Wednesday, June 3, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: To their discredit, the administration and board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District had posted a YouTube video of the graduation ceremonies of River H.S. before class president Daniela V. knelt during the singing of the national anthem in protest against discrimination and violence by police against black americans. 

We had earlier obtained a screenshot taken by a student before we were able to acquire an original one of the YouTube post that was taken down. So far, Daniela has received more encouragement from commenters than has the squirrely administration and board members. Keep the faith, Daniela!

We have also heard from other sources that at least 10 students in other - non-posted - graduation ceremonies joined her in solidry with her statement. There is hope for free speech in Brownsville and it seems now that the child has turned out to be the father of the man. )


Anonymous said...

Once in awhile the BISD board gets things right.

Anonymous said...

Well,well well School district couldn't control the children. Ha! I'm glad she did want she did, finally someone has the fortitude to do something about the injustice that is happening and she was able to show up BISD at the same time!! AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder this country is going downhill and the Brownsville stays the same. Sheeple everywhere. A class president that can't think for herself. Did she complain 2 years ago, when BISD "invested" 1.4 million in the scoreboard? Nahh that's not trendy and cool. Hell, how about the 1.3 million stolen from PUB about a month ago? Nahh that's not trendy nor cool either. Or how about the lack of real content on public school history textbooks on on all the massacres that happened to Mexicans here in the valley after the mexican-american war? Not cool and trendy either... They rather fight for a community that doesn't even care about them ... :/

Anonymous said...

Brave young women and men. I hope they carry on and save us from ourselves. It renews my faith and hope and I was about out of both.

Anonymous said...

This president will NEVER be known as the "law and order" president. Not in any world, not on any level.

He will forever be known as the president who abides by NO laws himself and who had a heavily armed personal militia shoot rubber bullets, toss flash-bang grenades and tear gas cannisters, and use mace against a group of law-abiding, law-protected, peaceful protestors and medics in order to clear a way for him to stage a photo op in front of a church he does not attend brandishing a Bible he does not read or follow.

/DP-M said...

To my fellow vets, this is exactly what we served - and fought - for, the right to question our government and the right to disagree. Be glad she is doing what many many adults in Brownsville will never do, mainly because they are either insecure or do not wish to exhibit their full citizenry.

Taking a knee is expressing dismay.

She is entitled to that...

Anonymous said...

@10:53 your Anonymous remember. We don't know who you are. She stood up in front of classmates and a School District who had warned her not to do it. That my friend takes fortitude. Your still hide behind your ghost writing. Complain all you want about the PUB and the local stuff but stand behind what you write and put your name out so we can know who this great hero is. Coward.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:03

Sign your name, cowboy.

Anonymous said...

@12:03 pm Where did I say she lacks fortitude? She excercised her right to disagree and did it publicly. But still doesn’t change the fact that she’s doing it because it’s trendy and cool. So are you implying that we should focus on national events instead of the local stuff, things that affects us directly. Sheeple. By the way aren’t you anonymous too haha

Jorge Garza

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:03 PM Comment well said about Anonymous 10:53. I am glad that you are willing to defend a young girl who wasn't afraid to demonstrate her given rights. In regards to Anonymous 10:53, you could not have said it better.

Anonymous said...

The undercurrent here is the gringos and cocos are afraid that the current young latinos are more involved than before. ITS ABOUT TIME

Anonymous said...

@5:19 Nunca falta que el pendejo Coco hillbilly jotito parrot habla con mamadas! Shout your beak idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

