Saturday, May 30, 2020


SpaceX's Falcon 9 explosion likely caused by breached helium ...
By Juan Montoya

Why is everyone so surprised?

Oh, admittedly, the fireball that obliterated the Starship prototype out at Boca Chica was quite a blast. It has so far beat anything that Elon Musks' outfit has put together out in the mud flats.

And you should get used to it. That is about as good as it's going to get.

Why do we say that?

You see, despite the hype put out by the shovel full by former Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez and ex-Brownsville Economic Development Corporation huckster Gilbert Salinas, the vaunted vertical commercial satellite launch site that would bring 600 good-paying jobs at $75,000 each and scientific knowledge that will uplift the masses in Las Prietas, Southmost and even Laureles, is never coming.

EL RRUN RRUN: MARTINEZ AND BILLIONAIRE PAL MUSK: THE FUTURE IS HEREAnd despite the fact that the facts on the ground shown them to have been wrong, both are still dishing out the hype. Martinez told Border Report that:

"The City of Brownsville put up $5 million, the State of Texas put in $15 million, 5 acres of land was donated from the nearby port, and the University of Texas Rio-Grande Valley added $10 million to begin a STARGATE program, which stands for Spacecraft Tracking and Astronomical Research facility. That facility is located about one mile from the launch pad.

'It was a community effect of everybody putting into this and that’s the beauty of the deal because everybody is now invested in this,'Martinez said.

EL RRUN RRUN: SALINAS, HERALD, LOWER SPACEX EXPECTATIONS,"Gilberto Salinas, who was the executive vice president of the BEDC at the time they were trying to get SpaceX here, said Friday that the company created 500 jobs (where?) for the region and paid back the $5 million to the City of Brownsville in less than four years. He said the economic prospects the facility brings are as limitless as the stars in the sky."

Beto and Tone, pleeeeze! SpaceX abandoned that idea when they got an alternate land-use plan approved by the FAA to build a test facility instead.

So don't start saving your pennies to purchase your kid a space suit so he and future Brownsville generations will star hop through the galaxies. It ain't gonna happen.

In fact, it was never meant to happen.

What SpaceX and Musk wanted – and got – was a backwater engine test site where they can fail on land so that when they put together their invention on a launch pad in at Cape Canaveral it will have a better than average chance that it won't go up in flames there.

In fact, it is an engine test site much like a junkyard of spare parts where Musk can put together engines under a strong mesquite and see if it will run. If it works, good. If it doesn't, well that's good too. If it breaks apart, well, now you know what won't work and you don't repeat the mistake.

That, in a nutshell, is all Boca Chica will amount to. That is, in fact, all that SpaceX and Musk wanted: a place where they can try stuff out and if it doesn't work, try something else. By this measure, the explosion that obliterated the prototype there was a complete success. Now they know that what they had wasn't going to work.

“We've got a lot of land with nobody around, so if it blows up, it's cool,” Musk said

You see, the local yokels plunked down good bond money (which local taxpayers will keep paying for years to come) for an amphitheater and infrastructure across the ship channel to view the fireworks in the mistaken notion that they would be able to cash in on the tourists coming to watch satellites being launched step by step until Musk could start colonizing Mars. From Boca Chica. puts it this way: "The company's first prototype, the Starship Mk1, was destroyed during a pressure test in November 2019. Its successor SN1 was lost in a similar test in February. The next iteration, SN2, successfully passed the pressure test in March. The SN3 prototype, meanwhile, collapsed during testing in April. Musk later said that leaky valves were the culprit and that it would be fixed on the next vehicle.

The Starship SN4 was by far the longest-lived and most-tested Starship prototype to date. (Yesterday's) static-fire engine test was the fifth for the vehicle, the most of any to date.

SpaceX was already building another Starship prototype, the SN5, at the time of the SN4 failure. That vehicle will likely take center stage for the company's next round of tests."

TechCrunch concurs: "This is why space companies test frequently and stress test vehicles during development — to ensure that the final operational vehicles are incredibly safe and reliable when they need to be.

SpaceX is already working on additional prototypes, including assembling SN5 nearby in Boca Chica, so it’s likely to resume its testing program quickly once it can clear the test stand and move in the newest prototype."

Boca Chica has become what your shade tree mechanics needs: a site for the trial and error necessary to make a working space ship. Not to launch one, mind you. But to see what works and what will explode or collapse.

