Friday, July 24, 2020



First came the years of drought that sapped the lifeblood of the land and of its people..

Next it was the plagues, the first one was the dengue, then Zika, then COVID-19...

Then came rumors of nuclear confrontation, trade wars with China, Canada, Mexico, and their brother (except Russia), and walls erected to keep Us in and Them out...

The river carried an unholy mix of chemicals and sludge toward the sea, and in San Pedro the water took on a greenish-yellow tinge and live algae was found in the water people drank...

The plague took the elderly and feeble at first, then the young and healthy, and now infants came down with it, too...

The bridges are shut down, curfews are enforced, and face masks become mandatory. Cities are ghost towns...

And now, out in the gulf, a tempest builds headed for our shores. They warn of floods..

A comet is in the northeast sky...

"Ok, Pharaoh, that's it. Just let Moses and his people go before it gets worse...


Anonymous said...

The natives will prevail ooooh so sorrrry there are NO natives here only cockroach europeans and that includes china...

Anonymous said...

GOP Isn’t Sure Saving Trump With Stimulus Is Worth It

Anonymous said...

Cleanest Waters: Study indicates local beaches least polluted


Anonymous said...

Completely off topic, but who drives a blue Superduty Ford pickup with about two dozen Eddie Lucio campaign stickers on the rear glass? The vehicle has State Official license plates and was weaving in and out of lanes as it sped south past San Benito and Rancho Viejo yesterday afternoon. The driver was clearly holding a phone over the steering wheel pointing outward as if on FaceTime or filming. It zoomed past all of us who were doing the legal limit. This isn’t meant to sway anyone to vote for or against the Lucios, but to hold them and whoever drives their vehicles accountable. You are not above the law and have no right to put the rest of us at risk.

Anonymous said...

Lancet study just came out that lock downs have not helped in any significant way to slow down corona cases or deaths. Sweden that did not lock down now has deaths in the single digits, herd immunity.

Anonymous said...

@1:43 Of course lockdowns don't work, it's all about power control and forcing us to wear stupid masks. This are just testing trials use for the future when martial law police state is implemented! They are probably laughing at us when they see all the sheeple wearing the stupid masks and all living frighten of a made up virus that no one has seen, but trusting a up your nostrils test that is giving out false positives as to help increase the virus infected list! Puro gente pendejos!

Anonymous said...

To 1:43: Moo. There is no such thing as herd mentality, you stupid cow.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans will be marched across the bridge and back to Mexico after the election.

Anonymous said...

@2:45 It's "immunity" Pendejo! Go get your eyes checked pinche siego!

Anonymous said...

to 2:45

Of course there is its called brownsville voters moooooooo.

Anonymous said...

Herd mentality is the inclination for individuals within a group to follow along with what the group at large thinks or does. It is also known as mob behavior, group mind, group think, crowd psychology, locally its known as mentalida a pendejada, and other similar terms.

Anonymous said...

Its the same shit herd this herd that you still die

Anonymous said...

Watch the MLB cheaters at:

Anonymous said...

..yup and the leader of such Herd is ..yup you guessed

Anonymous said...

Palanka power forever!
In da valley we ARE the majority.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk says he doesn't support another government stimulus because of 'special interests.' Most of his 44,000 employees likely benefited from it.
Time to raise the rent on this idiot he's talking about 90% of brownsville citizens his landlords. RAISE THE RENT ON THIS IDIOT OR KICK HIM OUT TERMINATE THE LEASE. ITS MY TAX MONIES

Anonymous said...

"DISCUSSED?" is that all you did with talks with the republican governor? My 9 year could have done that. We need somebody will intestinal fortitude (HUEVOS TO YOU)not a wimpy county judge who is afraid of whites or out to enrich his pockets or political position.

Anonymous said...

Raise the rent on your marijuano friend he doesn't like anybody here anyway or terminate the lease and kick him out...

Elon Musk says he doesn't support another government stimulus because of 'special interests.' Most of his 44,000 employees likely benefited from it.

Is he referring to a local judge here??

Anonymous said...

Bernie Sanders slams Tesla CEO Elon Musk, saying it's 'pathetic' that Musk is against another government stimulus package

Cancel the rental contract with this marijuano.

Anonymous said...

That pic looks like somebody we all know and he's pissing MAD...uuuuuha yea
