Special to El Run-Rrun
Well, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and all those "quick-opening" agitators are now trying their best to close the Pandora's Box they so blithely and glibly championed as a ruse and pretended that the whole virus crisis was just a big scare.

Texas has the dubious distinction of reporting five straight days of record positive cases and hospitalizations.
"Abbott says that he is “concerned, but not alarmed” about the continuing rise in COVID-19 infections and deaths in Texas because there are still plenty of hospital beds available," commented one of our readers.
"The fact that numbers are rising indicates 'no real need to ratchet back the opening of businesses in the state.'”

"Is that why many of us are acting as though there’s nothing to worry about? Because if we become ill there will be a hospital bed waiting for us or the person we infect? Is that why we fail to social distance, to wear masks, and to avoid large gatherings? Abbott’s reckless attitude, his lack of centralized and proactive leadership mandating precautionary measures for all, and shows a his cynical disregard for the well-being of those who do not stuff his campaign coffers."
People whose relatives have died can't say a proper farewell at a funeral home and some are opting to have outside private ceremonies with proper social distancing in the blistering heat. And some business that opened are now reconsidering as the pandemic is in full swing on both sides of the Rio Grande. Tamaulipas, our neighbor, is one of the highest Mexican states with the virus.
And even as entire staffs in some departments have been sent home for testing and observation, Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino – until the U.S. State Department extended the non-essential travel ban to Mexico and Canada for another month today – had been calling for the reopening of the border citing declining revenues at the county's international bridges.
On the Brownsville side, Mayor Trey Mendez said that he cannot make facial coverings mandatory, he cannot impose curfew, and he cannot lock down the city because the Governor’s orders supersede his and Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr’s.
On the Brownsville side, Mayor Trey Mendez said that he cannot make facial coverings mandatory, he cannot impose curfew, and he cannot lock down the city because the Governor’s orders supersede his and Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr’s.
He added he fully comprehends the economic impact and the necessity for people to go back to work, but is must be done safely.
“This does not mean we are back to normal. Continued increases in movement and occupancy of businesses will lead to more cases,” he wrote. “I’ve said and done just about everything I could to stress the seriousness of this virus and the urgency and importance of protecting yourselves. Be safe out there.”
Constable deputies have also been affected and a request for a funeral escort request to Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez could not be serviced because of staff shortages causes by the spreading virus. Gomez has also been tested and is awaiting his results.
"This thing is all over," Gomez said. "I would help them out if I could, but our staff is stretched thin."
Trevino was urging that border be opened even as bailiffs in the courts are testing positive and have to be sent home and the county building at Harrison Street is dark and gloomy like a mausoleum as staff members stay home as a precaution. And what about the judges?
At the building on Levee Street, the entire staff at the county clerk's office was sent to be tested. It stands to reason that anyone inside the building could come in contact with the disease.
But so far there has been no closing of the buildings entirely. Some cases involving county employees infecting family members have already been reported and some fear that children or pregnant family members or relatives might come into contact with county employees who have tested positive and have been sent home.
At the building on Levee Street, the entire staff at the county clerk's office was sent to be tested. It stands to reason that anyone inside the building could come in contact with the disease.
But so far there has been no closing of the buildings entirely. Some cases involving county employees infecting family members have already been reported and some fear that children or pregnant family members or relatives might come into contact with county employees who have tested positive and have been sent home.
Just yesterday an elderly man had breakfast with friends at a local restaurant and when he drove back home, was unable to exit his vehicle. When he was finally found, he was slumped over inside with a temperature hovering over 100 degrees.
"Then when the ambulance took him to Valley Baptist Hospital in Brownsville, the staff could not test him for COVID-19 because they did not have a testing kit there," said a family friend. "They had to take X-rays and develop them overnight before they could tell. Imagine that! A hospital that can't test you for COVID-19!"
There has been much criticism of the time it takes for COVID-1 testing by the City of Brownsville at the Sports Park. Not only must you exhibit symptoms of the virus, but you also must get a note from your doctor to be tested. UTRGV-Brownsville is said to test and has the results in 24 hours. Why such a difference?
