As it is, runoffs are notorious for drawing small turnouts, and with the COVID-19 scare in full swing, it will probably make for small numbers for the candidates in the various Democratic and Republican hopefuls.
Monday's Results: (14 voting sites across the county)
Democrats: 1,536 (460 at Central Library)
Republicans: 50 (46 at the port Isabel site)
Elections officials have now placed a sign indicating that although the library is closed the building is "Open for Voting." Early voting will extend until July 10, but closed for Saturday July 4 and Sunday. Voting at your precinct is July 14.
Want to cast your vote? Find the nearest site below:
Let us clarify this: Library closed, but open for voting.
Firm to offer balloon rides from Alaska to the edge of space
Who to sent first BISD or the city commission? maybe two for the price of one!
I went yesterday to the clinic on Price Road to early vote, there was a LoNG line and I asked one person in line if they were going to vote or to get attention from the clinic. The clinic was letting one person in at a time weather you were going to the clinic or to vote. NOBODY was following the distancing protocol and there was this lady in a wheelchair coughing her lungs out with her mask under her chin. I left running in panic. Today, I went at 9am to the public library on Central. EVERYONE IN line (100%) wearing mask, keeping distance, following protocol. A person was at the library entrance keeping people in line, following the lines on the floor, inside, another young lady asked if you had your ID and voting card at hand, gave you a pen, had germX gel at hand. The poll workers had the plastic between voter and pollster. Everything was well done and under control. Exit was on the side entrance; library area totally closed. What a difference!!
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