Friday, July 3, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just when you thought it was safe to go out and vote in the Democratic Party Texas Senate District 27 runoff election between incumbent Eddie Lucio Jr. and Sara Barrera Stapleton, his son is charging her and her supporters - Planned Parenthood of Texas - with using the racist "S" word against him because he's Mexican-American.

("S" as in "sucio," or dirty, as in dirty Mexican, apparently.)

A local white blogger christened "Sucio" Lucio nearly a decade ago and until the current reelection runoff election, neither Lucio nor E3 had ever objected to the sobriquet.

But now, as early voting progresses with the last day July 10 and the election July 14, this supporters are objecting that national organizations like Planned Parenthood and Texas Freedom Network that  support Stapleton's "pro-choice" stand on abortion would use that nickname to describe her Mexican-American opponent. (click on graphic to enlarge.)

Pro-Life America mailouts in support of Lucio have charged Stapleton with killing babies (in the ninth-month of pregnancy) and for supporting abortions paid with tax dollars. In television spots he charges that she (an attorney) has defended criminals who have smuggled cocaine into the United States and that she is "not one of us."

In a mass mailout, Pro-Life features a crying infant with the text in Spanish and English that states

"He's got every reason to be angry...Give our babies a reason to smile about by voting against Stapleton-Barrera." (Of course, if the baby had been aborted, it wouldn't be alive, or crying, or smiling for that matter.)

His son wrote that Planned Parenthood used he racial term "to attack (his father) and his traditional Catholic values of support for life."

'"Those big, special-interest groups from outside our border community should comprehend the deeper connotations behind the word "sucio" (dirty Mexican) and the association of a person of Hispanic descent," E3 said in a press release today.

In the Rio Grande Valley, the niceties of separation of church and state are blurred by the predominantly conservative Catholic majority, and Bishop Daniel Flores quickly came to the Lucios' defense. Although he said he expected Planned Parenthood to attack Lucio's pro-life record, he said it was imperative that words be sued with care.

"Representative Eddie Lucio III's statement (on use of the word sucio) accurately reflects my sentiments," he wrote.

The Lucios' objection to the use of the "S" word triggered a debate in cyberspace, with some commenters saying Lucio deserved it for supporting anti-LGBT legislation that discriminated against that community.

"Well, you father played the LGBT community of SD 27 dirty when he co-signed SB6," wrote Jose Colon-Uvalles.

"Your father plays dirty politics and this weak attempt at trying to make this a racial issue is embarrassing and offensive. It is his own constituents that are holding him accountable for the horrible track record of throwing us under the bus to line his pockets. Tell your father we don't care."

Several Lucio supporters, including local ad agency mogul Rodrigo Moreno, who like G.F. McHale Esculo - the blogger who coined the term - have supported both Lucios in the current elections, came to his defense.

The Lucio supporters charged that the word "dirty" fit too neatly into the current national conversation over race and white privilege.

"We cannot be single-issue activists," Moreno said. "The same way an African-American is offended by the "N" word, the same way that "F" word hurts a member of the LGBT community, it is also demeaning to call a Mexican-American ''sucio..."

"Far too many times "Dirty" has been used to put our culture down. I know what words mean. I know what it is to look at your child's eyes and explain why they said that, and why I couldn't do anything about it for fear of deportation...

"Any candidate using expressions like that should be singled out and confronted, especially if that candidate's name is Stapleton...Talk about white privilege. You might feel offended by the senator's stand on issues, and it is your right to call out everything you see wrong. But it is nobody's right to use a racial slur against any minority."


Anonymous said...

Tempest in a teapot.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry's nicknames. ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Lucio is a sucio Republican.
a "pro-choice Democrat" no mames guey!! Ahora ya es un vendido

Anonymous said...

Daum we need new blood

Anonymous said...

This "sucio" crap is a false issue. It's a desperate attempt by the Sucio Lucios (yes both of them) to pull the race card, since it is a hot topic these days. Nice try, but nobody buys it. The reason they use "sucio" against you is because you're both "dirty" corrupt to the core. You're both bought. E3 you play all sides and are a disgrace. You represented the county as their bond attorney, and your represent Noble Builders and were on their board, when they got the go ahead for two multi-million dollar contracts with the county. You were paid thousands a month by that loser, Mike Hernandez, until he cut you off for attacking Cesar de Leon. You were involved with International Educational Services, a scam organization (for which I hope you get indicted), and on and on. So your credibility, as well as your cohorts, in attacking Sara is zilch. Your father, that you claim to be a saint, is worse than you, because he taught you how to be a corrupt politician. All your support is from outside of our community because they know you bow down to them to remain in power, while you sell out your community. You both deserve to go, and you barely squeaked by this time against a total novice. She'll get you next time, for sure. As for E2, you'll be lucky, if you squeak by on this one. You're both a disgrace and an example of our corrupt democratic machine politics. What a joke you both are. Go Sara!

Anonymous said...

Suelta la chiche eddie
Get a real job

Anonymous said...

E3, you just opened a can of worms again, your can. This has nothing to do with your RACE, but your questionable practices (Both of You),but I guess people are going to remind you again.

Anonymous said...

Pulling the race card now? It has nothing to do with your race and now you got the church involved? Shame on you for having them believe what you want them to believe, because you know exactly what it means. No te hagas PATO.

Anonymous said...

Sara is a disgrace, pretending to be “white” by keeping her birth last name as a permanent part of her name. She is totally out of her league! Those who have dealt with her know the truth. Sara, No mas no buena mujer!

Anonymous said...

You people who post here are so funny. Does anyone have any common sense in this county? 2 and 2 equal 4 unless you live in Cameron County. Vote Lucio you deserve him!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey E3, how much $$$$ did TEDSI pay for you for legal services during the legislative session in 2013?

Anonymous said...

If Bishop Flores supports Lucio, that means that Lucio will win.

We are Catholics here in the Valley.
Bishop Flores talks with God and represents God here on earth. This means that God told Bishop Flores to defend Lucio.

I will vote for Lucio now. I was going to vote for Barrera but I do not want problems with God.

Anonymous said...

at: July 4, 2020 at 8:46 AM

funny funny wow two funnies!!!!

Anonymous said...

You gotta serve somebody
it may be the devil
or it may be the lord
but you gotta serve somebody
yes indeed...

may your song always be sung
may your hands always be busy
may your feet always be swift
and may you always be



Anonymous said...

Here's what "sucio" means: "I have that little company. I do more than advertising now. I said, remember I said it got better as a Senator? Obviously there is more opportunities. I, I have consulting contracts with a firm out of Dallas, architectural firm, that builds jails and prisons. That's helped me a lot. I have another advertising, not advertising, consulting contract for an engineering firm out of Houston. Those little jobs that I get doing consulting work and all that's helped me a lot. And I don't mind telling you, sometimes you build a prison and you get a bonus. You build a jail, you get a little bonus. Those things add up and obviously that's what has afforded me to be able to build a home out in the country. I don't mind telling you, being in the Senate has opened, even though I'm not a lawyer, has opened up opportunities for me. And I'm thankful. I'm thankful. 1, 1 probably can gross as much as a Congressman does in Washington,"

Anonymous said...

The Brown Supremacists are in charge of South Texas, so why is this turd playing the race card?

Anonymous said...

In context, the word "sucio" when referring to Mexicans means that Mexicans are not clean, personalwise. They only take a bath on Saturday, if they need to It has nothing to do with racism! When we came into town on Saturdays from the ranches and farms we were all instructed to take a bath that morning so that we would not smell like rotten guayabas. Muchacho, sucio, you did not take a bath so you stay home and can't go into town. Now, if that offense maybe it is because your understanding is out of context since you feel bad for being a synonym for sucio - meaning diry. It just happens to rhythm with Lucio, so if the shoe fits, wear it.

Anonymous said...

Don't back off Sara - you hit a nerve.

Do another ad, this time with Sucio Lucio wearing a "For Sale" sign hung around his neck. This is why he earned the name "Sucio"

WE all know it, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, everyone living in the RGV has been thrown under the bus by this guy for years.

Bringing polluting companies here
Bridge to nowhere
that's just the beginning
He claims to be pro life but took all the donations, invited all the cancer companies here that gave these impoverished women birth defects and stillborn babies or headless babies. He's the reason they needed help from Planned Parenthood even though they wanted to be mothers. Sucio Lucio killed or deformed their babies in utero but wants the Bishop to defend him what a piece of shit hypocrite. Stop poisoning babies motherfucker just because the companies line your pockets with dinero to let them dump all their cancer waste here in our backyard, where the pregnant women are exposed to it pinche pendejo. You know this EDDIE LUCIO. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO THE WOMEN HERE.

A fraude who DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH, Sucio is a kind word compared to what he really is, a walking pedazo de mierda

Anonymous said...

Read the statement from organizers:
This is a pathetic attempt from the Lucio campaign to take attention away from the fact that he's close to losing his family dynasty

Anonymous said...

Anyone voting for Lucio because of Bishop Flores' support shouldnt be voting in the first place. Not everyone is a catholic, and the senator makes decision because of that CATHOLIC MONEY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I did NOT vote for Mr. Lucio because, even though I feel Ms. Stapleton is not the best choice, Mr. Lucio has disgraced the job that fellow mexican-americans sent him to do. I was in high school when he was a county commissioner, I retired and he still in the state legislature. I went to an event to honor Vietnam veterans at the B by Hanna HS and saw him get off the escalade with a couple of to what it looked like bodyguards. Escalades are at least $40,000, that is an INSULT to those old veterans sitting in the audience and their families. That is an insult to residents that live in one of the highest areas with poverty rates in the state. The pictures of him giving out lunch plates or distributing vegetables are nothing more than look good pictures. It is time for him and for the other Lucio (sheriff) to retire. Eddie Lucio's pension as a techer (because he always tells the story about being a techer at Central), would not be enough to pay for an Escalade, but OUR taxes will pay for his retirement check from the Texas legislature.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite Lucio, protects the unborn child then turns his back on them if they're gay. E3 what a way to SPIN the word that never meant to be a slur. You and your marketing team really dug deep to spin it. SPINNERS !

Anonymous said...

So which sucio is involved with the pay tonplay ill give u a tour of my middle school and maybe you can serve the lunches

Anonymous said...

Lucio looks like he needs dental work

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Sara Stapleton-Barrera Will Win. Period!!! End of the story.

Anonymous said...

The sucio term to describe Lucio is not used as they say "dirty". It is used to refer to him as being dishonest or corrupt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not only does he look stupid but sounds stupid when he starts using that stupid texas twang shit. YOU ARE NOT A GRINGO PENDEJO and the twisting of the tongue ain't gonna help you guey...

Anonymous said...

Juan folks are correct, if you want more of the corruption vote for lucio, if you want change then VOTE FOR SARA. Your choice. One question thought, how can a senator who doesnt work at anything else be worth $() million dollars? Did he win the lottery but didnt tell his voters? just wondering how eddie Lucio Jr, and i bet he Turd is on his way there too to amass this large fortunes?

Anonymous said...

Eddie the Turd, grow up, Maricon, some folks like you and your dad and others dont like the many things you all have done in the past plus some folks just plain hate both of you. Ni Modo, thats how the cow ate the cabbage, adios.

Anonymous said...

My mom always called me sucio now I know why gracias gueyes...
