Friday, June 12, 2020


Amid anti-racism protests, Trudeau promises to push police body ...
"Questionable shootings and killings by police have happened here in the valley y’all don’t have to look that far. I maybe wrong but I don’t remember any protests or gatherings in the valley to question those incidents." Commenter

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Ever since the national - and international - outpouring of anger and protest against the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, commenters to this blog have questioned why the streets have not filled when a crazed gunman enters a building, a church, or other meeting place snd gunned down innocent people.

And commenters like the one quoted above also asks why killing by local cops of Hispanics has not fueled the outrage of the the local students and protesters.

"Where were the protestors when the gunman went into a Walmart in El Paso and shot down the shoppers there just because they were Mexicans?," asked one. "He had even posted in his Facebook that he was going to El Paso to shoot Mexicans."

The commenter was talking about the mass shooting that happened on August 3, 2019, when gunman Patrick Crusius, 21, shot and killed 23 people and injured 23 others.

There are a lot of other mass shooting that targeted elementary schools, churches (Southerland Spring, Texas) , and mass gatherings, they say. Some of those were black churches or jewish synagogues 

"What about the mass shooting in Florida where the high school students pushed for outlawing assault rifles?," they also said. "They went to Congress and demanded changes but the gun lobby has control of Washington D.C. and nothing happened."

Why, asked one, don't the protesters who marched in protest of the Floyd murder, join with the kids who were protesting the availability of  assault rifles and form a coalition against violence against everybody?  In the Civil Rights movement, there were Mexican Americans, Jews, poor whites and other groups who joined the blacks to form the movement.

Even one commenter who identified himself as a former lawman said that if a bad cop is identified, they should be "strung up" and prosecuted.

"Bad cops should be found wherever they are, even in Brownsville, and kicked out," he said. "But we are forgetting that while Floyd was one black man who was a victim of police violence, there are many other groups, Mexicans included, who have been targeted by bad cops and crazy people who can get automatic weapons and kill dozens of people by squeezing a trigger.

"We are all like George Floyd," said another. "All live matter. We all want to breathe." 


Anonymous said...

Questionable shootings have happened here in the valley of unarmed people. You never saw any of this protesting or hundreds of valley residents seeking justice. Puro showboating

Anonymous said...

Not all cops are bad but the attitude of some and the I play a lot of video games mentality of some of these officers must be re-evaluated.some of These officers are notorious liars even thier supervisors.Thiers a commander in charge of patrol at BPD who can't even discipline his own subordinates.Some Sgt.loves to yell and scream like a little girl and tries to squeeze your hand really hard until someone squeezed back right Zuniga.

Anonymous said...

No justice/no welfare

Anonymous said...

Have you followed the Mass Shooting Tracker? 75% of al the Mass shooters are bleeps. The Black on White crime is literally 20 times higer than White on Black crime.

The narrativa is the Black community sucks, too violent, criminal, and corrupt. They deserve every bit of criticism.

Btw Whites built this country. Don't believe me, look at your dollar.

Anonymous said...

Bobby's reaction to the Brownsville City Commissioners agenda on removing the rock from Washington Park, "There is no time for this during two major crises." Brownsville Voice June 14, 2020

Have you forgotten how long minorities have suffered from oppression and discrimination in this country? There have never been a good time because of people like you that never find the right time to do what is right for mankind. Bobby, you are not the "Voice" of Brownsville. You are just a poor version of Trump who only cares about yourself.

Anonymous said...

the earlier bills depicted people of color and the 20 bill will feature a lady of color, those are the people that made this country great by hard work not by stealing and killing people...
at: June 12, 2020 at 7:41 PM stupid moron

Anonymous said...

Any person shot on the back while running away from any law enforcment agency officer should immediately be fired and arrested for murder. If more than two bullets hit a suspect by more than one law officer, both should immeiately be suspended and/or terminated depending on the evidence.

Minimum sentence for shooting someone on the back should be the ultimate punishment and/or life in prison with/out parole...

What's good for the goose is good for the gender an eye for an eye, good old european punishment.
