Monday, July 6, 2020


(Ed.s Note: Mortified that Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. is giving the impression that the residents of Texas Senate District 27 share his ghastly taste in sports apparel, there is a growing movement to take down the statue of the august lawmaker lest the region's reputation take a hit.

Heavily-armed Department of Public Safety troopers reinforced by a Texas Ranger have been sent to protect the eyesore from local protesters who have been planning to hook up a chain to the monument and bring it down.

"The very least we can do is spray the pants black if we can't hook a rope around the golf club and being it down," said a  protester wearing a surgical mask to protect the spread of COVID-19. 

"I mean what kind of heritage do we want our kids to celebrate? Stop to think about it, we might be doing the Lucio kids and grand kids a favor in spite of himself. Can you imagine a kid looking up at that monstrosity and saying, 'Hey, that's my grampa in that ridiculous outfit.'  It would stunt the kid emotionally for life."


Anonymous said...

Montoya tries comedy! Ha hah ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Where in the world is it? Useless reading!!!! INSTEAD,

Juan, would you instead do some of your historical research on a place
that was known as the Six Sisters that was located on the highway to Boca
Chica, near Palmito Hill Battle Site, on the left side of the road. I remember that as a last stop for buying ice on the way to the beach, but I have looked and looked in our so called illustrious public library and can not find anything on it. Does anyone else remember that place, or was I dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Trump washed his hands (figuratively) of Covid-19 long before May, when he said he didn't take responsibility for whatever it was he was being asked about. He didn't do anything productive about the virus in March, April, May, or June.

All he wants to do is to be able to blame other people, and he seems to think that if he doesn't act then he can't be blamed. Hence, live with it.


Anonymous said...

You are blaming Trump for the Wuhan Flu. Who is the loser? Lucio looks like shemp from the three stooges.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I like it. How about un-naming the middle school?

Anonymous said...

Photoshopped Babe Ruth is the closest Lucio will ever get to greatness.

Unknown said...

for 10.09am i agree btw the way will we are at it with this un-naming of the middle school should we also do the State Highway 511 too? Been getting way too much election pamphlets from eddie junior in my US Mail box from many organizations- lobbying organizations it seems, looks like eddie is bought and sold. Eddie jr and Eddie the TURD, just come out and say you both are REPUBLICANS Y YA, puras patas de ogado or what? Shit and we thought gilberto hinojosa and juan magallenes were both BAD, man we were wrong, they look like saints now, and/or with the bishop backing Eddie Jr could be a saint too, lol. VOTING FOR SARA.

Anonymous said...

Vote him out! Vote him out! Vote him out!

Anonymous said...

Meskin playing golf!! that tell you people everything pinche coco...
