good of the community and not for personal gain.

Former RGV LEO said...

Again, political favoritism, nepotism and down right corruption at is best! But then again, only in Brownsville!

Hey, can anybody tell me where I can cash a check and look at furniture at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Just another bottom feeding leach living off of the slime that is left over from the bigger leaches.

Anonymous said...

McAllen musicians serenade local firefighters: here it would be serenade the corrupt elected officials including the ones in JAIL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sevier thinks he’s Brownsville’s savior because he’s married to a doctor and he’s white. Has anyone noticed how he and his wife are always being interviewed resulting in free advertising? Both must have degrees in brown nosing, only thing they are good at.

Anonymous said...

patrons of this coffe shop park right across the strret on city parking areas, how convieinent for this business to have ample parking at taxpayers expense. Where is code enforcement so that this abuse stops?

Anonymous said...

NO RESPECT who ever appointed this bozo should RESIGN immediately he shows no respect to the community he should be kicked out BOTH OF THEM!!!!
Where is the ethics committee? where is the FBI???

Anonymous said...

Put him on the appraisal district where he can do more damage! of that board that exempts property taxes to elected officials, or just sent him back to dallas

Anonymous said...

I saw this guy riding his bike without a seat.

Anonymous said...

"educated businessman" AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE? A waiter, a floor sweeper a mamon an educated businessman? what am I missing here. Oh its another white ass kisser that posted that statement.. otro pinche coco

Anonymous said...

I heard that with the newly or about to be indicted and later convicted persons, they will be able to make TWO complete football teams in the Feds holding facilities (11 on each team)and ALL from brownsville texas. One team will be named Los Del condado and the other one Los De La Ciudad, bisd is next...

Anonymous said...

Whatever but he needs to go with his cronys and ccos y cocas lol juanM y rosaZ hahahaha gringo y gringa. MAS MESKINS QUE NADA PINCHES CULOS

Anonymous said...

Todo esto es solamente un putero nada mas y nada menos.

Anonymous said...

The FBI needs to investigate the connections between these businesses and the elected officials involved for any fraud or illegal activities. FBI do it now

Anonymous said...

On the pic Non of them knwo how to ride a bike bola de babosos

Anonymous said...

Focus on the entire GBIC system.
There are some success stories too.
All is well compared to other local mishaps.
Maybe we should spend out efforts trying to recoup
the 23 million for the Port bridge.
Or try to uncork the money lost to Tenaska.
Others have done well with Tenaska.
How did we get the short edge of the stick.

Anonymous said...

just bottom feeders that came up for some air and impressed the cocos of this city.

Anonymous said...

FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show how all of you listen to basically anything on the internet. Clowns!

Anonymous said...

and the parking? puros pinche mamones...

Anonymous said...

The astros are a professional cheatin' team estoy gueyes son idiotas
