Saturday, May 9, 2020


Did you by any chance visit the HEB on Paredes last Monday? Your wife or husband? Or perhaps one of the kids? 

You may have been - if not exposed - then in close proximity to an HEB employee who tested positive for COVID-19. There's no telling how many days they worked among the general public before they tested positive. But who could it have been?

The press release doesn't say whether the worker who tested positive is male or female, or what shifts this worker covered before it was detected. Was he or she at the registers? Or maybe stocking in the aisles? At the produce or meat section? (They have a good produce section there. Stuff from all over as well as customers from all over).

In the loading dock? Where would he or she have contact with the public? At the pharmacy, maybe?

HEB says it "notified" the other employees who worked with their sick co-worker. They also say they sanitized the store. Does that imply that the rest of the workers will be tested before they return to work? And if there is a cost, will HEB pay for it?

Here's another thought. What if the virus hopped a ride with someone who was in the store at the time and went back home without them knowing? Maybe you?

Welcome to the new normal. It's not over. Protect yourself.


Anonymous said...

Since leaving office in January 2017, Barack Obama, America’s favorite president, has been remarkably diplomatic when speaking about the orange monster who took his place after losing the 2016 popular vote but gaming the Electoral College. A living embodiment of the “if you can’t say nothin’ nice, don’t say nothin’ at all” rule, Obama’s previous public critiques of Donald Trump have been works of art, crafted with the good manners, dry wit, and great word choice we’ve come to expect from the cherished.

His private comments, on the other hand, are something entirely different.

In a private call with former staffers Friday night, Obama pulled no punches. In addition to blasting Trump’s continued failures in the federal response to the COVID-19 crisis, which he called “an absolute chaotic disaster,” Obama also tackled the cultural shifts that have surfaced during Trump’s first term, noting dangerous trends toward selfishness and tribalism.

He also said the DOJ's dropping of chares against ex-Trump advisor Michael Flynn was a risk to the rule of law.

Obama's eloquence is sorely needed as America plunges ahead rudderless u der self-serving Trump.

Anonymous said...

"Stuff from all over" - ha ha ha

Well, where do you one it all to come from - one place?

Ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

No wonder HEB left the downtown store. You all are too-uneducated, too-unsophisticated, too-cagapalo, too-llorones to have such a store. Without food stamps, you wouldn't have HEB!

Maybe that's your next story.

Anonymous said...

these are called community transmissiins
thisnis why we shud stay home
who cares that Texas is open
shop online
brace yourselves
2nd wave in route

Anonymous said...

Pero temenos que andar en la calle! Stay home and relax! Clean house for once and cook for the family. Sacate los piojos o picate la nariz, pero
quedate en la casa! No andes de cola parade!

Anonymous said...

damn mesicans
have u seen the bridge lines?
as soon as they get 1 day off
they all run to the mother land

Anonymous said...

Come on Juan! Go Check yourself. With all the bars you hung around right before the quarantine started, I bet you picked up the corona virus and you are doing okay. So stop trying to alarm people with the HEB employee testing positive. I bet even some doctors and nurse have been infected with the corona virus and that are symptom free. They are okay. Not everyone is affected in a deadly manner from the corona virus.
Ya deja de asustar gente Juanillo!

Anonymous said...

Thats the store that made 8 million dollars in a day last week. Kiss it good bye people. Check your insurance coverage see if it covers funeral cost!!!
The city is getting ready to dig trenches for you people that can't cover funeral cost. STAY AT HOME BOLA DE PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

11:14 I do hope that the time does not come for you to suddenly become scared of this virus. No one knows when and if, but when we refuse to accept facts and pretend it does not exist, the problems start. Just like Trump - refuse to accept it until it hits your family? Hopefully not, but it could happened.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Anonymous said...

Shame on HEB. I went there on Tuesday. If I had known, I would have CHOSE NOT to go to that store and instead go to another store. How dare HEB put its customers at risk by failure to inform and instead put their PROFITS first.

Law + Order said...

All the drama is unbelievable! Its a virus, it transmits, it is not deadly to over 99% of the population. If you catch it you will recover.

Also, Obama was a eloquent speaker, but certainly not my favorite President.

Anonymous said...

HEB fly in the meat and now the virus in the store!!! I'm now shopping at Lopez's or Globo!!!

Anonymous said...

That's the HEB on 802 where all the white people go. Good Luck honkys

Anonymous said...

9:49, please stop it with the facts. We Mexicans are driven by emotions not facts

Anonymous said...

@ May 9, 2020 at 4:42 PM

You always write so eloquently J.P.

Obama was not everyone's favorite President. Trump is not everyone's favorite either, but it is factually inaccurate to blame the woes of the world on one person.

Anonymous said...

@ May 9, 2020 at 4:42 PM

You always write so eloquently J.P.

Obama was not everyone's favorite President. Trump is not everyone's favorite either, but it is factually inaccurate to blame the woes of the world on one person. Try picking on someone your own size Hans Brinker you alone cannot keep the water back.

Anonymous said...

How are things in Mexico? When I get the virus I want to be in a hospital there. I hear Cuba has great health care as well. Things are going well in Africa, no problems they say. Get a life shit happens, or lock yourself in a dark room, that way there won't be a PUB bill!