What would space tourist see if they came in by the thousands generating million for the local economy and putting "heads in beds," thrusting a Southmost scientist toward Mars, etc... and putting Brownsville on the technological frontiers? If SpaceX is successful in its tests (of whatever nature it is) the gawkers will see nothing.

There will be no launch, and no rocket disappearing into the clouds. Nada. Noting. Zilch. That's because the part being tested survived and passed the test successfully. The only thing visible  through their binoculars will be an upright craft.

The final pieces of the eventual craft will be assembled somewhere else and placed on a launch pad in Florida after all the parts have been put together and put men on the space station, around the moon, or – and this is the Musk pie-in-the sky – Mars.

So get used to the fact that Boca Chica is like the very tip of the Musk's SpaceX coat tails. Failures like the one here yesterday assures success over there. 


Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that all of the people who push to keep the economy shut down are still collecting their large paychecks? They have no skin in the game or empathy for small business and the employees they had to lay off. Maybe they should give up their pay until they open the economy. I think that might give them a sense of urgency.

These are the same people who will increase our taxes dramatically over the next few years to pay for their policy that cost millions of dollars in loss of tax revenue. Latest estimate is showing a $6 billion shortfall on tax revenue. The same people who are taking the hit today will take it again under the guise of duty to pay for all this lost revenue.

Anonymous said...

They could have done that in the appalachian mountains but there is no beach and no gulf there. So that makes it more inviting to create an elistist haven for the rich and famous of the world and maybe martians too.
That has always been the secret plan - but the self-serving babosos here have and will never see the (mars?) LIGHT. PINCHE PENDEJOS


Anonymous said...

Let the city spent another couple of million dollars to built a bike trail to the explosion site to view the pretty flames.


Anonymous said...

In the time of coronavirus, who cares! Do a story on the failing flea market. That one hits closer to home.

Anonymous said...

That space ship looks like the one we seen on "Lost in Space" in the 1960s. Another useless program like Tiran tire company that promised so many jobs and ended in bankruptcy in a short few years. They are just taking advantage of our weak elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Pandemic, like any storm, reunites us with the limits of our control. I can put a sign on the door announcing our isolation, order groceries online, wear a mask when I venture out for a walk, but I have no control over the actions of others, or global supply chains.

The embrace of the virus is far more ardent than my attempts to rebuke it. It could attach to the packages of groceries, I’m told, or to the wake of the heavy breathing jogger on the path ahead. Similarly, I can skip the booze and soft cheese, take vitamins and avoid deadlifting the couch, but I can no more control my final outcome than I can will the atomic assemblage of my earlobe or fingernail...

Anonymous said...

Los pendejos de Cascos, Martinez, and rest will suffer in hell for selling their soul to SpaceX! Does anyone knows anyone who works there? And I don't mean a janitorial position!

Anonymous said...

Nos picaron los ojos
Y a algunos(as) politicos (as) la cola!

Anonymous said...

Exactly correct. NASA management told me in 2014 when I asked: "it's a training and test facility at Boca Chica. SpaceX is a suborbital contractor, among others, and has no path to Mars. NASA is going to Mars and we have not selected contractors

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind thought Boca Chica was a launch site?? Buhara, incompetency to bring actual jobs and opportunities to the people of the valley. Lets be honest, everyone working those installations are outsourced workers outside the valley.

Anonymous said...

with the help of the cocos of course...

Anonymous said...

Forever White bobdylan, ooops its forever young so sooorrrry

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan it sure sounds like it, danger will robinson, yes lost in space indeed, i beleive its a little bit too close for comfort with all those residents at kapernick shores dont you think, Safety above all or les vale?

Anonymous said...

@10:03 Callate lo cico pinche mojado Coco hillbilly jotito parrot!Pinche cotoro joto!

Anonymous said...

The only thing I think you got wrong in this posting is the name of the beach. You called it Boca Chica Beach. The correct name is Elon Musk Beach. He seems to have complete control over the beach. He gets to say when we can go there, how long we can stay and even how much of state highway 4 we are allowed to use. Do you remember in the original agreement between the county and SpaceX there were to be no closures on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays? Has that agreement been amended? Or does it just not matter?

Anonymous said...

lo cico? pinche mamon, estupido es "osico", idiota!
