Friday, July 31, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: As reported here last week, the father of former Matamoros Mayor Lety Salazar was kidnapped by unknown gunmen at his place of business and a $50 million peso ransom demanded. That's about $2.5 million in US dollars. The news reports don;t indicate what the actual ransom amount that was paid, but extraofficial sources say that the kidnapping was motivated by some previous victims of the mayor and Luis Alfredo Biasi, her former secretary of social development, reclaiming their properties on the U.S. Side in exchange for his release. Once returned, Ramiro Salazar was said to have been returned to his family after being held for seven days. Above, in a file photo, he is shaking hands with Tamaulipas Gov. Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca.)


Anonymous said...

so what!

Anonymous said...

Properties in the us side?
So then they know who it was

Yeah so what if criminals move to the usa

Anonymous said...

He was rescued by the jump out boys. Mexico started this practice even when they had no vehicles just horses (stagecoach).

Anonymous said...

What? crimminals move into this area!! Na THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN and now that we have a house mouse paper pusher as sheriff it scares the crap out of ALL thses crimminals - don't you think so???

Former RGV LEO said...

Ransom was paid for sure! Kidnappers don't release unharmed, period! And if they did for whatever reason? The mayor is in bed with kidnappers in some way for sure! Corruption is the way of life in that third world country, period!

Oh, and to the mexican government! Release the water you POS! We go through this BS every year!

But, yet this country always gives them money be it democRAT or Republican!

Anonymous said...

The republiSHITS started the gimme gimme programs to give to any third world country and now they can't stop it. NOW they won't help their own people. RUPUBLISHITS thats what all of them are plus racist mojones.
