Wednesday, July 22, 2020


By Juan Montoya

We have been aware of the running commentary in social media following our report on the sealed motion filed by federal prosecutors in the U.S. vs. Sylvia Atkinson bribery case where her brother – and assistant football coach at Rivera High Charlie Atkinson – is coming to her defense.
Former Socorro schools superintendent indicted on federal bribery ...

Now, we all know that getting into a difference of opinion with Charlie usually ends up in acrimonious discussion bordering on insult – and often way past that border an into a quagmire of invective – but several red lines have been crossed in this "dialogue."

Of course, those Brownsville residents who have known Charlie all his life know that he has been a cantankerous, contentious sort all of his life. He was argumentative in the playground in elementary, in middle school, high school and – after a relatively passive college stint – in his adult working life.

He got into arguments with his bosses at U.S. Customs, with his fellow commissioners and the public while he was a city commissioner, and then as a football coach at Faulk Middle School and now as a coach and teacher at Rivera High School. In a way, one has to admire his consistency in refining his antagonistic character. Ask any referee in the football games he's coached when a call doesn't go his way.

It is, of course, admirable for a brother to come to the defense of his sister, but being, as he is, an employee and representative of the Brownsville Independent School District, there is a certain decorum and respect that is missing from his postings.

Among other things, Charlie Atkinson questions the integrity of local FBI agents and federal prosecutors who presented the evidence against her to a federal grand jury and obtained indictments against he BISD trustee and former Texas Southmost College employee on eight federal counts of conspiracy, bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and violation of the Travel Act-State Law Bribe.

"Didn't your boy Trump prove that?," Charlie posted. "He exposed how political the FBI can be."

Is he saying the grand jury – his peers – are all uneducated and ignorant people for having indicted her?

But he doesn't sop there. He then goes on to say that perhaps the reason the female poster thinks Sylvia may be guilty is because "that is what you
are used to in the country where you come from..."

There has always been a streak of xenophobia and racism (self hate?) in a segment of Brownsville society and Charlie is but one shining example of that ugly bent. "...your profile states you are from Mexico and we all know that how judicial system is in Matamoros but this is the US so u need to honor the way we do things here..."

Is Charlie implying there is favoritism and compadrismo in the Mexican system? So how does he explain that he was given a job as a coach at Faulk on an alternative certification basis when other candidates were already certified and were passed over? Having his sister (Sylvia) as the director of the BISD's Human Resources Dept. wouldn't have made a difference in the Good Ol' USA, would it, Chuck? Naaah!

Since when does having lived in Mexico (Carlos Cascos was born in Mata, so does that make him ignorant of U.S. laws, too?) and having an opinion on an issue like the innocence or guilt of a person charged with a crime in federal court make you ineligible to express it? To Charlie, apparently, it disqualifies them from having any opinion on any matter.

We wonder whether he, as a coach/teacher in a school district where a large number of students were born here but live in Matamoros and attend district schools, tells them they cannot think in a specific way and will never understand the right way because they are from Mexico and don't have the brains, therefore the right to express their opinion.

We see where Sylvia uses the name "Perez" in her last name. Does it refer to a distant Mexican relative? Or – heaven forbid – from a branch of the family who may still live there.

And he lay bare her defense when he says that she will claim though her attorneys Noe Garza and Dale Roberston that she was acting as a consultant – not as an elected official – when she took $10,000 in cash from an undercover FBI agent to push through as a paid consultant – and also voted for as a board member – the use of BISD district property for a set for a "Hollywood style" film.

She is, he says – in answering Ana Lia Saldivar's opinion that Sylvia is "crooked as a $3 bill and u sir are not very far behind," –  innocent and a victim of crooked Brownsville politics. But Charlie cannot help himself. After having insulted her citizenship and questioned her intelligence when she didn't swallow his opinion of federal authorities and his version of his sister's actions, he throws the stone.

His sister, he tells Saldivar, is "not as crooked as your teeth and that scale you step on once a year...," and tells a supporter (Jose Hernandez) who backed her opinion that "tu ese un pendejo," mangling the Spanish language.

See what we mean when we say that a "dialogue" with Charlie can
quickly deteriorate into a mudslinging fest and – like the kids he coaches as quarterbacks on the football field – Charlie loves to sling that ooze with the best of them.

But as we were saying, Chuck should realize that by questioning the integrity of the federal prosecutors and asserting his disdain for the American judicial process, and then gleefully diving into the gutter of insult and invective when someone doesn't agree with him, he is misrepresenting U.S. values and reflects badly on the district he works for.

