Tuesday, July 7, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: No sooner does local artist Marcus Castro repair the vandalized mural of police-violence victim George Floyd, than a reactionary vandal or vandals working in the shadow of the night mar the voluntary art work throwing splotches of paint or – in the latest act of cowardice – spray lines on its finished surface.

This is the third time that the mural has been defaced. The last two times. Castro returned and repaired it.

Someone, apparently, is offended that a local artist is making a stand against police violence against black and latino victims and is using the cover of darkness to deface Castro's expression, an expression that has garnered the support across the entire united States. Why would they, we wonder?  

It's someone who obviously knows the inner city's alleyways well, who picks the time when no one is around the alleyway across 13th Street from the Brownsville Intermodal Transportation Terminal (the bus station), and who has the time to dilly dally in the area to inflict his damage on the work.

Is it one of the homeless from up north with a chip on his (or her) shoulder against minorities? Is it a local Hispanic resident with some unexplained envy toward Castro's work? Or is it just a racist thug who delights in destruction of someone else's work? Do they "glory in demoniac power, ditching civilization as a paranoiac boy puts a log on the track and derails the express train?"
Does he not realize that the mural is directly across the alley from the Immaculate Conception Cathedral where priests and volunteers weekly walk the downtown streets around the terminal passing out free meals to hungry street people? He may have been the beneficiary of that act of kindness only to repay that act of goodness with vindictive destruction.  

Each time Castro has gone back to repair his gift to the people of Brownsville and make his statement that innocent civilians should not die at the hands of those public servants who took the oath to protect an serve them. 

Just yesterday, he unveiled one featuring murdered U.S. Army soldier Vanessa Guillen combined with a depiction of caged unaccompanied  immigrant children with the statement: "Don't Stop Looking for Me. Don't Stop Fighting for Them."

All he asks is for people to "respect the work – to appreciate it and leave it alone – to learn to understand its message so others can enjoy it and grow."

Is that too much to ask?


Anonymous said...

Marcus Castro is doing it for the publicity. smh

Anonymous said...

This guy was was a convicted felon, ex-con cokehead piece of shit...

Anonymous said...

Agree all artwork should be respected
However the term used to descrime Mr. FLOYD "innocent" is another story. What constitutes innocent? A jury trial? A clean crimminal record? The constitution's innoccent until proven guilty?
What exactly was Mr. Floyd innocent of? Hr resisted arrest, he passed a phony bill, he had drugs in his system...

Anonymous said...

Harlingen may help residents with bills
Y aqui que??/ bola de babosos lets built more bike trails and bring more gringos from dallas to run all the scratch my back boards.. pinche jotos...

Anonymous said...

Astros on staying consistent
trash cans will be placed up and down the dug out only during dodgers games.

Anonymous said...

It was an image or message they didn't agree with.

Anonymous said...

So if the perpetrators end up being latino... does that still make them racist? I don't remember seeing too many white nationalists running around Brownsville as of late, much less downtown. A vandal can simply be a vandal and an ass can simply be an ass. Not everything has to be racist.

Anonymous said...

Lets see 2 senior police officers went to work got 2 rookie new officers and said I know what we can do today we can go find George Floyd and kill him. Yea lets go do that, so people can make a hero out of him paint nice pictures of him give him a grand funeral make him a national hero and tell me when I pick up dog crap it will smell like roses. How is it that the officers found Floyd that day, George Floyd made them find him that day by being a criminal. If he had been in prison for telling the woman who was PG that he was going to kill her and her unborn he would be alive. Oh wait he told the woman he was going to preform an abortion on her that's legal. No crime their right Dems?

Anonymous said...

Multi-convicted thug fights police and is killed. Seems about right to me.

Anonymous said...

what happened to Mr. Floyd is a travesty but perhaps the issue of children being killed in predominantly black neighborhoods is a more serious issue than that of what happened to Mr. Floyd.

Anonymous said...

@9:43 Ask the Valley's racist cotoro who did it! Pendejo would say it was a Coco!

Anonymous said...

@7:27 I don't about that, but he was a porn actor in the Houston area. Google KIMBERLY BINKS Porn.

Anonymous said...

We cant have a mural of MLK?

Anonymous said...

Don’t be a snowflake...that’s how people really feel but are afraid of being hung by the rest of the snowflakes. Snowflakes are the only ones that can voice their opinion...

Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not make heathen images near a church sayest the priests of the most glorified temple masons

Anonymous said...

Systematic Snowflakes!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am surprised at most of the previous postings. I bet most of the posters consider themselves to be patriotic law and order people yet there is support for extra-judicial murder, apparently because somehow he deserved it. It seems that the constitution matters less and less. It reminds me of those guys anti-demonstration vets who argue that they didn't go to war to support our freedom just so people could protest against a government policy. Well, yes you did.

Anonymous said...

At least he'll have something to do for the next 6 months...
