Monday, June 29, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Early voting started today for the Democratic and Republican parties and by far the most popular place to cast votes has long been the Central Public Library on Central Boulevard next to Veterans Park. It will continue until June 10 until election day July 14. But if you were just passing through and looked at the rear doors of the library where one enters to vote, it would seem that the place was closed.

In fact, when we went by, several cars had pulled up to the rear and seeing the three large yellow and orange signs, drove away. We commented to one of the elections workers that the signs might be giving potential voters the impression that both the library and the the voting polls were closed.

It's bad enough that the COVID-19 crisis has decimated the historically low turnout for runoff elections, but adding the graphic (closed) signs to the entrance of the voting site just  makes matters worse. Who's in charge of this joint? Remove the signs, pleace!).

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