If this is the caliber of instructor our district places in front of our kids as an example, God help us.


Anonymous said...

Typical Charlie"Marrano"Atkinson mud slinging.....he has no substance and can only throw mud. An exemplary BISD coach for all the young students, don't you think? BISD should read this carefully and get rid of this cretinous nincompoop!

Anonymous said...

And he's a teacher??!! Where's his integrity and ethics

Anonymous said...

We all know where the gringo name came from no te hagas mas de lo que estas.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we ever see those arrest photo mug shots for Sylvia? Different court system? Special white collar crime treatment?

Anonymous said...

Montoya, here is my rebuttle:

I believe in innocence until proven guilty. That is just the law. Do people have a right to their opinions, of course but they need to prepare to get their opinion questioned and debunked. You have idiots like Erasmo Castro and Frankie Olivo crying out loud that my little sister is a crook and stole from the students. Erasmo resigned from the Board of trustees, why? If he believed he was innocent and ethical, why resign? My sister has more conviction and passion to stick up for herself and her last name than this pendejo did. I asked Erasmo why he resigned if he did nothing wrong and he blames his family for making him resign. My family would never tell Sylvia to back down if she were innocent. Its all politics Montoya. Frankie Olivo has issues and stints with the law regarding videos but I promised I wouldnt divulge all this now. These two idiots call foul when they have their own issues people speculate about. Richard Adobatti is gonna have to look real hard if he wants to keep a guy like Olivo in his judicial court operations. I hope Olivo advised Richard of his past because it will come out eventually. You have posted articles of what we did at Faulk middle school. That school has had so much success the last seven years because of the great principals, teachers, counselors, classified personnel, custodians, etc. When you go five years in a row winning a district title in football without losing a game it doesn't happen without the whole school buying in and that's what we did there. Coach Lucio has also left to Rivera High School. We left Faulk in a better play than how we found it so yes we made a positive impact. Rivera is changing but it takes time like Faulk did and the principal there is doing a great job of turning it around. Coach Lucio and I took a four thousand dollar to six thousand dollar pay cut moving to Rivera. We are not there for the money. It wasn't a promotion. I took a 40k pay cut coming over from DHS?CBP to do something I love and I don't regret it because I saw how i helped those kids at Faulk. These Southmost kids are humble and worthy of having success. They had not won an outright district title in over thirty years. The school was in shambles when I got there. Gangs ruled. Surrenos, Eastsiders, Westsiders, and the 421 ran the school so we had to take drastic measures to correct the behavior there. It took everyone being ALL IN and Faulk is a great place to send your kid right now. I put in 8 years at a middle school and have earned the right to move up. I believe kids and teachers spread the word in how good a coach is. I have been a volunteer coach for over 35 years and never got paid for it until now. Trust me its not about the money. Its about transforming a young boy to a fine young man who respects others, respects family, respects authority, and respects his/her community. If we win games along the way so be it. Thankfully, I have won more than I have lost. Why you think? Because if you can give a kid hope and help them create goals, it transforms from the field to the classroom. Erasmo has been to Faulk many times to congratulate me and my coaching staff regarding all these district titles. Most coaches would agree you work way more hours and days as a high school coach than a middle school coach. Where softball/Baseball in middle school lasts four weeks to six weeks, softball/Baseball in High School last over three months and the difference in pay is $500. Is that fair? Same for all sports. High School sports last three to five weeks longer in High School than in middle school. We are hispanics and if you look at my Facebook page then you will see how I fight for latinos and their right to be treated fair. Montoya, go to my page and give your opinion on what I wrote there today. I want your input. Please post what I wrote to your page so I can have my response to your article .

Anonymous said...

You're not a gringo from north of la sarita check point you're from the fort brown area lol

Anonymous said...

There is one thing in favor of Miss Atkinson.
The program at the University allowing High School students to attend college was great.
I don't know how much Miss Atkinson had to do with it but it was inspiring.

Unknown said...

Another piece of s***

Anonymous said...

Didn't they fire this Atkinson guy from Customs? He sounds like a bully to me. Resorts to insults because he's got nothing between his ears. A real cagapalo.

BABY CAKES said...

You're profile? This guy is an educator? Apparently this educator does not know the difference between you're and your.
It's "your" Charlie. You're confused and should proofread your comments before posting.


Who gives a flying fart for some long winded reBUTTal? Nombe, chet up!

