Monday, July 27, 2020


((Ed.'s Note: This photo of flood waters invading a Reynosa maternity ward so rattled PA Eder "Casandra" Hernandez that he is calling on "Da Lawd" to own up to his promise to return to the earth and take his followers in rapture in the Second Coming.

The folks at the maternal hospital, according to Mexican news outlets, have pumped the waters out of the ward and things are getting back to some kind of nomalcy. It's probably a good thing the Almighty didn't heed Eder's frantic plea to just return and put an end to his mess. Now, remember, this is the guy to whom the City of Brownsville and certain members of the city commission entrusted the COVID-19 testing effort at $150 (when the real cost doctors tell us is more like $65) a pop after they filled out the questionnaire.

The End Was Near Drawing by Peter KuperBrownsville was lucky that it dodged a bullet with Hanna missing it and dumping most of its flood waters in the rest of the valley and cities in northern Mexico. Except for a small tornado that touched down in a relatively uninhabited area on the eastern edges of town, we were luckily spared the worst of the storm's effects. 

Had we been struck squarely, we could probably expect to see our COVID-19 PA running down Boca Chica in ashes and sackcloth yelling that the end was near and that we are in the final days! "C'mon Gawd! Aw! You promised!"

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!, Hernandez cries. Well, not exactly, it's rain, just plain water.

For now we just suggest that next time he posts an alarmist message like the one above you take two grains of salt and call us in the morning, that is, if we are still here and not yet in heaven and at the side of Da Lawd.)


Anonymous said...

Keep up the blasphemy you stupid Mexican that wrote this article; you will be crying for your mommy when you kneel in front of the LORD someday!

Anonymous said...

It's Dr. Eder. Please have some respect.

Anonymous said...

Kneel in front of the almighty dollar. At $150/test it ain't bad. No bids, no oversight and no checks and balances. Very lucrative business if you can get it. Come on Mayor and Commissioners tell us how much the city has paid fake Dr. Eder. Why don't you disclose that to the taxpayers that you care so much about? I dare one of you to do it.

Anonymous said...

Eder do you really think God has a Facebook Account? How many followers does he have on his page? Are you friends with him on Facebook? Did you PM him like you ask your patients to PM you? Did you tell him that he better not knock hard on your door because you will call the Cops on Him? Did he give you a talent to abuse it and enrich yourself? I'm curious to know how many facebook posts God has read from you, Jessica Tetreu and Mayor Trey Mendez? Remember Eder he knows your heart and if you have over charged the City Of Brownsville and surrounding cities for self enrichment, read the parable of the talents.

Also PA Eder Hernandez, no seas lloron. Why you always crying and then turn around and posts pictures of you spending stupid money in fancy restaurants with your wife drinking expensive wine and hard liquor? When was the last time you actually did a self evaluation on your heart? I think it is time for you to repent before Jesus Christ really comes. You may be left behing Eder.

Anonymous said...

blasphemy? so what do you call racism? God given right to the superior race los gringo moron

Anonymous said...

It's Dr. Eder. Please have some respect.
July 27, 2020 at 11:07 AM

FYI:: Physician assistants are NOT Dr.'s, they need to pass the exam, they need the signature of an MD, they do NOT perform surgeries. Eder Hernandez is A P.A (Physician assistant), if he were a doctor, he would not place "P.A." in his "hospitals".
Respect, Yes. Lies, NO.

Darrell Stange said...

Dr. M.D. NP. PA. All are providers with authority to be primary care providers and reimbursible. The quality of care one receives depends upon the education, experience, and artfulskill in effective communication. Titles tell one nothing. M. D. even less.

Please stop repeating this mythology of Texas Medical Board, the facilitator of corporate medicine, those daily making a decision to decline health care to poor.

D. Stange FNP

Anonymous said...

God bless you all. PA Hernandez is a national certified PA multi state licensed and has Doctorate training as a Doctor of Medical Science. Like it or not he is the best PA and holds the authority to use his Doctorate title in such unprecedented times. COVID19 pcr testing is expensive, no clinic / doctor / pa, has these million dollar machines here. Every clinic/ doctor/ pa needs to outsource the test to high complexity laboratories. These are expensive test, as they molecular and diagnostic. The 65-75 dollar tests are screening test for rapid antigen and antibody. Not diagnostic only screening. Have some respecto , fear God not man. Pray for his staff and his safety. Good day.

Anonymous said...

Criticize all you want. This man has been vocal about our city’s COVID outbreak. How many other doctors are taking time out of their schedule to inform the public. Montoya and McHale should concentrate on other things like pressuring the county heath dept for the team numbers!
Thank you Eder Hernandez (Dr or PA- whatever is your title) thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ok FYI you can be a PA and have ur doctorate which is why Eder is a Doctor get the facts before u post your stupid comments. You complain about the amount he’s charging apparently u haven’t done ur research I called another office that wanted $200 per person cash only. Truth be told they couldn’t pay me enough to do the work Eder and his staff are doing; exposing themselves day in and day out. They have a family too yet they stand in the front line. They along with all essential workers deserve respect!!! And what’s the problem with him eating out at expensive restaurants he works hard for what he has!!!!

Anonymous said...

That pic looks like that nitwit that don't believe in the virus and to not wear masks and wants the schools to open trump lover

Anonymous said...

So how did neurosurgeon Eder get the contact to do Covid testing for the city of Brownsville? Was he the lowest bidder or did the city just give him the contract? As a God fearing man that cares about our city why don't you tell us how you got the contract Dr. Eder.

Anonymous said...

If I was getting paid 200k a year I too would be vocal and run down the street yelling I'm rich, I'm rich...
