Tuesday, June 2, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Rivera High School class president Daniela V. takes a knee during the singing of the national anthem Monday in protest of the abuse of civil rights and murder of George Floyd and the continuing discrimination against blacks in the United States. Daniela said in a Twitter post that  she had been told that Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez had passed the word through an assistant that he would not take kindly to the symbolic statement and that it could prevent other schools from having the graduation ceremonies.

Hanna H.S. holds its graduation ceremonies today.)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A MORON child with no work or life experience...another SHEEPLE cranked out of our liberal public schools which will soon collapse with their new mantra...distance learning. Distance learning in reality is distance confusion for the majority. Students and parents...the party is over for you; it’s sink or swim now.

Anonymous said...

Stupid senior,

Anonymous said...

These seniors are adults already and have the right to protest, peacefully, whenever and where ever. I'm glad she stood (knelt) her ground.

Anonymous said...

Good for you mija!!! We need for compassionate leaders like you. Nothing wrong with what you did. God bless

Anonymous said...

She was not the valedictorian she was the class president if you are going to post at least get your facts straight

Anonymous said...

The flag is a "symbol," nothing more. She is brave and should be lauded for her stance. Smart, she is. Obviously.

Anonymous said...

I hope the universities use this to not accept her
What an act of disrespect
May her family never need assistance from the police
5 seconds of fame
Parents must be ashamed of her

Anonymous said...

1607 there is a time and place for everything
This obviously was not the place
"My right to swing my fist ends where the next man's nose begins"

Anonymous said...

Imagine how many veterans were in the crowd
My stomach turns

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 3:40p 3:44p 3:48p
First: You're an ignorant, stupid, moron, if you think we don't know you're the same person.
Second: Fuck You! She can protest all she wants. It's not your decision, it's hers.
Third: As a Senior, she has more intelligence than you, narrow minded ass.
Fourth: BISD Administration sucks and their Trustees are a disgrace.

So, crawl back in your hole, bunker bitch.

Anonymous said...

It’s her right to kneel for the flag! Immature old adults only care about the first amendment when it’s convenient to them! Cry about it old man. It’s her right to kneel, it isn’t hurting anyone! Props to her!

Anonymous said...

This is not the valedictorian.

Anonymous said...

Respect to her for having the courage to go through with it after the district threatened to escort her out for exercising her freedom of speech and protest.

Kelly said...

I am glad she did what she felt was right. Any of you all putting her down and then putting your name as anonymous...hahaha....no one will take you seriously because you don't have the guts to stand by your comments. These young people are the ones that are going to be running this country, I am glad they know their rights and are speaking up!!

Anonymous said...

She is not Rivera’s valedictorian!!! The proud valedictorian is Vianca Flores.

Anonymous said...

What has she sacrificed for her to take a knee during the anthem? I’m all for protest, but there is a time and place for everything.

Anonymous said...

This kid has a lot to learn, stupid as stupid goes
Her parents must be i the same boat11

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You disgusting boomers should be ashamed of your comments. I’m proud of her for doing what she believes is right. She has done nothing to harm you or the community. She’s protesting peacefully and in the best way she can during this hateful time. If you believe she’s doing something wrong or giving BISD a “bad” reputation, get your damn priorities straight.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Waaaaa!!!! Look at meeeee pleaseeee! !!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 7:38p

Not all boomers are as ignorant as these self-righteous bigots.

Not all veterans would think badly of her, since they sacrificed for her right to do what she did.

To try to punish her, and deny her future education, for taking a knee is pure ignorance.

I'm proud of her for having the courage to stand up for something and against racism and police brutality, especially, the corrupt environment in the school system she attended, where ignorant administrators are promoted because of who they know, rather than what they know.

Why don't you bitch about the trustee, who was indicted by a federal grand jury, or the ignorant administrators, who deny basic services to special needs students. Who would rather buy a scoreboard for the football field than spend the money on students needs.

You whiners are a joke. You'd rather she be an automaton, than an independent thinker. She has more balls than you idiots.


You go girl!

BTW moron at 4:57pm - that is the most ridiculous analogy I've ever heard of, trying to equate her free speech to physical violence ... pendejo!

Anonymous said...

@1748 u can get you point across with out swearing
Obviously my comment irked a bone
Such was my intention
I long for educated dialogue

Frustrated Harlingenite said...

Yep, she’s a democRAT!

Anonymous said...

A flag is just a flag. Lol

Anonymous said...

She's standing up for all of you morons. Lets see one cop kill one of your kind what would you say or do????

Anonymous said...

Good for her! I’m proud of her.

Lizzete said...

BISD already has a bad reputation, hell! Brownsville has the worst reputation she wouldn’t be making it worse not even a bit she’s only using her first amendment right. So all of y’all who have something mean to say like mom always said “ if you don’t have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut.”

Anonymous said...

y'all treat the US flag like its jesus lmaooo

and its always the white-wannabe mexicans who are cops and military too
you're never gonna be white

Anonymous said...

We are assuming she has parents? If we are assuming assuming that I question their parenting. "Honey, in the future everyone who googles your name, that will be their first impression of you"

Anonymous said...

Could someone calmly explain what it is that she was against? Her grandparents may have a good reason, but not her!

Anonymous said...

Juan times have not change tis still the same, back in the 1970's it was the United Frm workers-UFW, MAYO, La Raza unidad party, high school walks outs. Protest were protest and still toay you see the same.

Anonymous said...

She is young and impressionable. She is also a terrible example of misguided sentiment.

Anonymous said...

You make a change by voting and no other way. She still has so much to learn.

Anonymous said...

Brave young woman with the courage of her convictions. It sure does make a lot of people upset that she expressed herself in public rather then in a closet somewhere. This was a peaceful expression of her rights. Would you rather see her burning a building? And every veteran in the crowd should have applauded her, after all, isn't this freedom what they swore to defend. If you love the constitution you must love the exercise of the rights it provides if you are truly a patriot.

Anonymous said...

Good for her she did right, but will the elected morons appoint someone local to be on one of those scratch my back boards? AAAAAHHHH I don't think so they still think they are white and not meskin...

Anonymous said...

All the old people mad lmao it’s just a flag boomer! Y’all so ignorant and close minded. She is still valedictorian and going to college with a full paid scholarship. Stay mad, she’s amazing !

Anonymous said...

In the 60's when we marched from brownsville to san juan the white establishment only needed to bring in the marines. A local white cop shot a 13 year old on the back and he was no billed and freed. Same results back than, same results TODAY.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is what you get with a liberal upbringing. Do you think her taking a knee will make any difference. Anything to get attention. Another entitled brat. Parents are probably the same. Complete disrespect. It's just a flag. Might as well burn it. That would get you more attention. THey live , they breed and they live among us.

Anonymous said...

The only mad pendejos here are the gringos and cocos nobody else we support you 150% dale gas
