Wednesday, July 1, 2020



WICHO said...


Anonymous said...

Atkinson....we know what a scumbag you truly, truly are. Have you no remaining descency? Do one good, lasting thing for the valley in your entire life and give up everyone in your incestuous circle. Shed light on this crime and the rest. Perhaps then you can hope for a small sliver of redemtion to the life you have lived. I beg of you. If there is a soul in that worldy husk you have rotted from the inside on out. You can even remain selfish and do it for no one other than yourself...

Anonymous said...

Weren't you order to stay away from any contact with BISD? What part of N O
you do not understand, cabezona! No tienes vuerguenza! So the FBI is lying and you are not. Ha! Many of us know what you are really about - YOU!

How can you be happy about anything. Debes de andar con la cola entre tus patas y no mandando retratos al RrunRrun. Why does Juan not feature the real stories? Miras la tempest y no te incas!

Anonymous said...

Why didnt you use her post where she says she had the Judge's support to participate? I dont think your clip is the right post.

Anonymous said...

She has not been offered the deal she wants yet. She will take a deal before trial but she won't like it. It will not be a slap on the wrist.

Anonymous said...

Whybis that these crooks are making soo much money and when breaking the law they only get slap on the wrist smh no te acaves valle

Anonymous said...

I understand there are Counselors that can help you get all your affairs in order before you GO TO PRISON! Oh, don’t forget to take Commissary money.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Sylvia, as anyone who knows her knows, she sticks her nose into BISD business without being asked! The Atkinson Family has major self esteem issues. They always want to take credit for the creation of the universe. Thanks a lot to their parents who have always been too proud to admit they raised her children wrong. The Atkinsons most definitely failed to learn humility, integrity and honesty. Poor BISD.

Anonymous said...

Beady eyed Snake who would stab her best friend in the back to save the skin that she can shed as often as she needs to.
Oh that's right she has already stuck it to many.
Metaphorically speaking.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The word is "pendency" Doc. Not "pendacy". LOL

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt??????? Do you really have a heart?
While you spend time behind closed doors, why don't
you write a book about all the people you have hurt
and use you last chapter to apologize to all those
who were even your friends and lovers. You socked it
to them and could not have cared less. How can you
stand yourself and we all wonder what Sherry sees in

Anonymous said...

She has harmed to many people and will always be a vindictive woman. She claims she has all this support and the truth is nobody wants to get near her. These idiot school board members are so afraid of her..they ALL NEED TO GO! Sylvia, I hope you have a lot of time to think about the evilness you’ve portrayed in prison.

Anonymous said...

What only meskins get indicted what about the gringos? PUB, BND, COB,MUDs and on and on...

Anonymous said...

Local law are republicans they go after meskins ONLY.... how many gringos have been indicted lately???

Anonymous said...

She is caught with her hand on the cookie jar. She literally accepted a bribe from an undercover FBI agent pretending to be a local media company. How the hell can you be innocent of that?

Anonymous said...

Such an intelligent woman with overbearing disgraceful reputation. She embarrasses her entire family and then some. She should leave BISD on her own but does not and instead pushes her limits to show the fading shadow of power and influence.

Anonymous said...

If she felt that She couldn’t manipulate you, she would try to get rid of you. If you kissed her Ass as many AA’s and principals did, she would do whatever you wanted as long as you supported her. She rounded up her posse to show numbers that she needed to continue her illegal activity. This was the biggest reason that she got rid of Zendejas; she needed her out of her way. She continues to write posts to her posse to show that she still has friends that will follow her no matter what...the two posts include her AA FRINDS and principals that will continue to kiss her ass ..what is wrong with these people! Sylvia just can’t stay away, she’s sick, she’s in denial.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia will deny anything as long as it is for her benefit. If she would just be satified with her intelligence and put it to good use, she would be the supt in BISD, but nobody would consider her because of her personality and her divisiveness. How sad! Such a mind will now have to replenish itself as she does some self-study classes in Educational Criminal Law Defense in Jail

Anonymous said...

You need fido to kiss her ass...
