Thursday, August 6, 2020


1. Recommend approval of the revised Teacher Salary increases and the 2020-2021 Employee 
Compensation Plan. Item 1 on Consent Agenda for Tuesday's Brownsville Independent School District

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Who's getting promoted, demoted, or left as they are?

The BISD's Compensation plan was voted on this Tuesday, but only its authors, Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez, and a few board members could possibly know what is in it.

What pleasant (and unpleasant) surprises lurk in its secret pages?

No one knows because it wasn't included in the board's packet agenda that was made public, unlike all the other items.

(In contrast, the district did control the release of the general compensation to the local daily, headlining the release with the news that they were increasing the teachers' raises to $2,000, up from the $1,680 they worked out during the budget deliberations. They said Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez had – under their direction – "found" the additional funds and approved a $1.1 million transfer for raises. Classified and maintenance staff received 4 percent raises.)

Since the specifics were not made public before the meeting, the board unanimously voted sight unseen on a plan unknown to the public, including the district's teachers, lower level administrators and personnel. This despite the fact that the teachers' raises included in the document for their approval Tuesday. 

Is something purposely being hidden, some people arbitrarily being promoted and others demoted? Specifics are lacking.

This sleight-of-hand reflects very badly on Gutierrez and Minerva Peña, president of the board who has revealed she will seek reelection in November. If she is so willing to be transparent about her political motives, why not on the compensation of the employees of the district before they voted on it?


Anonymous said...

BISD is mess. Fiscally irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

A BISD compensation plan that has no backup. TASB supposedly is BISD HR now. No one in HR can answer compensation questions. Board Member Pena was saying some employees are a certain level and work the same duties as others. Here we go again, Pena pushing for some people. Some coordinators out there have no work, only the title. The classified or secretaries do all the work for these coordinators. Everyone wants to delegate and not do the work! When you call one of these coordinators, even, Admins, the classified are the ones that do everything.

Anonymous said...

It open season FBI won't do anything anymore look out teachers and all employees this super they hired will do anything to stay at at 30k A MONTH salary.

Anonymous said...

One Trump is more than enough. Now we have our own local Trump who wants to be a perpetual school board member. There ought to be a policy that does not allow any board member more than 2 terms. They believe they are the owners of the district and that everyone worships them. If Minerva would only listen to the many people who are so against her and her "fake pretenses." She knows she is lying through her rotten teeth and yet, goes to church on Sundays and prays for everyone else except herself. Drew is a bigger disappointment because she makes statements that she knows are "self-serving" when deep down she knows what actually went on behind closed doors before she was on the board. She has lost the respect of many of us who used to have her on a pedestal and thought she really cared. (Unless the COVID-SPA is so contagious that she now supports people she used to knock.)

As you give the bus drivers a raise, hold them accountable. Have someone go around each campus and check on their schedules and how some come even up to 2 hours before it is time to pick up the kids and sit there playing on their phones or eating taquitos. They waste so much time.

Yes, I agree with the secretaries and assistants doing all the work for the so called administrator. Only a few are exceptions, but most would not know how to function without their secretary. Elementary teachers need to be consider with more heart, for their preparations are so much more extended than those in MS and HS. Special ed diagnosticians also put their hard works in to help out each individual child. That is what it takes to be a true educator - for the love and not for the money - ironic cause salary for teachers is the lowest of all professions; yet, we teach all the professions so that they can succeed and make more money. Don't get me started on this topic for I would be banned from this blog if I spoke my mind and shared the many incidents I experienced. I could write a book like Mary Trump.

Anonymous said...

Also, those "lead" positions who don't lead anything but themselves out the door leaving early for personal duties while still getting paid. I don't understand why the study didn't spot those coordinators, leads and deputy positions which are totally useless and don't contribute in any way to the student's education, they are favors for the pet employees.

Anonymous said...

If you want things to get worse at BISD vote for erasmo and carlos.

If you want things to get better at BISD vote for the opponents.

WICHO said...

$ 2000.00 for this school year is nothing look at the cost of living for 2020.

does not look good .

Anonymous said...

Give me, give me, give me!!! es todo brother, y que suban los impuestos mas. don worry Eddie Lucio jr and the Turd will save us.

Anonymous said...

I invite everyone to vote them out vote for other people and get the rats out

Anonymous said...

Teachers want a pay raise but they don't want to go to work because they say it's to dangerous because of Covid. Que mamones salieron.

Anonymous said...

7:46, are you working or waiting on that $600 check. So if they invited you to go teach as a substitute where the teacher is home sick with COVID, you would not hesitate to go work. That is why our superintendent needs to be someone with enough guts to make decisions that will benefit everyone and not just a few.

Anonymous said...

7:46pm those employees are always leaving their office to go hide a then say they are working. The BISD ship is sinking. The Superintendent has no control and in those board meetings he acts tough but can't make his own people work. Remember he said he was gonna take a few years to "observe" how BISD works. He does not like to hear about problems only praises for him. He can start by moving out the excess leads and employees that leave the office to hide. HR knows who they are. Instead, HR is making even more accomodations for those employees. Move them out. that excess list should not include the classified. It should start with those certified that disappear and hide in other offices. These people are useless.

Anonymous said...

This is puro callejon politics

Anonymous said...

Having a degree only means you have an education and not necessarily common sense, good decision making or intelligence. If BISD can't take care of it's employees whom many are parents what makes you think they care for our students. They don't even have the ppe equipment for a couple of employees they are not going to have it for students. That is common sense and it doesn't take a genius or degree to know this.

Anonymous said...

the bisd is upside down on the hat figures...

Anonymous said...

but they have a warehouse full of sanitation soap that should stop the spread, hopefully the spread of stupidity ha don't think so
