Monday, July 6, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: This missive was posted on Facebook by former Brownsville Fire Department Chief Carlos Elizondo. Elizondo, a defendant on felony charges of stealing money from the firefighters union and charged with favoring an ambulance service with which he had personal and perhaps, financial, ties, makes his case that he was a victim of a political vendetta by the city's elected officials. Judge for yourself.)

By Carlos Elizondo

Many concerned people have reached out to me and their questions all share the same concern. Why does the City of Brownsville only have 7 ambulances and Harlingen has 16 ambulances? Before my appointment as Fire Chief in 2016, there were only 6 ambulances to service a population of over 200,000.

Within 2 weeks of my being appointed as fire chief, I added the 7th ambulance with the help of City commissioner Jessica Tetreau.

This station was located at the Port of Brownsville to service the city 24 hours / 365 days. I also equipped every unit within the fire department (i.e. fire administration, training division, fire marshal's office) so that they could respond to emergency calls when all ambulances/fire trucks were out of service due to the overwhelming call volume.

Now Fire Chief Jarrett Sheldon sits at home and so do the extra men and women in those departments (fire administration, fire marshal's office, and training division) who could help in responding to the overwhelming need for emergency calls.

What has happened since my removal?

The answer is simple, a political vendetta by (Commissioner Ben Neece).

Neece collaborated with Jessica Tetreau and Joel Munguia to sign off on a fictitious report where they lied and refuted the increasing demand for the City of Brownsville ambulance service. The city ambulances were not able to respond to calls and lives were being lost, at times people had to drive themselves or their loved ones to emergency departments because there were no ambulances available and the fire trucks could not transport them.

Some people arrived at the hospital dead.

Fast forward three years and now the current fire chief is now begging for help from private ambulance providers to come and help slow the death toll. The fire chief and the current City of Brownsville commissioners could have helped diminish this problem.

Our Brownsville firefighters are dropping like flies and many have contracted the COVID 19 virus and this has put an extra strain on the 911 system. This has caused numerous amounts of individuals to be left on the side of the road or in front of their homes to die because there are no ambulances available to help them.

Ask yourself this question, why the double standard now? Did lives not matter back then?”


Anonymous said...

You could've been somebody

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for your efforts and thoughts, Carlos, but the question still lies on whether or not you took and used some money that was not yours. Is it true that you used this money from a political fund to contribute to one of your BISD colleagues who later stabbed you in the back? If such is the case, make sure to bring this up in court so you won't sink by yourself. You are a fine man but bad actions got you into trouble.

Anonymous said...

pack of dogs in an alley just waiting for somebody to throw a bone... (elected officials and some public servants).

Anonymous said...

Elizondo is FULL OF SHIT. He is a THIEF NOT A CHIEF.

Anonymous said...

DPS increasing law enforcement over the weekend
Where? Not on central blvd! Where?????

Anonymous said...

Outlook worsens in the U.S. as July begins with a crush of cases.
July in America is off to a miserable start.

Let's all go to SPI and celebrate pendejos

Anonymous said...

On Sunday, Texas and Florida both surpassed 200,000 total cases each.

Open the bars open the malls open all stores restaurants parks and all beach accesses.....

Anonymous said...

Early numbers found that Black and Latino people were being harmed by the coronavirus at higher rates, but new federal data — made available after The New York Times sued the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — reveals a clearer and more complete picture: Black and Latino people have been disproportionately affected across the United States, throughout hundreds of counties in urban, suburban and rural areas, and across all age groups.

Latino and African-American residents of the United States have been three times as likely to become infected as their white neighbors, according to the new data, which provides detailed characteristics of 640,000 infections detected in nearly 1,000 U.S. counties. And Black and Latino people have been nearly twice as likely to die from the virus as white people, the data shows.

Anonymous said...

Virus can float in air and WHO should tell people that, experts say

Anonymous said...

Give it up!!! Your shits getting old...

Anonymous said...

Earth to MAGAtards: America does not care about preserving Confederate Flags. Never did. Never will.

Orange Demogogue does not, too. He can not even spell "confederate". It's just his next deflection in his never-ending list of deflections from what a colossal failure and fraud he is, and that he never actually spent a single day presidenting rather than BS-ting.

An openly Racist president. Well now his followers can't claim they arent racist too.

In November, Remember a vote for the GOP is a vote for racists.

Anonymous said...

Left on the side of the road
prove it

Anonymous said...

Became a Fire Chief with no qualifications
No certifications what do u expect.Oops sorry he was a nurse thats a Fire Chief quality we needed.