Anonimo said...

Common Charlie, we all know que no vales Cheetos, ur lesbian sister, memos.

Deja de hacerte pendejo wey!

Anonymous said...

I was once taught by my H.S. English teacher to consider the source when we read something. As I read this article I thought of Mr. Atkinson when he sat on the City Commission and was so disrespectful to everyone. I saw what his "little sister" did to many of my friends colleagues and classified employees. Last names have nothing to do with this for those that claim it does. The Perez family was a well-respected family that worked their fingers to the bone going up North to work and sponsored a huge truck to take the neighborhood people to work on the field down here. They were honest and respectful and the Perez girls and boy were brought up with values. That being said, it does make it more difficult to accept that their grandson and granddaughter did not follow in their path of values. However, this does not excuse their holier than thou attitude. Let's wait
and see what the courts decided and that the witnesses who are supeonad to testify will not get scared or paid off. Charlie, why did you not speak with your "little sister" for so long? Her ethical behavior? What about yours?

Anonymous said...

Pinche gente corriente..





THEY ARE NOT (gringos)

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who posted on July 22 at 5:36 pm: Have you heard of Perhaps you should make use of this online service prior to posting a “rebuttal.”

Anonymous said...

Charlie, you do know that your sister hurt and damaged careers in all the districts she has been part of. In BISD she pushed folks out of positions and demoted good people to get her folks in place...probably that is also what happened to you. Someone was hurt and moved out to make room for you. This kind of behavior hurts this community. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

I wish you would have showed the whole transaction of posts between those agitators and i. You are representing one side of the story which depicts me as the hateful poster. This is a prime example of how you can get readers to feel what you want them to feel as opposed to letting them see everything so they can make a better informed decision. How do you know the Federal prosecutor didn't give the Grand Jury all the tapes instead of the ten second cut of the tape? I believe alot of steps were not taken and all the evidence was not presented. This is based with my encounters with the FBI and their alleged cases against my fellow Agents. I believe she will be vindicated based on ALL the evidence. You state Sylvia "Took money" when you could have said, "Sylvia was paid money for services rendered." Its the journalist's opinion when he/she writes an article in their blog. Your audience who responded to this article all made rude comments yet they believe I should not have said anything disparaging. It makes me laugh. Good night Montoya. I know deep down you are a good guy. But you are right about this, if someone is gonna call out your sister, your mom, your dad, then I would expect you to defend their honor or why even believe in family. We preach loyalty to our players. We ask our athletes not to let anyone be bullied. We preach family so my athletes know my passion and convictions. I like the way you and Erasmo attack my certification when thousands of people have been hired since then through the same process. I was the best applicant at the time. I got hired along with Coach Lucio. There was three of us hired for PE yet you fail to divulge that information. I have three certifications to teach different subjects if you want to know exactly what I have.

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Wow! Look at Charlie doing so much for the poor kids. If he expects a pat on the back for doing his job, he's in the wrong field. You teach because you love it and you don't expect anything in return. The pat on the back is seeing students succeed in life. This guy was hated by most on CBP. He was on his way out when his sister set him up and put him in his current position with his buddies.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow.

Charlie is a clown and a lil bitch. Dude, you’re a jock wannabe coach. Ha! Sylvia will get what she deserves. A consultant... “I did not have sex with that woman“ keep spinning it atkinsons - your day is coming

Anonymous said...

Montoya, how dip did trump get into your anus?

Anonymous said...

If Sylvia was serving as a consultant, why didn’t she disclose her conflict of interest to the rest of the board at the time of the vote?

And, if it was a political contribution, why didn’t it show up on the campaign reports?

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2020 at 11:51 PM


Anonymous said...

In My many years in Law enforcement usually 90 percent of the time when the FBI initiates an investigation they pretty much have a conviction. In this case I believe there was an undercover FBI agent working with Mrs. Atkinson.
Her attorney Noe Garza is good but am sure once the sit down with the US attorney negotiation's for a plea will commence she is looking at 45 years.

Anonymous said...

Right on! How could she serve as a consultant for a company selling things to BISD and then get paid a share of the profit? Isn't that a conflict of interest? As a board member, she complained about Coach Joe doing this, but it is alright for her to do it, also? Maybe she plans to bring Coach Joe down with her. She should have known that being on the board did not allow her to use her position to help herself personally and she did. Charlie, I can see you defending your little sister, but don't tell me you honestly do not known that what she did was absolutely wrong and unprofessional. She probably learned it from you when you were on the city commission. Two in the same family is a little too much to take. Nobody believes you all except yourself.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Typical DIMS...Modern democrats love criminals because democrats ARE criminals. And liars, and pedophiles...

