Saturday, July 4, 2020


“My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right..."
(These are times that try men (and women's) souls. But this country has survived wars, revolts, military attacks and political scoundrels and will do so again. We are facing a humanitarian crisis along our southern border, a raging pandemic that is killing our fellow citizens, and the drums of war can be heard all over the world.

We have a president who thinks the glory and pomp of democracy is something to hold over people's heads like a bludgeon and that his kind are entitled to form an overclass over the rest of the American rabble.

Nonetheless, we all believe we live in the greatest country in the world. And if our forefathers hadn't believed it, they wouldn't have come. We include our annual tribute to this nation below. Let's set it right.)

American Tune
Lyrics by Paul Simon
Music by JS Bach

We come on a ship we call the Mayflower,
We come on a ship that sailed the moon 
We come at the age's most uncertain hour
And sing the American tune

But it's all right, it's all right
You can't be forever blessed

Still, tomorrow's gonna be another working day
And I'm trying to get some rest,
That's all, I'm trying to get some rest...


Anonymous said...

You still meskin and they won't ever let you forget that los pinches racistas republicanos...

Anonymous said...

Montoya believes he is an American? ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I am NOT eating a hotdog today. My way of protest...

Anonymous said...

A Mexican is a person born in Mexico!!!
I am an American with a Spanish surname!
Regardless of what leader we have or do not have,
I will always be faithful to our country and our flag
for I have seen so many of my relatives and good friends
depend our freedom. If you want to call yourself a Mexican
I would suggest you go back to your country and ask them to
defend your freedoms. If you are and act like a responsible
citizen, you will never be discriminated against. Act so that
when your enemies put you down, your friends will not believe it
and who cares what others think. Strive to be the best American
that you can - be the best that you can be in all you do, like
my 4th grade teacher told us every morning after we pledge our flag
and she was an American with a Spanish surname who served in the Navy.

Anonymous said...

@1:58 p.m.

You are most definitely a Mexican. American is citizenship, but you're a Mexican in my eyes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't tell us pendejo tell the racist republican gringos pinche guay estupido idiota...
must be a pinche coco

Anonymous said...

puro coco July 4, 2020 at 1:58 PM se cree gringo pero no eres pinche guey

Anonymous said...

The kind of language that some bloggers use it exactly why we are stereotypes regardless of race. That language is defensive but one must consider the source - who said it and is he better than I am? That is the reason we find our country so out of hand in more ways than not and why we should think about our actions and use of vocabulary. The vernacular is offensive but we have the option to ignore it.

Anonymous said...

it is mor3e offensive to see a meskin act and believe he's a gringo NOW THAT IS OFFENSIVE...

Anonymous said...

We've sent the @TrumpDeathClock to Trump's front doorstep during his reckless July 4th celebrations.

Anonymous said...

If you bring a trash can to an astros game you can enter free, only when they play the dodgers hahahaha....

Anonymous said...

