Friday, July 10, 2020


BY Joanna Guzman
MCALLEN, Texas – A local nurse practitioner wants Governor Greg Abbott to shut down the Rio Grande Valley. She said she is feeling hopeless with the number of patients and nurses falling ill.

Her frustration comes from the number of patients coming into her clinic every day.

“For those of us that are front line, we are getting infected we’re dying. My colleagues and I are exhausted,” said Nurse Practitioner April Lopez.

Lopez said she treats about 40 patients with COVID related illnesses daily. She emphasized the shortage of providers the Valley has to treat people and keep them out of hospitals.

(As of July 9, there are a total of 11,767 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the Rio Grande Valley. There are 212 reported deaths related to COVID-19 in the RGV and 5,389 recoveries.

Cameron County announced its first case of COVID-19 on March 19. Hidalgo County’s first case was confirmed on March 21. Willacy County’s first case was confirmed on March 26. Starr County’s first case was confirmed March 26.)

For nurse practitioner Lopez, shutting down the RGV again is the only way to save lives.

“This is my nurse practitioner heart not wanting to see my colleagues infected. As we are in the front line trying to save your lives. While you’re being stubborn going to the beach, having your Carne asadas and when you’re half dead you’re begging for help,” said Lopez.

She believes gyms are huge contributors to the spike in cases.

“If you’re going to the gyms, if you’re teaching Zumba right now or you’re training people… you are helping us kill people here in the Valley,” she added.

Lopez believes the number of positive cases in the Rio Grande Valley are way higher than what charts show because there is people who are too afraid to go out and get tested.

“You’re seeing the positive tested. You’re not seeing the patients that are home suffering feeling like their bones are breaking into powder everyday not knowing if they’re going to survive. You’re not seeing the patients that are still home sick, the patients that can’t afford testing,” she said.


Anonymous said...

We are a country without a leader right now. A leader would have analyzed the problem of the pandemic, consulted with those more knowledgeable such as our CDC and health professionals, had cabinet meetings, and then presented the plan to Congress and the Senate for further discussion before putting the plan into action. Instead, we have a president skilled in self-deception and grandiose notions of his own expertise who relies more on intuition and gut feeling then the advice and direction from the scientific community. Sadly, a majority of our fellow Americans seemed to have fallen for this guy's sales talk and elected him as our president. I have little faith for any improvement in the COVID-19 pandemic lacking a unified plan from the top down.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION: If you read the Brownsville Herald, you are aware that per the average for many years, you will see an average of two or three people's name on the obituary of the newspaper daily. However, this past week, the Brownsville Herald have been naming well over twenty names of people dying in the Brownsville area. Is it COVID-19 or just the lack of medical services in this area? If you are an elected official in this County, please pay attention to what is happening in our community and please do something.

Anonymous said...

I have heard from local RGV people who say that there has not been any clear reporting by local officials or the media regarding the following:

There has been nothing related to the COVID testing numbers, specifically as to where the positive results, including latest increase in positive cases, have resided. Are they 1) RGV residents, 2) travelers to the area from other US destinations, 3) people residing in Mexico crossing legally to get tested, seeking medical and/or looking for hospitalization, or 4) people who have entered the US illegally, reside here illegally, or have been arrested for illegally entering the US.

People in the medical field have told me that a large number of the latest COVID cases are the result of #3 above, i.e., people residing in Mexico crossing legally to get tested, seeking medical and/or looking for hospitalization. This has resulted in the lack of available hospital beds for RGV residents with COVID.

Many of these RGV residents have had to seek treatment or hospitalization in other cities such as San Antonio, etc. Local hospital patients have been transported to other cities for treatment and/or hospitalization as well.

So as to the person commenting above, who is obviously a Trump hater, and has no faith in the US President, consider the uniqueness of living along the US/Mexico border. Leave politics out of your whining and complaining. Offer a positive solution or recommendation. Appeal to the government of Mexico to provide the funding, facilities, and staff in Mexico to treat and hospitalize their people in Mexico for their own good and to prevent further spreading of the COVID in Mexico and the RGV or the US.

Hopefully, if or when the need arises for ourselves, families and friends in the RGV, there will be medical treatment and/or hospitalization available in our time of need.

Former RGV LEO said...

July 10, 2020 at 12:59 PM

You right about leadership! Our county judge is a check cashing fool from a family business and a lousy attorney! As far as shutting down the county, NOT! That' what made it worse form those who contracted it and mainly from family! Just take care!

Anonymous said...

As per Anonymous 3:56 pm, if the situation with the pandemic was only here in the valley, you would certainly have a case in your argument. However, the situation is all over the United States. Poor leadership by our nation's leader has lead to our current situation because of his selfish ambition for political power. Anonymous 12:59 is one of the vast majority of people in this country that has little faith in "any improvement in the COVID-19 pandemic lacking a unified plan from the top down." It is not about politics, it is about leadership in a time when leadership is needed for the good of our nation.

WICHO said...


Anonymous said...

If your nose isn't covered, your face isn't covered. Face masks aren't chin guards either. The media has failed to teach the public how COVID19 is spread.

Anonymous said...

Shut it down just leave the bars, the beach and the GOP convention open...

Anonymous said...

Teach the public to stay home!
You dont need a mask at home

Close the darn gyms
Tell me how they contribute to.local economy?
They are owned by out of state franchises!

Anonymous said...

Its not pandemic its pendejos
