Thursday, July 9, 2020


(The preceding dialogue (or is it trilogue?) is revealing for what is unsaid. How did the person that  Norma Hinojosa is talking about manage to get tested three times? 

We have known of people who have tried to get tested once and have been turned down because they did not say the right catchwords on the questionnaire. And if this person was able to get tested twice and got negative results, why test a third time? How many people who were really sick were elbowed out to test this person once, twice, and then three times, until the desired result was attained?

Was the person getting tested a city employee and have friends in the right places who told her what to say? Did Eder Hernandez, in charge of testing for the city, ask her how she managed that? 

And now that the person tested positive (and is a   city employee) will he or she follow commissioner Tetreau's professional advice and stay home with pay? Is there anything such as a false positive? What if you are a city essential worker? If you follow the commissioner's advice and are seeking a test, stay home until you can get one and remain there while you wait until you get the for the result you want.) 


Anonymous said...

City of Browntown is a joke

Anonymous said...

The people with multiple tests are the same ones hoarding toilet paper
They are no better!

Anonymous said...

PINCHES MAMONES the ones that do that are mojados they want everything FREE

Anonymous said...

"Is there anything such as a false positive?" ..... apparently not.... I wonder how many of our numbers are false positives... As of yesterday, there was 1,725 "positives" for COVID19 in brownsville. If we take her tests numbers(Yes I know, we need a larger sample, but still) and apply it to the positive COVID19 numbers, we have a 1138.50 "false positives", and this leave us with 586.50 real cases... Is it really like that.... I wonder how many of those 1725 positive cases had any symptoms, or were hospitalized.

Anonymous said...

Montoya! All positive test results are false positives!!! The test was made that way as to convince the sheeple into believing that there a real deathly pandemic! Lockdown, curfew and encomony collapse! Freedom are being stripped little by little!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I think more attention needs to be brought to how this is being handled. I have a family member who took the COVID-19 test and waited close to 2 weeks for the results. The test results are supposed to be available 36-72 hours after the test has been taken (to account for test analysis and calling/informing the patient). As the days went by I did a quick online search and found and called the Cameron County health line, the Brownsville Dept. of Public Health line, and the Valley Med Urgent Care Line. The county health line said they only called a patient if they received a positive result from the city. The city line rang and I left several messages. The Valley Med line was either busy or would ring and had no voicemail set up to leave a message. Finally, said family member got thru to one of the numbers with the city and they were told to message Eder on Facebook. He replied on FB with the result . I know HIPAA is being lenient with their Protected Health Information guidelines BUT that only applies to telehealth video calls, not providing written information which should be provided via encrypted and protected meant such as encrypted email. If it is getting so bad that patients are making contact via FB, something needs to be done. At the time, about 2 weeks ago, there were no news about a delay in providing results. *The family member contacted him out of desperation and does not know that potential for HIPAA violation but as a professional in the health care profession, Eder should be well-versed and should have protected the information by either reaching out by phone, telehealth video using a HIPAA-compliant portal, or via encrypted email.*

I know things are getting worse and cases are increasing and I wonder why the city did not contract with a bigger entity/hospital to administer the tests.

Also wanted to add that apparently some people are able to go to a private doctor and pay for the test and some people are under the assumption that a blood test can yield a positive or negative COVID result. COVID can only be diagnosed using a nasal or oral swab. The blood test is an antigen or antibody test. I wonder if the person in the initial message above had a blood antibody test and tested negative-which would indicate that they do not have antibodies to COVID. A positive blood test would mean that they likely had COVID and their body developed antibodies. Please excuse any typos.

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM is correct.

The positive results are to control the Brownsville people. The people that have the symptoms (sore throat, chills, vomiting, stomach problems, not breathing etc) are not sick. They are "embrujados". They need a "curandera" to expel the evil spirits. We do not believe in Coronaviurs here in South Texas. We do not believe in science, we believe in witchcraft etc.

Anonymous said...

I saw a caravan of brujas the other night no wonder. Who contracted them trevino y el menor (tiny mayor)?

Anonymous said...

How much is this Eder Hernandez making from the city? He's not even a doctor (MD) but he calls himself a doctor. How did he get the contract? Was it put up for bids? How much is he getting paid? Who is monitoring who gets tested, how many times are people getting tested and how do you check to make sure that PA Eder is billing the city correctly? Somebody needs to audit the billing and check why there was no bids taken.The taxpayers should also be informed as to how much he is being paid and where the money is coming from.

Concerned citizen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of your evil actions towards men like Mr.Hernandez. He was doing COVID19 testing prior to joining forces with the city. City came to him asking for help and he did what he could. Ask yourself why other clinics, drs, PAs, etc shut down there medical clinics and did not help 1 patient in the COVID19 crisis. Why couldn’t they step up to the plate and test for their community. Ask yourself why?
He stepped up to the plate and has delivered more test than anyone else in Cameron county.
Hundreds , if not thousands of people in this community consider him one of the best health care providers in Brownsville. COVID19 was never his beginning, he has been one of the best here with over a decade of clinical practice. Many of us leave our primary care providers to switch to him because of his ability. Trust me. With him a shot, you will not seek medical care anywhere else. In a pandemic there is a lot of learning and laws that protect health care workers when providing any medical countermeasures against COVID19. You should contact him and volunteer to help. Also I understand he is a national board certified PA with multiple state licenses and he also is a Doctor of Medical Science. He has never said he is a physician or MD/ doctor of medicine. That man is highly qualified and highly respected in the medical community. So much he was asked yesterday to bring forth COVID19 medical information and his professional opinion to Point Isabel ISD. They finally voted in an emergency meeting to approve distance education for the year 2020-2021. I think this man must be someone to look up too. Stop hating, start helping.