Anonymous said...

Ask him about the Sports Park Fiasco how much did end up costing the tax payers $40 million+ pendejo ,did you get any cookies from that jar hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Things I’ve heard about her attorney...he takes cases that other attorneys won’t because there is no hope of winning; he is also considered a jerk by many of the judges. He will not be in favor when they go to court.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, Adela, Rocha-Tipton are all the same and non should be involved in any political position in our community. They all need to go.

Anonymous said...

Why would she have to express a conflict of interest if BISD didn't have to spend money or lose revenue for a film crew to be on the property. How is it a campaign contribution if she has 1099 filed with the IRS? All this will come out. Get your popcorn ready. Coach Atkinson is rough around the edges but kids love him and he does win a lot. Lots of coaches worked at Faulk that could never win in football. To do it year after year with barrio kids is an amazing feat. Hate him or love him but he does impact kids in a positive way. I can see why they took him to the high school level. Rivera High School football has just won 1 game in the last three years so it does make sense to get him over there right?

Anonymous said...

There seems to be some racist remarks here. Does the district know about this? Any role model as he seems to think that he is would never speak to another individual= like he is .

Anonymous said...

Let it go Chuck. You’re not helping lil sis Peppermint Patty by being in denial. Saying it won’t make it true.

Anonymous said...

A bachelor's degree from TSC does not qualify this individual to be a teacher

Surely we have better qualified individuals in our city

Anonymous said...

I hear after all those football district titles at Faulk a song called, "We Da Hawks" was written and played for the kids and they use it as their theme song. Its true, go to you tube and write in "We the Hawks". For a Southmost school to garner so much success on the field and in the classroom you have to give it up to him. I know the other coach Lucio. He is a fine young man and if both of them are at Rivera, they will help Rivera get back on top. His sister is another beast. She should lay low until her trial.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 5:45 so Charlie has no business in this regarding his sister, except to show family loyalty. But at one time none of the Atkinson's were talking to each other? His coaching has nothing to do with what his sister did and has no place here. Let's see how Rivera does in football now. Let's just hope that family loyalty will be there to support the Atkinson viejitos once that court decision is pronounced. What a way to finalize her career that she worked so hard to get, all for $10,000. She made more than that in the one-armed bandits.

Anonymous said...

The Sports park is a gem of the city. Whether you are rich or poor you have access to it. You all never complained about UTB/TSC using tax money to build that Arts Performance theater that Cost just as much as the Sports Park while both were getting built at the same time. Basically it was a building built for the rich and social elite. When have any of your kids been able to get in there? Only a handful of people will ever seen the inside of that building yet you choose to hate on the Sports Park because you don't like me. Well I cared more for the well being of children where they had quality fields and equipment to compete against the athletes up North. They deserve it and I would do it again. Whats funny is that the Sports Park was a vision of a 100 or so Brownsville citizens that were chosen by Mayor Blanca Vela who envisioned this Park. It was just dormant and undeveloped when I came in and found out that people were paid but had not built everything in Phase I. I came in and held people accountable to complete the dam thing. Go out there and you will see 2-3 thousand people out there on any given weekend playing soccer, football, softball, baseball, volleyball, Basketball, etc. Know that Sports Park is for the children of Brownsville so if you don't like it, too bad so sad. The problem with Brownsville is that rich connected people feel that they are entitled to all the contracts from all the different entities and if you don't give it to them, they spend money to get you out. Personally, I fight for the little guy. I was for new younger business owners to do business in Brownsville. That convicted pedophile Hendricks who wanted contracts from the city sent Erasmo Castro to make up lies and to attack my integrity. Yes its been that long that he has been after me and now since he was forced to resign to evade jail time for his altercation with the law, he is violently going after my sister. She has more cohones than Erasmo for staying and fighting her charges than do what he did to leave and run and hide.

Charlie Atkinson

Charlie Atkinson
Ex- City Commissioner

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who coaches at RHS. Rumor is he’s more of a cheerleader than a coach. Just like the cheerleader he was in college they say. They say he doesn’t know shit about X’s and O’s. As far as teaching, he does teach shit. He’s a lazy ass PE coach n sits there all day checking out the teenage girls

Anonymous said...

That park is another bike trail like the so call art theater and other wasted project to enhance the gringos and the so call cocos, shit they never use and the city always picks up their tab and their salaries.

