Saturday, August 1, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Word has reached the social media of the passing of Alex Guerrero, a longtime border businessman who grew up during the halcyon days of international trade and carousing in Brownsville-Matamoros.

Guerrero was well known to local movers and shakers and collaborated with businessmen on either side of the Rio Grande at a time when business was booming and restrictions on both sides of the border could be overcome with the right incentives. 

Later, he became active in Brownsville politics and figured prominently in the campaigns of many local politicians.

His only regret was that his efforts to add to the downtown night scene by opening up a social club was stymied by what he – and many others thought – was a deliberate reading of ordinances to keep his business from opening and doing business. His bar was just slightly under the 1,000-square feet requirements and allowed the city to shut it down. The place remains empty to today. 

At the time, Guerrero explained to his saloon fans why he closed:  

"It is with great sadness that we have to announce DONALEC SOCIAL CLUB has closed its door for ever, due to the ridiculous city ordinance of not allowing small bars(under 1000 SF) to obtain a Mixed Drinks TABC License.

"But we believed in downtown Brownsville and went ahead and invested a considerable amount of money with the hope the city would promote the Entertainment District they created 2 or 3 years ago but it never happened. In order to offer high quality entertainment it is necessary the revenue from mixed drinks to afford it. We want to thank all our friends and customer for their support while we were open."

Just recently he went to get himself checked out for possible COVID-19 infection at a local hospital but was found negative. After that he went home, only to succumb to it there.

We often ran into Guerrero (everyone called him Alex) downtown and at other night spots and he always had a warm greeting for those he met. We'll miss him as we will miss others who have been taken down by this virus killer. Condolences to his family. RIP.


Anonymous said...

Juan, Da Blimp is coming to post his shit here cause he knows he has no forum on his boring, dying blog! Ja ja ja a-ja ja ja Loser! Beat it, Blimpo!!! Everybody in Brownsville hates you, baboso.

Anonymous said...

New stimulus check qualifications? Everything we know about the requirements today
The HEELS developed by heels (republicans) will likely pass some time in december 2020. The heels stimulus checks will only go to dead people

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this guy.

Anonymous said...

Entrepreneur, you moron! May God Damn you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Da Blimp is still around? Where? His blog always bored the fuck out of me. Jerry is right, he's lost. Ban him from here, Juan. He dirties your blog.

Anonymous said...

GOP: Renomination of Trump to be held in private
It should be done in a restroom a lady's restroom

Anonymous said...

Is he the dad of the port comissioner candidate?

Anonymous said...

RIP Brother!

ORIVE said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! He was an acquaintance I would see frequently at Palm Lounge. I used to call him the the DosXX Man. Kind of resembled him. Rest In Peace Amigo!

Anonymous said...

RIP he always showed dignity and respect...
