Sunday, July 19, 2020


"I've spoken to the chief of police in Brownsville and he has assured me that we've had a suicide, one, two suicides a day since since COVID happened here in Brownsville, since March..." Statement by Brownsville Independent School District board member Laura Perez-Reyes made July 13 during an emergency-called meeting to decide how to open the district schools

By Erin Sheridan
From The Brownsville Herald 

"A report of suicides rising in Brownsville sent worry through the community on Monday. Asked to confirm whether suicides have increased in frequency since March, Brownsville Police Department public information officer Jose A. Laredo found that rates have actually remained steady compared to previous years.

“From March 1 to July 15, 2018, there were two suicides. In 2019 for that same time period, there were four. And then this year, March 1 to July 15, there was a total of four. I’m familiar with the challenges — how we have to adapt to COVID, wearing masks,” said Laredo.

“Before, we would be shaking hands, hugging our relatives, and having that closeness. People may assume that because of that change, things could be getting worse. But those are the numbers we have.”

Upon further research, Laredo reported that attempted suicides — in which the person survived — have actually halved from March 1 to July 15, 2020 in comparison to previous years. There were 76 attempted in 2020 as opposed to 123 attempted between March and July of 2019, and 125 attempted in 2018 in the same time frame."

To read rest of article, click on link:


Anonymous said...

The question still remains. Did the chief actually tell Laura or did Laura
make it up? What does the chief say? If the spokesperson for the BPD is anything like the spokesperson for Donald Trump, should we be leery of what comes out of their mouth? It is the case of "I scratch your back and you scratch mine? But like the saying goes in Spanish, "El que con lobos anda,
se encenia a ullar." He who travels with wolves, will learn how to howl."
Is is getting contagious for Laura among her BISD colleagues?

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe a word that BIMBO says. She’s an idiot and BISD employees are counting down the days for her to be GONE! Adios squeaky voice airhead.

Anonymous said...

Your reporting is getting worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

Laura talking out of her but just to sound empathetic. Is that what you all want as the next District Clerk? Can't even verify if the information she is conveying is reliable.

Anonymous said...

Public preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in trust to handle the coronavirus pandemic has soared since March in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, boosting Biden – along with other measures – in the race for the White House.

Three and a half months ago the two candidates were virtually even in trust to handle the pandemic, Trump +2 percentage points, 45-43%. Today, with COVID-19 cases surging around the nation, Biden leads Trump on the issue by a 20-point margin, 54-34%. NYT

Kiss it good bye stupid go to the beach at SPI and get a sun tan and look like the natives moron...

Anonymous said...

It’s sad that the herald had to write and article about this because idiot Laura would never admit she was wrong. Waste of time and resources.

Anonymous said...

Did the Chief say that? It wouldn't surprise me if he did..The guy is a loser and will do anything to get himself attention..The guy has no idea what happens in the Department..If you ain't kissing his ass you end up with the trash..I hear his officers on the street are disgusted with him..never take anything that comes out of this guys mouth as the truth...just ask the women he has been with...looossser!

Anonymous said...

Vulnerable Border Community Battles Virus on ‘A Straight Up Trajectory’

On a sweltering day final week close to the southern tip of Texas, the place excessive charges of poverty and continual sickness have heightened the ferocity of the coronavirus, Dr. Renzo Arauco Brown made his rounds, checking on sufferers who have been dealing with extreme issues from the virus and barely hanging on to life.

The now-chaotic particular infectious illness unit the place he works has been clobbered with new admissions in latest weeks. Clinicians sweat underneath layers of protecting gear and yell over always blaring alarms.

Standing over a 63-year-old man whose lungs have been taking in harmful quantities of oxygen from a ventilator, Dr. Brown ordered treatment to paralyze the person in hopes it will repair the issue. But it surely was considered one of many. The person had additionally suffered a extreme stroke and blood clots due to the virus.

On a sweltering day final week close to the southern tip of Texas, the place excessive charges of poverty and continual sickness have heightened the ferocity of the coronavirus,

continue at:

Anonymous said...

“We knew that this was a time bomb because the percentage of obesity, hypertension, diabetes is so high,” said Dr. Adolfo Kaplan, a critical care physician who works with Dr. Brown at DHR Health in Edinburg, Texas. “We knew that if the hospital was hit, it was going to be a disaster, and that’s what we are living through.”

More than 57,000 people are now hospitalized, according to the Covid Tracking Project, reflecting a sharp increase that is approaching the previous national peak in April, when the center of the U.S. outbreak was in New York.

The elected officals knew this and still opened up the economy like that pendejo at the island. Close the dam bridge to SPI.

Anonymous said...

Vote Biden 2020

Anonymous said...

Talk about a woman that fell thrue the cracks to become a politician.

Anonymous said...

Its sad that the herald is still writing PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Laura truly is an idiot! Vote for her opponent. Laura is corrupt!

Anonymous said...

Mirla Veronica Deaton for District Clerk in November. She's an employee of Cameron County and knows how it works. Vote smart. Vote Deaton!

Anonymous said...

In reverse a gringa with a meskin first name very rare...