Anonymous said...

You mean AXED CITY COMMISSIONER hahahaha guey

Anonymous said...

Did't pat beat his ass on that election? just asking don't need to act like a gorilla.

Anonymous said...

Pobre vato. Didn't he get beat by a write in husband beater?

Anonymous said...

Stop being a little cokehead bitch, Charlie. Your sister, Rosie O’Donell is evil and I hope she likes the food in prison.

Anonymous said...

I coached with Coach Atkinson this past school year and he really got those kids to believe and to work hard. That freshman team went 8-2 with a group of kids that went 0-9 at Perkins and 2-6 at Garcia middle school. I would say that is more than just being a cheerleader. Talk to students and players and they will tell you that they love him and respect him as a coach. Often coaches are jealous because kids gravitate to a coach like Atkinson because they end up following and paying attention to every word he says. Not all coaches have that effect. Just my thoughts

Anonymous said...

You are right coach 5:48 in most of your comments. You can be a really great motivator but in education you also have to demonstrate an ethical behavior and one that is admired by all. You cannot mislead people or try to cheat the educational system to get your way, even if you are great with kids. As an educator you have to model every aspect of life in and out of the campus for students to see and know. You cannot just have the "good orator and motivator" tag to be a model teacher. So far, the comments by Mr. A. makes towards women and others, are not from someone I would like my children to be taught by. It would be best for Mr. A. to shut up and allow for the system to play its course. To be a good model for kids, you cannot let your mouth get ahead of your heart, as is in the case of Charlie, the former city commissioner and wannabe good teacher.

Anonymous said...

Quit it Pat

Anonymous said...

Will there be 100 comments what is the record Juanito???

Anonymous said...


You forgot to tell us who called the plays on offense and who called the plays on defense while Charlie took care of the cheerleading. No te hagas el pendejo coach! It’s a low blow to the other two coaches by not mentioning their hard work n dedication. Again, Charlie took care of the cheerleading while the other two coaches took care of the X’s n O’s

Anonymous said...

I appreciate people coming to my defense but I can defend myself. No team can win without the coaches, the kids, and the whole body of teachers, Admin, and classified personnel like I stated in my first post. The haters will always be negative. Someone posted that I cheat and I take offense to that because that means the coaches around me cheated as well and that is just not true. Just wanted to clear that up. If you say I cheated to get a job well you are wrong again because 90% of the people who put in for teaching positions come in on an alternative certification. Stop listening to idiots like Erasmo Castro who just said on his show that we would seriously pay for a fraudulent Superintendent certificate to get a job. That is cheating and unethical but what do you expect from a guy like that. 100's of people before me and hundreds of people after me got hired the same way. Good night

Charlie Atkinson
"Kids don't care what you know until they know that you CARE"
Words I live by

Anonymous said...

I don't care if he cheers or if he is the team mascot, if he gets the W's , then he is doing something right. He was the head coach so he gets credit with the wins or the losses. Don't pay attention to all the haters Atkinson. Be humble and stop expressing your anger out on social media. I get you are defending your sister but she is tough enough to take all the hate that has been going her way. I will vote for her if she runs again but only if she wins her case. If she loses she should never show her face again. Not for a very long time. Coach Atkinson is either one smart guy or one stupid guy. Smart because he diverts attention to his sis and he put the attention on him and the attacks are going his way, OR he is stupid because now they will shame him down. Either way I love the entertainment. Lots of haters on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Thats all it is entertainment verdad Pat? Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Why don't they teach these kids to read and write? Forget about math. Math is to hard. What can you do with a 5'8" 160 pound kid or a 5'8' 280 pound kid. Please teach them to read and write.

Anonymous said...

Hey....what does Montoya do when his golden girl Adela gets wrapped up in all this? Was Sylvia even the highest ranked cantidate by the hiring committee at TSC? My little birds tell me no. Did the BISD board member get a lil help because she was a board member and whos campaigns shes helped?.....

Anonymous said...

Ask Pat

Anonymous said...

‘The kids don’t care what you know until they know that you care’: James Coronado uses people over players approach to lead Bishop Diego boys basketball to the verge of CIF title and this was in 1978 idiota...

Anonymous said...

Hugging Porcupines: Building Meaningful Relationships incompetent coaches naaa never happen specially if they act like some wild chango

Anonymous said...

Can't any body come up with at lease ONE LINER that is original and copied from somebody else!!! NO wonder
