Saturday, July 25, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Did you get one of these?

Depending on how many people Dr. Sylvia Atkinson spoke to on her cell phone during the period from February 12 to May 13, 2018, they probably got a letter like this.

Former Socorro schools superintendent indicted on federal bribery ...We are told a goodly number of letters have been received by persons who may have spoken with Atkinson during that period and have now received this notice required of federal prosecutors to tell them that they were listening to their conversations.

"During the period of authorized interception, wire communications to or from your telephone were intercepted," the letter signed by Ass. US Attorney Jody L. Young, reads.

The letter also informs the recipients that the "Honorable Andrew S. Hanen authorized the interception of wire communications over the above captioned phone."

What was hot on the BISD boilerplate then?

Let's see, we had a $120 million facilities budget to approve and contracts to let out, the rotten barbacoa scandal was causing a stink, there was a move (stymied) to make indicted trustee Carlos Elizondo board president, board president Cesar Lopez filed for port commissioner, and vendors were complaining of apparent "favoritism" in the BISD procurement process to favor some above others.

Pretty much the usual, it seems.

Prosecutors obviously cast a wide net in their investigation which resulted in a federal grand jury issuing eight federal counts of conspiracy, bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and violation of the Travel Act-State Law Bribe.

Since being charged with the counts, federal prosecutors filed a sealed motion that many observers say is a motion to revoke her bond pending trial after she attended a Brownsville Independent School District board meeting in apparent violation of her conditional release.

That hearing is scheduled for July 30 and will be via Zoom. Since the U.S. Constitution dictates that hearings in federal courts are open to the public, local court observers are wondering when the court will make the pass word known to those who may wish to see the proceedings.

Think hard. If you got one of those letters, did you talk about a movie?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shit what? Are you stupid? If she was under investigation her phone was tapped. Have you never been to the movies? If she spoke to her pool guy then he got the same letter. You are really shocked the government taps phones? I would imagine half the elected officials in the valley have had their phone tapped at one point or another. Now think for a minute, with all the people who probably got one of these letters and no one else being indicted, do you think maybe nothing of consequence was ever said?

Anonymous said...

Awwww yeahhhh.....lets eradicate the RATS

Anonymous said...

So if she called you, you are going down with her?
She always said that thousands of calls came to her from concerned
people, but she never said she was the one making the call to them.
My grandma used to tell me that a lie had a way to always be discovered!

Why is she crying now, in the picture? She sure didn't cry when she treated so many BISD employees with so much hate and "chingona?" Her time is just around the corner!

Anonymous said...

Hello My name is Carlitos Son of Atkin, and please pray for my sister

Anonymous said...

Orale charlie!

Anonymous said...

July 25, 2020 at 5:15 PM

You're the cinephile or should I say cinependejo, so tell us don't keep it to your self moron, want some popcorn guey.
Now that you've impressed about.1% of this blog readers you can go take a shiiiiiiiit idiota in your tv equipped crepa.

Anonymous said...

must be worried.

Anonymous said...

Orale Pat

Anonymous said...

How come we never see the mug shot pictures of her?

Anonymous said...

We talked on the phone. About TV. I said Orange is the new Black is the best, but she likes Oz.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo will came out of the closet Friday night and admitted to the world that he likes pito. The younger the better. He announced it so no one can bring up any surprises when he runs. We found the third person in the car he was in the night he got arrested and it doesn't look good for Erasmo. I hope he tells his audience before it gets released to all social media. You want to be in politics Erasmo, chingate.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like she's trying to cut one and a big one I hope it didn't skunk the place up LOL

Anonymous said...

To be honest her best bet to stay out of prison is to spill the beans on everyone.

Anonymous said...

She can cut her time behind bars if she turns rat, but she would have to reveal the full scope of her crimes and she sure as shit does not want to do that.

Anonymous said...

12:00 -she don't need your advice about spilling the beans. That is her way of life and she's probably done that already, but this case is on her and once she is put away, we can work on her other buddies. That is why everyone is kissing her behind in hopes of not being mentioned. She has done wrong and she should pay for it. Others will follow in time. Next week should be a good one to follow. Juan, pretty please, keep us update with all the data
from the courts. We will be anxiously waiting since we can't go in person.

Anonymous said...

Spill the Beans the new number one hit in brownsville.

Anonymous said...

If she is not put in jail that means she did spill the frijoles and continues to do so.
The picture I want to see is when they handcuff her ass oops I mean wrists. Take it and sell it for 200 bicks I know of 20 people that will pay that and much more...

Anonymous said...

The orange one is the one I want
