Wednesday, June 3, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Brownsville joined in marches that have spread across the 50 states to protest police violence against civilians, especially black men. The group gathered in front of the federal courthouse at the Linear Park before marching across 7th Street in front of the Cameron County Courthouse on Harrison St.
The protest march today follows a series of personal protests from high school graduates during their graduation ceremonies yesterday and Monday where they kneeled during the playing of the national anthem. The day started out with a series of hard rain showers before the sun emerged in the afternoon when the sit-in was held in front of the county courthouse.)


Anonymous said...

Where are the protests for the discrimination at the Southmost Library created by a white man director with a GED?

Anonymous said...

Trump just lies, he lies about everything big and small, the American people understands that it was a prudent move by the Secret Service to secure the President in the bunker as a matter of precaution.

Donald Trump always wants to play bravado and strongman, as if his fat ass can fight off a mob of a thousands. This is not that he was forced to go into bunker mode, the issue is that for probably the first time in American history the President of the United States became afraid of the American people, that should scare the hell out of all Republicans.

Anonymous said...

They need to protest against the corruption in the Sherriff's office ( Conrado Cantu), the local Judiciary (Limas), DA(Villalobos), BISD ( No relatives no job), BPD (Pulled tickets compadre, murder of mentally ill perps), Sothwest Key( child rapes), Pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Let them sign up to be police offivers and see if they make a diffrence sadly there are probably more future criminals in that graduation class than police officers or teachers

Anonymous said...

This is the place to make a statement or action, expressing disapproval of or objection to something, bring it on...

jerry said...


Anonymous said...

El coco lambiscon wanna be white needs to be fired always making bad calls FIRE HIS ASS NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The Nazi slogan for destroying us ... was 'Divide and Conquer.' Our American answer is 'In Union there is Strength.' We must summon that unity to surmount this crisis -- confident that we are better than our politics,"

Anonymous said...

In the 60's when we marched from brownsville to san juan the white establishment only needed to bring in the marines. A local white cop shot a 13 year old on the back and he was no billed and freed. Same results back than, same results TODAY.

Anonymous said...

Black lives matter unless you are black and want to reside and work in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO FOR THE PROTESTORS! Now please go and get a job and don’t finish college like the rest of the dumb fucks. Viva Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

These protestors are future Democrats. Poor kids have no idea what social injustice is. They are being taught at an early age to complain about everything. Teenage snowflakes!

Anonymous said...

Why don’t this protesters sign up to serve in the Military? They appear to be all mouth and no other action. This girl that kneeled and is making a big deal about herself, is just doing it for attention. This girl and along with the other students that are kneeling at the graduations are just attention seekers and apparently want people to notice them at whatever cost and disrespect they have to do. Again this students who are kneeling should think about joining the military, the same way some of their fellow classmates have. Ask yourself this question about the kneeling students, are these students heart in the USA or is it only their physical body? By the way the signs the protesters carry should read that all life’s matter.

Anonymous said...

Negativity divide and conquer all these negative posting are by the gringos and some wanna be white cocos pay no attention they don't represent NOBODY son una bola de pendejos y babosos.
