Thursday, June 11, 2020


Brownsville Station: 2019 0119 Jefferson Davis Stone Honored and ...
By Dr. G.F. McHale-Scully

brownntownWhere does City Commissioner John "Cowboy" Cowen stand on the removal of the Jefferson Davis rock located in Washington Park?

A member of a "good" gringo family and rejecting any association with the Harlingen Heathens and the "bad" gringos, Cowen is in a position to take a stand against the racism that has existed from the time of slaveholder and Brownsville founder Charles Stillman to the present day as Confederate supporters march in Brownsville parades waving their traitorous flags as well as exert pressure on the city council that there will be repercussions if municipal politicians in any way desecrate the memory of Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi slaveholder and president of the Confederacy who believed that keeping human beings in bondage was a cause worth succeeding from the union and dedicated himself to fighting for a diabolical movement that led to the death of more than 600,000 soldiers.

Cowen is building a career on walking the thin middle line, but is there a thin middle line when it comes to racism? 

Do he and the Cowen family support a shrine that was dedicated in 1926 by the Daughters of the Confederacy to impress upon the people of the South--both white and black as well as brown--that the KKK still reigned, that Jim Crow was the law of the land in Dixie, that lynching was justified because black men represented a sexual threat to white women and that African-Americans were restricted from Anglo-American establishments? 

And African-Americans were certainly discriminated against in Brownsville, beginning with the Brownsville Independent School District that in its inglorious tradition riddled with incompetence and corruption, which also persists in the present, included segregating these children from the general populace.

Cowen was elected to effect change in Brownsville, but nobody suspected that he would support change that was a slap in the face to local Mexican-Americans as he paid homage to his own Anglo-American roots and culture. 

The decision haunts him to this day and his detractors insist that he is a closet member of the Harlingen Heathens, the collection of privileged gabachos who have an ignominious past of using their political clout to put their personal interests ahead of Brownsville's interest.

(When he ran for commissioner, Cowen publicized his empathy with local Hispanics and promised them his support.)

He joined fellow commissioners Rose Gowen, Joel Munguia and Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa and changed Fronton Street, erasing 167 years of history, to McNair Family Drive to honor one of the most despised families in Brownsville who epitomize that Trumpian arrogance that white is right, black belongs in the back and brown prospers six-feet underground.

"Racism is rampant in Brownsville," says Maclovio O'Malley, la Voz de los Vatos. "Hell, the KKK used to have its headquarters 25 miles up the road in Harlingen. Forget the ill-treatment of blacks by whites in Brownsville. Mexican-Americans were second-class citizens for decades until the 1960s when minorities started to rise against white tyranny. 

"Look at plaques on public buildings erected before the change began. The names are all Anglo even though Brownsville was 80% Hispanic. We had a city commissioner only a few years ago referring to two African-American female lawyers as niggers. 

The Jefferson Davis rock in big, bold letters shouts NIGGER!!! Cowen is a Notre Dame graduate. He is not a product of the University of Alabama. Nevertheless, his uncle, a BISD trustee, was labeled a racist just last week. The Cowens are pillars of the community, but are they the white pillars that adorned antebellum mansions or are they the pillars of a society that is no longer going to tolerate racism?"

Trump and his fanatics assert that Jefferson Davis and the rest of the Confederate traitors are a part of history and the monuments constructed to honor their treachery should remain untouched. Adolf Hitler was a part of history. Does being a part of history give you immunity from the wrongs that you committed against your own country? 

Of course not. 

It perpetuates in the minds of those misguided souls clinging to the myths of white supremacy that their wrongs were actually right. With Trump sowing division, these cockroaches are coming out of the dark and in the light of day are thumbing their noses by demonstrating that the Confederate crusade was a noble cause. 

Does Cowen and his family share this delusion? For that matter does the Lucio family, the Cowen family if the latter were Mexican-American, support removing the sacrilegious rock or are they no different than Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of our greatest presidents, who refused to publicly condemn lynching in 1932 because he feared the Southern Democrats would turn against him and cost him the presidency?

