Thursday, July 9, 2020


(Ed's Note: Numerous sources are disputing the daily and aggregate death county in Brownsville and Cameron County and are questioning whether all the deaths at places like Valley Grande Manor and Ebony Lake are still not being reported on the county’s list. Grande Manor alone has had nine deaths and Ebony Lake is also said to be in trouble.

And some of our sources spoke with individuals at the funeral homes here in Brownsville and just this weekend they’re saying that they have handled some 70 deaths just last week. In contrast, County Judge Eddie TreviƱo reported yesterday that the county had recorded just 71 COVID-19 related deaths.

Now with the first responders saying that the ICUs in the hospitals are full with patient in critical condition and being airlifted elsewhere, has it become a cover-your ass numbers game to try to make it appear the mortality rate is lower than it really is? 


Anonymous said...

Why would these idiotas do that? If reporting the truth and its a lot more than they say would more help be available? Would that be more assistance and less infections. WHY WOULD THEY UBNDER COUNT SOUNDS STUPID. We need more help not less..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most of these cases are illegals

Anonymous said...

Yes and the Fire Chief is locked up at home. He sends us firefighters to keep responding to calls and does not provide us with any relief. We had Cesar Garcia the EMS supervisor just leave in the middle of the shift with no warning. We tried to reach out to him but he is not answering the phone calls. People close to him say he had a mental breakdown and could not take the death toll any longer. Our coward Fire Chief Sheldon has not come to work in weeks. He just stays home and lets our medics drown in this pandemic. Please Mayor and Commissioners do something to help us!

Anonymous said...

I feel terrible for medics and hospital staff. They are taking a beating. If we are not going to shut down, expect things to get much worse. There will be mass hospitalization, people dying at home.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like amigos del valle they closed all offices and left without notifying the senior residents or making no arrangements to help them.
AAhh but don't pay the rent late they will kick you out faster than their incompetent managers....

Anonymous said...

Zoo changes weekday hours
Who the shit wants to go to the zoo???? I'd rather go to the beach its an essential trip...

Anonymous said...

reporting less numbers of infected persons only reduces the help to this area the stupidity continues in cameron county by elected officials and their cronys...

Anonymous said...

US has no plan to get out of pandemics
Sounds like the valley by not reporting the actual number of infected people they think it will GO AWAY pinche pendejos...

Anonymous said...

Early voting numbers close to 2016
What? another lie?

Anonymous said...

Trump is seeing his approval broadly underwater for his handling of race relations, even across all racial groups. More than half (57%) of white Americans, and overwhelming majorities of black Americans (92%) and Hispanics (83%) disapprove of the president’s handling of this issue.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County confirmed 126 new cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, according to a county news release, raising the total numbers of cases seen there to 3,246.

I just wonder how true this is????

Anonymous said...

Powerful people do what they want to do. Trump is going to send all the children to school. We are going to have all families impacted. 9 year old, 6 years old, and teenagers/kids are going to die. Nobody can do anything.
We have to do what the Governor and the President says.
At least we will give our life for the USA.

Anonymous said...

Amigos del valle has abandon both apt complexes no one is managing the places Judge trevino and brownsville mayor are on the board NO WONDER bunch of idiots do nothings... The senior tennants there need help who to call for emergencies. The managers just left without notifing the seniors that live there the zoo is run better...

Former RGV LEO said...

Of course they are, just like NY and that loud mouth governor como! When the government is paying $3900.00 a head for corona deaths? Why not juggle the numbers? Whose not to say that some of those deaths are not from other issues?

Anonymous said...

Bernal and his entire city management are still at home watching the city burn. Little Trey Mendez at home to.

Anonymous said...

The number of new cases don't mean nothing. Unless you will have a mandatory quarantine for anyone testing positive. The hysteria continues. There is nothing you can do to stop it , it has to run its course

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of your evil actions towards men like Mr.Hernandez. He was doing COVID19 testing prior to joining forces with the city. City came to him asking for help and he did what he could. Ask yourself why other clinics, drs, PAs, etc shut down there medical clinics and did not help 1 patient in the COVID19 crisis. Why couldn’t they step up to the plate and test for their community. Ask yourself why?
He stepped up to the plate and has delivered more test than anyone else in Cameron county.
Hundreds , if not thousands of people in this community consider him one of the best health care providers in Brownsville. COVID19 was never his beginning, he has been one of the best here with over a decade of clinical practice. Many of us leave our primary care providers to switch to him because of his ability. Trust me. With him a shot, you will not seek medical care anywhere else. In a pandemic there is a lot of learning and laws that protect health care workers when providing any medical countermeasures against COVID19. You should contact him and volunteer to help. Also I understand he is a national board certified PA with multiple state licenses and he also is a Doctor of Medical Science. He has never said he is a physician or MD/ doctor of medicine. That man is highly qualified and highly respected in the medical community. So much he was asked yesterday to bring forth COVID19 medical information and his professional opinion to Point Isabel ISD. They finally voted in an emergency meeting to approve distance education for the year 2020-2021. I think this man must be someone to look up too. Stop hating, start helping.

Anonymous said...

That is the meaning of "Total Alignment " stay home while other city employees go to work risking their lives everyday? I thought leaders lead by example,very pathetic example .

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants to jump and accuse the city and county hiding real numbers. Who’s to say it’s even them what if for a second you guys could consider that it’s our local hospitals not reporting deaths and numbers correctly. I do not work for the city or county nor am I associated with anyone who does but I’m sick of people just complaining all the time!!! Everyone just needs to do their part stay at home unless you have to work or get essentials. Stop having get togethers do video calls if you feel necessary to interact with others.

Anonymous said...

Open the bars that's all I got to say.
