Thursday, May 14, 2020



Anonymous said...

Went to see PT 109 at the Capitol, in summer 1963. I was 7 years old.

Anonymous said...

Rose Gowen should go test the homeless people herself. Then give them free food and a bike to get a job while losing weight. Arturo Trevinion could donate avocados and bikes from Mr. Amigo Association and have the people from St. Joseph Academy go to feed them and on the way pick up Hand Sanitizer from Nuga Diesel, because the are TRUE CHRISTIANS.

Anonymous said...

Trump uses Dept. of Justice as his own:

Eminent lawyers stood beside disgraced General Michael Flynn when he confessed twice in open court to felonies. He allocated to crimes for which charges were dropped in a plea deal. Given this robust record of criminality, the Injustice Department's action raises obvious questions:

Will Republican senators, notably lawyers Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander and Ted Cruz, at long last stand up for the rule of law.? Or will they continue as moral jellyfish – blind, spineless and floating aimlessly in the waves of chaos and corruption flowing from the Trump White House?

Will Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorize House investigative hearings into Trump violating his oath to "faithfully execute" the duties of his office and endangering our national security?

If Trump persists with his refusal to cooperate with all House investigations, will Pelosi exercise the House's Constitutional power to arrest recalcitrant witnesses? That includes Barr. If appropriate, try them and upon conviction incarcerate them for contempt of Congress and other crimes.

Will Joe Biden pledge that if elected his Justice Department will pursue fully the Russian connections to Trump and his campaign? We need to find out why Team Trump has worked so diligently to hide the truth.

If Trump wins, all is lost. Vote Biden!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump wishes he could replace Dr. Anthony Fauci with the podiatrist who helped him avoid serving in the Vietnam War, Trump said on Thursday.

Speaking to reporters, Trump disparaged Fauci by arguing that he is not “half the doctor” that his former podiatrist was.

“You tell Tony to do something, and he says he has to look at a bunch of numbers and charts first, and even then he maybe doesn’t do what you told him to,” Trump complained. “You asked my foot doctor in Queens to say I had bone spurs and, boom, ten minutes later you got the note.”

If his podiatrist were still alive, Trump said, “I would tell him that the country was at war with coronavirus, and he would get me out of it, no questions asked.”

He also questioned whether Fauci was as medically qualified as his former podiatrist. “An epidemiologist like Tony specializes in just one thing,” Trump said. “A podiatrist has to know about both feet. That’s twice as much knowledge, medically speaking.”

Trump grew emotional as he recalled the “unbelievable service” that his beloved podiatrist performed for him. “That doctor saved lives,” he said.

Anonymous said...

The coronavirus:


After exposure to the virus, it can take three to five days for someone to feel sick, and many infected people won’t have symptoms or only mild ones. Some with mild illness might delay getting tested. It can take another few days to get test results back and report them. All told, it can take two weeks or so — the time for one group of people to spread the virus to another — to have enough testing data. Crystal Watson of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said it will take a few rounds of infection spread — five to six weeks — to know how reopening has affected epidemic curves.


Ideally, investigators would call people who test positive, track down their contacts and get them into quarantine before they can spread the virus to others. There’s evidence the coronavirus can spread before people feel sick, making it important to act quickly. States are just starting to expand their ability to do this contact tracing. Without adequate testing and contact tracing, returning to restrictions or a lockdown might be necessary if there is a surge in infections.

Anonymous said...

Downtowns dead!
Where is tony martinez now
Laughing his way to the bank
Along with galonsky

Anonymous said...

you're still 7

Anonymous said...

AT: May 14, 2020 at 1:13 PM

You forgot commissioner from the el gran southmost
area to help the downtown citizens, since she's willing to help any where except her area.

Anonymous said...

No chinguen con Arturo Trevino. If you do you'll have to deal with me.

Eliseo Davila

Anonymous said...

Onta el cheque Pat?