"We are demanding that both the Cowen and Lucio clans lead on this issue," spat O'Malley. "Are you a racist or not? If you support keeping the Jefferson Davis rock in its place, you are at best a supporter of racism and at worst a racist. John is in a position to lead on this controversy. He knows that the rock represents hate, brutality and murder, but is he so blinded by his own political ambitions that he rejects his Catholic education at both St. Joe and Notre Dame and is willing to join ignorant rednecks and allow 400 years of racism to continue unchecked? 

At The McHale Report we have decided that Commissioner Cowen should spearhead the campaign to place the Jefferson Davis on the trash heap of history. As a Catholic he understands penance, but for his past transgressions an Our Father and Three Hail Marys ain't gonna cut it. 

He needs to cast this millstone that hangs around the necks of all Brownsville residents into the deepest pits of hell. Does John have balls? Most people believe he doesn't. Reducing the Jefferson David rock to grains of sand would prove he has gonads of a size that would fill bullfighters with jealously."


Anonymous said...

The "rock" is a symbol of racism in Brownsville. Ya basta!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownville wants to know, "Does John have the balls?" What about "no action Trey", does he have the balls? The "rock" must go.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio Jr. posted the following in FB:

June 3 at 7:27 PM ·
Racial injustice is intolerable. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right when he said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” That is why I stand together with racial minorities and our allies against racism.

Our goal in the future should be to come together, once and for all, as our fore fathers envisioned in a nation where everyone is created equal and has equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are one American family, and one nation under God.

HOWEVER, does he have the "balls" to lead the people of Brownsville in taking down the "rock"?

Anonymous said...

Though the majority of Mexicans have no trust in Trump, they know that they can't quarantine forever, particularly if they are living week-to-week on paychecks. What is frightening, however, is that people aren't taking precautions. The days are sunny, the pool is cool and the restaurants are open. There is a sentiment that COVID-19 doesn't really exist. The Mexicans are the problem.

Anonymous said...

The News of the World: Blogs become so Racist all readers demand reparations--and bloggers actually consider paying in case they miss out on a another meaningless social movement.

All you blogging keypunchers out there, just stop and breathe before you return to being just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

No ay huevos

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Gowens and their sickening gringo bullshit at Charro Days every year. They are racists.

Anonymous said...


Really, what will the Gomez Family do to modify the Pulga to help reduce COVID-19 contamination? Will they reduce crowds, provide masks, hand sanitizer stations, make traffic one way in roofs? Or will they throw up their hands and let the vendors figure it out themselves.

Anonymous said...

We have no real leaders in Brownsville they haven't even addressed the PUB ISSUE and our money being hoarded the past 7yrs in regards to defunct Tenaska project.Give is our money back and lower the rates you are stealing from residents ,class action lawsuit will come!!

Anonymous said...

Why are you and Jerry baiting John? The one commenter had it right ... Where is our illustrious leader, Trey? He's always taking credit for crap (even though it takes such a toll on him), but won't step up for a controversial topic. PUB 1.3M? PUB Tenaska? He's on the damn board, what gives? Why did Bernal drop the ball on all the work the Frontera Progressives and Mark Kaswan did on the "rock?" Where's Rose? You blame John for Fronton, and yet Rose said she wanted a policy on street naming and got it, then ignored it. WTF? Munguia? He's nowhere to be found, as usual. Jessica? She won't jump in to that mess, it's not attractive enough for her. John is chairman of the Audit Committee and the city just got a new Internal Auditor that answers to the Commission, not the City Manager and hopefully they'll go to town on PUB and GBIC and keep tabs on Bernal's performance. Nobody is praising John for that accomplishment. It's all bitching and criticism and no solutions from the bloggers and their clown commenters.

Anonymous said...

After four years, I'd like to get back to my life. For the last four years it has been a never ending parade of scandals, lies, outrageous behavior, gross incompetence, and transgression after transgression involving Trump or someone closely associated with him. It has been both exhausting and numbing.

Ever Since Trump became President I have looked for just one week of peace and stability coming from the White House. Just one week! But in fours years that has never happened once. The best that can be said there has been a day or two here and there. And even those have been few and far between.

Anonymous said...

Really? Cowen's racists?
What the hell you guys smoking???

Anonymous said...

Jerry GED Hedgecock director of the Brownsville Library is a racist and yet his name is on the library plaques. No community action!

Anonymous said...

Jerry had the balls to call out the Mayor, the City Commissioners and the Lucio to remove the rock. What about the other bloggers, do they have the balls to do the same?

Anonymous said...

It's been 7yrs you Cowen co*k rider he's buddy buddy with Gowen who's been thier at least 8yrs still nothing.Thier just ex-mayor Martinez's bitches.Complain till someone listens coward.

Anonymous said...

The statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis is splattered with paint after it was toppled June 10 in Richmond.
A crowd of protesters in Richmond brought down the statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, on Wednesday night, according to CNN affiliate WRIC.
"Jefferson Davis was a racist & traitor who fled our city as his troops carried out orders to burn it to the ground," Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney said in a tweet Thursday morning. "He never deserved to be up on that pedestal.. .


Anonymous said...

Viva Jefferson Davis y Cesar De Leon!

Anonymous said...

You're crying over a plaque, lol?

Why not get rid of our Bill of Rights, it was created by slave owners and racists? Why not get rid of the US flag, it was made by a racist? Let's Change our National anthem, defund the police and Military. How about we change the name of America to Aztlan? MLK 1 dollar bill, X on the 5 Dollar bill, Geranimo on the 10, Harriet on the 20, Jay Z on the 50, Sammy Davis on the 100?

How about we go wash people's feet who are Black and indegenous?

This has to be the dumbest shit, I could come up with. This is what you get when fascists are given a platform and the media and people don't push back.

Shakedown, breakdown, take down
Everybody wants into the crowded line
Breakdown, take down
You're busted
Let down your guard, honey
Just about the time you're thinkin' it's alright
Breakdown, take down
You're busted (oh, oh, uh)

Anonymous said...

BTW Eddie Lucio is giving you a narrative, not facts. . .facts are for logical and rationale people. Narratives are used as propaganda for idiots.

And we voted for him.

vote Trump, he'll tell you to eat shit real quick. . .and get the economy booming in the RGV better than it has ever been. The last 3 years prove that. . .or are dems going to say it was Obama's economy? However, now we're in a depression, it's Trump's economy.

Call me what ever you like as long as I get my money and have some chick suck my dick. . .call me what you want.

Anonymous said...

Slavery was common in Mexico and was not abolished until 1829.

30 or so years before the United States abolished slavery.

Economic slavery still exists.

Anonymous said...

You are trying to lay a trap and I don't think the Cowens are stupid enough to step into it.

Anonymous said...

ORALE ain't gonna cut it, neither is dale gas, gringos being gringos throwing a bone to the dogs while giggling..

DIVIDE AND CONQUER is easy to do down here...

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit about a stupid rock, gringos only, who gives a shit about gringos anyway (NOBODY). Only concern cocos who else??? Let the superior race handle their own shit and leave out the cocos they're inferior anyway...

Anonymous said...


If you take out all the bullshit time wasted from the DemocRATS and Russia collusion hoax you would have had a lot of relaxing and peaceful days.

Take away more time from the Dems wasting with Blasey-Ford and you get 2 more months scandal free.

You even remember who Blasey-Ford was?

Anonymous said...

Damn your a clever and great writer Jerry. But your wrong to waste yr talents on this issue.
There is so much presently wrong with Brownsville. (Tenaska, BISD, the port, etc).
Don’t waste ink on preaching morality to us about old shit.

And please teach blabber mouth Wordy Juan to cut back on the length of his long winded articles.

Anonymous said...

Next time the city considers renaming a street I hope that they considers someone or something worthwhile and not for people who always try to milk the system such as getting "Historical designation " bullshit on their personal homes and businesses in order to avoid paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

Like the myriad descendents of those that claim genetic lineage to the Jose Antonio Navarro family, an extended family that were slaveholders tgemselves, including Jose Antonio himself,
they consciously chose to "suspend disbelief" and limit their rage to only white slaveholders.
I guess that makes sense.
There's no doubt that by current standards slavery is unabashedly wrong, it's just a matter of who is to be implicated in absentia of the actual act, right?

Anonymous said...

June 15, 2020 at 6:43 AM

Its called being with the IN-CROWD still works today look at the cocos.

Anonymous said...

Just like that idiot that makes comments about himself calling somebody else what he is "a coco hillbilly parrot" myriad descendants of those that claim genetic lineage to The King Coco. Go knot yourself moron.
