Thursday, July 2, 2020



Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good party Democrat to suck off China!

3+ years or Russian investigation and...............big nothing burger.

Democrats, wasting away America 1 freebie after another

Anonymous said...

Schumer is full of shit!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you can't see if your eyes closed. The Democrats don't have to do anything, trump is sinking in his own shit. The nightmare will soon end.

Anonymous said...

Trump has been rated as the third worst president right beside Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan. However, we are blessed to have a robust Constitution with checks and balances that so far have not only constrained his incompetence and reckless tendencies but the feeble and cowardly republican leadership in the senate.

In its sixth presidential ranking since 1982, 157 scholars surveyed by the institute ranked Trump the third worst president of all time after Andrew Johnson (who was impeached) and James Buchanan (whose presidency was followed by the Civil War).

The Siena survey is conducted after each new president has had a full year in office. It asks presidential scholars, historians and political scientists to rank the presidents according to 20 different categories.

Because the survey is conducted after only one year in office, the sitting president normally comes in somewhere toward the middle of the pack as "scholars begin to observe their accomplishments, assess their abilities and study their attributes," said Don Levy, the institute's director, in a press release.

"This year, Donald Trump enters the survey at 42nd, and he is only ranked outside of the bottom five in two of the twenty categories that scholars use to assess the presidents, 'luck' and 'willingness to take risks,'" Levy said.

For the first time in the survey's history, George Washington was ranked the greatest president, unseating Franklin Roosevelt, who had topped every previous ranking. Overall, the top five has remained unchanged with Washington, Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

who gives a shit gringos are culos by nature...

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!