To add fuel to the fire, the comments by P.A. Eder Hernandez on social media doesn't help. After Chili's was closed because of suspected infection. He is in charge of the COVID-19 drive-thru testing center at the Brownsville Sports Park.
He posted a comment claiming it was the first take-out case he had seen. And what if it is not proven to have been the take out? What good does exposing the city to this liability accomplish?
"Then when the ambulance took him to Valley Baptist Hospital in Brownsville, the staff could not test him for COVID-19 because they did not have a testing kit there," said a family friend. "They had to take X-rays and develop them overnight before they could tell. Imagine that! A hospital that can't test you for COVID-19!"
There has been much criticism of the time it takes for COVID-1 testing by the City of Brownsville at the Sports Park. Not only must you exhibit symptoms of the virus, but you also must get a note from your doctor to be tested. UTRGV-Brownsville is said to test and has the results in 24 hours. Why such a difference?
To add fuel to the fire, the comments by P.A. Eder Hernandez on social media doesn't help. After Chili's was closed because of suspected infection. He is in charge of the COVID-19 drive-thru testing center at the Brownsville Sports Park.
He posted a comment claiming it was the first take-out case he had seen. And what if it is not proven to have been the take out? What good does exposing the city to this liability accomplish?
Pandora opened a jar left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world.
Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind – usually translated as Hope, though it could also have the pessimistic meaning of "deceptive expectation."
As Abbott and other public officials scurry to close the COVID-19 Box, it is clear that the evil has already gotten away from them. We have been left to our own devices.
Though she hastened to close the container, only one thing was left behind – usually translated as Hope, though it could also have the pessimistic meaning of "deceptive expectation."
As Abbott and other public officials scurry to close the COVID-19 Box, it is clear that the evil has already gotten away from them. We have been left to our own devices.
Brownsville has done nothing! Mexicans didn't play the game.
Trump has accomplished nothing even Mexico has a lower rate of infection than the U.S. The day after Biden is sworn in that wall will be ripped out by the roots.
That stolen money that was allocated by Congress will be returned to the military for the schools, hospitals and housing it was allocated by congress to be used for. Then it will be time for a contractor review overseen by a group of special prosecutors to see where the rest of that money has wound up. Stay tuned coming to a major broadcast station in your living room soon.
The demise of the party will not be pretty. But as my old man used to say to people you brought the sh*t on yourself that is who you have to blame.
Judge TreviƱo abused his authority. He wants to be like the governor of Michigan. Hunting and fishing are constitutional rights. The chinless judge doesn't know or doesn't care.
Remember Trump said not to wear masks that Corona was a hoax
Remember Trump promised hydroxychloroquine was the miracle cure, he lied
Remember Abbott opening up and overriding county requiring people wear masks
Remember all the people at HEB not wearing masks
This is what you get.
Abbott will be seen in history as a pro big buisness dupe for the rich folks that he is a puppet for. Will some government official like senator Lucio speak out against Abbott for opening up too soon? I doubt it and the virus is all around us now, Too late for containment and the county is promoting a July 4th extravaganza so more will become infected.
Everyone reading this needs to understand that our governor doesnt want you to wear a mask because it's bad for buisness. Senator Cruz flew to Dallas to get a haircut from a hairdresser who wouldn't close and Dan Patrick our wacky Lt Governor said it was acceptable for old people to succumb to the virus for our childrens future. No wonder protests abound throughout this country while citizens of color continue to be attacked by an organized mob of badges with guns provided immunity from the system that protects them. Soon our first amendment will be weakened as the free press is now under attack as the bloggers by Trump.
Sad that in 2020 its come to this, let's all keep reading this blog for the answers to these questions.
Jesus christ, the sky is falling, bodies laying on the streets,zombie apocalypse is here!!!!
Everybody stay underneath your bed...with a mask on of course
keep voting republican so they can destroy this nation...
@8:56 Hey dumba$$ you rather have the encomony go to hell and then more people will die? I bet you are one of those huevones you rather stay home scratching your balls eating cheetos all day!
I find it interesting that the only county department that has been affected with the covid 19 and their employees is the Sheriff's office. All other county departments are hush hush.
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