Thursday, June 11, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Following the Sept. 28, 1859 takeover of Brownsville by Juan N. Cortina, the city fathers begged the state and federal government for help claiming he was preparing to raze the town to the ground unless help was forthcoming immediately. In his letter to the people  of New Orleans, Mayor Stephen Powers, one of the men Cortina blamed for abusing local Mexicans and scheming to take their land, wrote the newspapers there begging for assistance. In his letter, he exposes the opinion many of the American founders of the city held toward local Mexicans.)

From The Baton Rouge TriWeekly

To the people of New Orleans:

Our town being considered in great danger of destruction by the large force of the enemy now known to be in this vicinity, the roads being blockaded, the mails on all the routes leading to and from the interior of the state being daily seized...It was resolved that the chairman of the meeting be authorized to invite assistance from New Orleans; that 100 well-armed men would be sufficient, in cooperation with our present forces, for the present protection of the town until the troops from the interior of Texas shall arrive.

It was also considered that inasmuch as large expenses have already been made by our citizens, and the city itself being utterly impoverished, it would be impossible for the expense, either of  the armamment or subsistence of these men, to be defrayed here. We therefore solicit this aid, if thus to be obtained.

Stephen Powers, 
Mayor of Brownsville and
Chairman of Committee of Safety
Brownsville Nov. 2, 1859 10 a.m.

(P.S.) Since I wrote you this morning, I have heard that Cortinas is making his arrangements to march on Brazos and Point Isabel. This may be true or not... 

The thinking class of Mexicans well know that a day of retaliation will assuredly come, and from  that cause extend us the aid they have done. Strip the Mexicans of the interest they possess on our side of the river, and there is not a man of them that but would rejoice at our humiliating position.

No man here knows better than myself the feelings of Mexicans toward the Americans on the Rio Grande. I have as good, or perhaps better, facilities for knowing them than any other person here. 

They have always  been treated as inferiors and they know it. They know we are a superior race in every way. There never was and never can be, any affinity between the two nations. 

I will close by saying that what I have written is no idle rumor. The matter has been discussed in Cortinas' camp, to my private  knowledge. Our government has not got a guard to protect their property here or at Brazos.

There is now a large amount of government powder in the magazine here, and the only reason I can assign that Cortinas has not taken the possession of the government and city magazines is from our putting forth a little ruse, in the way of a secret which has gotten through into his camp, that a train was laid to blow them both up - that there was a secret spring attached to the doors and if tampered with would ignite the powder.

They believe this and let the magazines alone. One thing in regard to this outbreak here is that the truth has never been told. Immediately after the massacre here, the people were paralyzed - they didn't know how far this matter extended, as our town was, and now is, deserted by all the better class of Mexicans and a super abundance of pelados. 

We didn't know whose turn would come next as we begin to count our number and found we could not number over 40 Americans here, and not exceeding 100 in the first three counties, Cameron Hidalgo and Starr.

Cortinas, after the massacre of the 28th of September, retired with his force to the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, and mixed freely and publicly with the best men of the place, matured his plans, and recrossed at his pleasure.

It is idle for me to speculate, but if this man is not demanded, and also his powerful associate, by our government from Mexico, found and delivered up, a great many of us will have to emigrate, as you know with what ease he can cross and commit depredations and recross, even if the whole line of the river was lined with our troops.

I hope to see our government make demand and not take Mexican certificate of his death, which will be produced if he is there and is demanded by our government.


Anonymous said...

State governors that aren't looking at the corona data are putting revenues ahead of their citizens safety. With infections going up more steps need to be taken to stem it, save people from getting sick and some dying. Governors that don't want to see the reality in the data are less interested in public safety.

If they don't want to lockdown at this point, they should be considering other alternatives, knowing lockdown is the best solution. I'm not hearing more insistence of mandating wearing masks in public and curtailing gathers to smaller numbers. Trump and some governors are putting money ahead of lives and voters will remember what they value.

Anonymous said...

feel weird . . . . restaurants here, they have always smelled weird, but after being closed up for a couple months and with an already reputation of third world kitchen conditions the mold growing unchecked should be of concern. I heart Brownsville, but I'll come back at a better time.

Anonymous said...

"No man here knows better than myself the feelings of Mexicans toward the Americans on the Rio Grande. I have as good, or perhaps better, facilities for knowing them any other person here.

They have always been treated as inferiors and they know it. They know we are a superior race in every way. There never was and never can be, any affinity between the two nations."

Cocos beware you read it from your idols los gringos so you cocos are inferior and YOU KNOW IT, so your idols the superior human race los gringos know it too, so behave and bow your heads every time they pass by. IDOTAS PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

Todavia los pelados abundan mucho por aca.
