In the late hours of Tuesday's Brownsville Independent School District board meeting - and after heated discussions on how to weigh grades for students in this stilted school year and whether to award the delinquent tax collection contract to a different vendor - a strange vote occurred.
During the closed meeting where personnel matters are discussed, and at the request of two trustees (Du Brown and Dr. Prsici-Roca-Tipton), the board discussed the following agenda item:
But it was what the board members when they emerged from the closed meeting after considering he item that surprised the bleary-eyed viewers. Four board members voted to extend the contract and assure BISD Superintendent Rene Gutierrez another year at $354,128. after his 2002 contract year. Two decided to duck the issue and not to vote.
Both Pena and Garcia's terms end this November when elections will be held. Were they afraid that giving away the district's money will draw opponents out of the woodwork? Cowen, with his usual panache, apparently doesn't care, Perez-Reyes is on the ballot on for Cameron County District Clerk and she probably isn't too worried abut the district once she leaves it.
In his initial contract signed in July 2019 after he replaced Dr. Esperanza Zendejas, Gutierrez was hired by the board and assured that of employment at $354,128 a year until July 2022, paid a $9,000 car allowance, and given a raise every July 1 equal to the average wage increase teachers will receive each budget year.
Now that he is assured of another year at $354,28, will Gutierrez suddenly become an advocate of teachers' wages so he can squeeze a little extra gravy from the pliant board members?
Do you intentionally not post comments to some articles? I've noticed nothing was published in the comments section concerning the article about elections being extended because of CoVid. I find it hard to believe that their were none.....just a curious observation.......
Drue, you suck! I thought you had a brain inside that skull of yours! How can you extend without an appraisal or did you discuss it at one of your famous unannounced meetings? Will that bring a raise to those ladies that are doing all the work for Gutierrez? Minnie and Eddie did not have the guts to vote no, so they abstained? Did Minerva give her usual "heartfelt' where she bangs her hand over her heart to make people believe Jehova made her do it?
Chicken Eddie! Doing the same thing you did at the police station. But the one that takes the cake and has let us educators down is the high and mightly two-faced Drue Brown. Karma, girl, karma! Hope it comes soon to visit you!
Next? Raise taxes at bisd, cob, cc, bnd, and the elected officials pay no tax on all their properties. HOW BOUT THAT!!! ONLY IN THE POOREST CITY OF THE USofA...
This is really sickening even the gringos are mad
Don't believe in karma I am a catholic!
Mierda attracks mierda simple
He kept 1000's of brownsville children from participating in the charro days children's parade is that why he got a pay raise of over 300k a year.
Este guey is making 30,000. A MONTH!!!!! for what? in the poorest city in the nation??? They should all be voted out of office
What a DYSFUNCTIONAL board !
We need them all out we need a board with balls and clean BISD.
Juan, the only reason that you abstain is in fact that you as an elected official have some kind of interest or conflict with the item to be decided upon and/or as listed on the City/ BISD agenda. Now What is the conflict minnie mouse pena and Fast Eddie Garcia have here? Makes many folks wonder is there something they are getting or will get (i will be specific- a campaign contribution or aka a BRIBE?)? And no excuse about well i got an election coming up in November 2020? You two were elected and/or appointed to do the right job, both of you should have voted either Yes or NO, this abstaining is a bunch of Bull shit- what you say? Bull shit, Cottened Eye joe song comes to mind.
Juan la joya super makes $275k per year and that is suppose to be one of the if not richest ISD in the valley, so why is BISD paying $354K? just asking and wondering?
Worthless leadership from the board...remove them all.
Guy doesn't care...way to pad his retirement and those of the women he brought in...
Abstain? Why? Worthless ......
he can't answer emails, doesn't speak to staff, doesn't return calls, doesn't know his people....yea he deserved a raise...
Change in November..hell i'd vote for Erasmo over the 4 yes votes.
The AUDACITY...businesses are suffering...businesses are CLOSING...unemployment at its' highest...
And these IDIOTS give out raises? Included are the one abstainers..have some courage VOTE NO...
Your biggest tax payers in town are suffering...and you GIVE AWAY funds.
Replace them ALL
the average citizen here makes from 17 to 24k A YEAR what is this pendejo doing making 30k A MONTH???? FIRE THE STINKING BOARD VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT CALL THE FBI INVESTIGATE THOSE SOBs...
Quit blaming the wrong administration for this fiasco. If Esperanza had been given the reigns to do her job, and not have to be watching her back all the time by Sylvia, Minerva and Prici, she would have also had ample time to find this huge mistake. Remember she was the one that found how to get us all the TRS money to help built up so many things in BISD. Having to work with a bunch of micromanagers on the board would have made me thrown the job at their face and tell them to take the job and shove it. She had so many good projects she did not get to finish because even the idiot who is the board attorney was always out to get her and still cuts her down every chance he gets. That is so strange since his black kettle is burnt to the mags! Now, we must pay for the stupidity of this board and put up with the 1/3 of a million dollar contract Gutierrez gets for pressing his behind.
Juan so minnie mouse pea and fast eddie garcia are up for re-election come november, who else is up, just want to make sure i dont vote for any of these clowns-jokers-jesters any more, bring in a new bunch of clowns, perfer to try someone new. Period
He's getting paid like he runs the district by himself.These trustees are stupid should of renegotiate the contract,you guys are laying off alot of employees and this guy gets over $360,000 fking stupid!! We will remember this logic come election time.
@ June 18, 2020 at 11:32 AM
EZ was JoeRod's enabler, gave in to his every whim, he brought her in for that purpose.
From the time that EZ came back to BISD you could tell something was off, there was no getting around it, she was either suffering from dementia, some minor stroke or over medicating because of her Arthritis. The poor lady was way in over her head.
The good people of Brownsville deserve what they get from this seemingly corrupt Administration, and Board of Trustees.
I don't see anyone on the horizon that can do any better though, sure as hell is not SPA or her ilk, and Erazmo sure as hell can't get his shit together enough to appease his cheese heads.
This decision was made last night estupido/a not a year ago
He should first be evaluated and not by the board but by the tax payers HERE. Este idiota needs to be escorted to the city limits and kicked out of brownsville texas NOW!!!
Who here makes 30,000 A MONTH that is in the public sector??? WHO???
but he's not a gringo! Hes name is rainy oops thats a gringo name soooooo sooorrryyyyy...
Vote all these idiots OUT in November.
Change is coming really soon...and the joke of Brownsville is Laura Perez Reyes. I’ve never met anyone as stupid as her!!!!
Sleeping during the pandemic: Advice on finding rest for the restless
Its call a siesta a custom that started in cockroach europe...
Totally unacceptable that employees at BISD, PUB and COB a are getting these overinflated salaries while they have some employees making $20,000 a year. We need to boot these want a be millionaires out of the work force before our property taxes are raised to subsidize these bozos salaries.
It’s called “job security” for their kids who will be graduating college in the very near future! Ask Cowen.
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