Anonymous said...

The recent cases of police violence have further shaken any simple conviction of national virtue. The Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of the George Floyd killing may be the largest mass movement in American history. It’s estimated that between 15 million and 26 million Americans participated in the protests (which were also echoed throughout the world). Never in history have more Americans been willing to take to the streets to challenge the racial status quo.

Neither the rising pandemic death toll nor the size of protests indicates a country that is ready to bask in its glory. Recent polls reflect this loss of faith. According to a Yahoo News/You Gov poll, “while about half of Americans (52 percent) believe America was a shining city on a hill when Reagan gave his final speech as president, most Americans (62 percent) say the country is no longer a beacon and a model for the rest of the nations of the world.”

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Elizondo was done wrong by many. Those that did him wrong, know it and carry it in their gut. You can't erase the evil folks have inside them. Maybe there were mistakes by everyone involved but Elizondo paid the biggest price losing much of his career and disposition within the community. Don't forget judge Elia lopez and her buddies who tried hard to dig him into a hole (she signed all papers for his arrest and search). Pain and simple Elizondo was done wrong and folks will pay in their own ways. When you do wrong to people without major reason, things come back to redeem your actions of hate. Myself and many in the community will vote for Elizondo over Minerva, Atkinson, Cowen and Perez-Reyes.

Anonymous said...

Always trying to capitalize over people's misfortune. Elizondo, you have never cared about anybody but yourself. Your greed was your down fall among your many other poor equities. You sold out your brothers and sisters from the fire department. You are worthless as a medic, nurse, officer, chief, etc. The day you were fired from the fire department was truly a blessing. Now you are out there saying that we need
more ambulances when you have always known we were always short. Instead of hiring more personal, you tried to line your own pockets my opening another ambulance service against city ordinance. If you were so concerned about our community why didn't you fight to open it to any ambulance service. You were the cause of some people retiring before their time, right C.C., but I guess it was for the best. And now here you are again opening old wounds not very smart, but that is not one of your strong equities. You have no credibility so shut up and hide your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Elizondo that instead of getting more ambulances he fought for his private service (inner city) to operate within the city. Is this the same Elizondo that also gave a bid to his brother to service all fire station lawns? Is this the same Elizondo that took an unqualified firefighter and made him deputy chief? Is this the same Elizondo that stole money from his own union? Is this the same Elizondo that as a Lt at st 1 would lay down all day and never do shit? Is this the same Elizondo that ran the worst fire administration in the entire history of BFD? Stick to FB podcast with Erasmo Castro lol. Elizondo is a joke. And will FOREVER be known as FIRED fire thief Elizondo!

Anonymous said...

Long live the 49.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Elizondo that braggs about how he takes advantage of everyone with his side lovers?? Is this the sane Elizondo that thought he was smarter?? You are a Felon that continues to want to be a Von- Man. It will be an embarrassment to the community if this asshole would be in office again.. And it will only take time for him to want to take advantage.. "Arbol que crece torsido jamas to rama enderesa"

Anonymous said...

Must be a great day for this so called attorney Noe Garza. Two indicted charged wrongdoers for the price of one. You have been saving this last one of Atkinson to make a good and profitable deal, question is who is the "Friendly" judge?

Anonymous said...

A reflection of the "La Rata" Carlos Elizondo; sold out his union to gain his position as Chief, stole money from the union, stole money from the COB, claimed someone had stolen his AC unit and building material but was actually arrested for filing a false police report because he himself stole the materials, cheated on his Nurse online certification, has had numerous affairs, took bribes while School Board Member, is a bully, falsifying EMS records, would not respond to medical and fire calls so he could attend personal business while on duty, is the biggest liar of all time, oh yeah and he swallows so no one will see any evidence of his cocking sucking...and now he wants to play the innocent victim, everyone is out to get me, I'm for the people, I'm not a thief, you can trust me...dude you should be in jail and then deported back to Matamoros!!!

Anonymous said...

Cuidado que este cabron te graba sin que te des cuenta. Preguntale a Carlos De Leon.

In God We Trust said...

Anon July 6 at 11:13
Yup, leave it to a "racist"...deflecting, to post as an Anon. If you believe your comments have merit, be proud enough to post your name. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR PRESIDENT, OUR HEALTH CRISIS and WE should all UNITE. Not DIVIDE. Give your comments some thought please. V Farias

Anonymous said...

Esta Rata De Dos Patas otra vez......ya wey!
