Monday, July 27, 2020


By Carlos Gomez
Jesus Antonio Caquias M.D. - 25 Photos - Family Doctor - 625 E ...Chaplain

I received an email this morning notifying me the updated health condition of a servant of the Lord by the name of Jesus Caquias. Yes, Dr. Caquias. He is in critical condition at Valley Regional Hospital. His wife, Carmela, is also reported hospitalized.

Let's stand in agreement and declare that by the stripes of our Lord King Jesus that Dr. Caquias is healed from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. We speak death to the COVID-19 in his body and no ill side effects in his body from this disease.
Thank You


Anonymous said...

You are here as long as God wants you here...When he does not, he takes you. Be glad for that.

Anonymous said...

Great Man....

Anonymous said...

Another victim of the hospital greed to falsely label him a COVID-19 patient!!! I knew the Dr. and he had problems with his health years going back! Hopefully, with the help of God he recovers!

Anonymous said...

How will we ever be able to say thank you to all the medical profession for living up to their oath, with pride and knowledge. I do not know what I would personally do without my primary doctor for he takes it upon himself to call every week and to recommend best practices for me to follow. May all the doctors be protected by HIS shield.

Anonymous said...

The Bible has all the beautiful words, but God decides who's to come and who's to go. It was his time and he should be thankful he lived. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

In Jesus Christ Name Dr. Caquias & Mrs. Caquias Are Healed From All Illnesses & Deceases. Amen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A great doctor a great friend a great family God Bless all of you and everybody.

Anonymous said...

praying for a miracle that Dr. Caquias and his wife are healed from this Virus. Amen

Anonymous said...

Call Dr. Eder. He can cure anything and anyone. For a fee of course.

Anonymous said...

Very good man, we need many more like him, God will heal him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prayers for his complete recovery. A truly great and brilliant doctor.

Magda said...

Sending healing energies to Dr. Caquias and his wife.
Heal quickly! In Jesus name. amen.
Any updates?

Magda said...

Has anyone heard if Dr. thank Caquias has recovered and out of the hospital?

Magda said...

As of August 8th: I have been told that Dr. Caquias is still in the hospital with no improvement in his condition. Struggling with hospital for the most effective treatment. Please continue to send prayers to Dr. Jesus Caquias. Let’s visualize him healthy and out of the hospital. Pray that the Lord will open the heart of the hospital and guide them to the healng medicine Dr. Caquias needs. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

We will see you on the otheright side dear Doctor.
