Saturday, August 1, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Whichever way you cut it or slice it, death stalks Brownsville, and – by extension – Cameron County.

Even as the county reports that the total death count in the county which includes all  communities and municipalities has only reached 216 in the four months since the first COVID-19 death was recorded on April 7, the city death records belie that assertion.

As can be plainly seen in the death records data released by Mayor Trey Mendez, the city averaged about 98 deaths (call it 100) in the first five months of 2020, and recorded a slight increase of 45 in June (145).

But in July, the city's monthly average more than doubled to 220 with another 177 deaths pending confirmation that they were caused by the virus. What else could it be?

The suspected 342 deaths above the monthly average in June and July point to the presence of the COVID-19 fatalities that continue to bedevil county statisticians at the Cameron County Health Department.

We have previously called for some other governmental entity to take over the collection of COVID-19 data to remove the suspicion that Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño and medical director Dr. Jaime Castillo may be fudging the numbers to paint a rosier picture that hides the real truth from county residents.

Our pleas have been heard as the state realizes that the county has lagged far behind in reporting the effects of the virus on vital statistics, especially COVID-19 related deaths. Texas just recently added 5,000 under reported virus deaths that had been delayed in postings on its statewide data base.
If Brownsville's deaths data records an additional 340 COVID-19 suspected deaths in the city alone, how can the county say with a straight face that the number of virus deaths in the entire county that includes all other municipalities (that includes Harlingen, San Benito, Los Fresnos, and Port Isabel) has only totaled 219 since April?

The truth is all around us. By now, all of us have heard of family, relatives, friends, and friends of friends, who have succumbed to the disease or have been stricken, are hospitalized, or are on their way back to health through a painful recovery.

Treviño and the county's medical administrators  needs to catch up to the truth or they will be left behind in the ditch along with their credibility.


Scourge said...

The county hiding deaths? What??!! They are over doing it as it is. They are the Your Mrs leading the fear campaign. state the numbers which prove that we are not in an emergency of any kind, then go on with such ignorant and fear led statements about the virus. This is all so ridiculous and weird. Everyone is acting so strange with these masks.

Anonymous said...

A School Reopens, and the Coronavirus Creeps In
I will not sent my children to schoo and if I do and they get infected I will sue the shit out of BISD and every board member INDIVIDUALLY and you can take that to the bank
and I will make sure that the money comes out of YOUR pockets not the insurance

BobbyWC said...

Well 9:51 i appreciate your frustration. But in the end, it is for you to keep your kids home and out of school. It is for you to make everyone wear facial coverings in the home. It is not disputed the home is now a major spread area.

But good luck suing. Trump and the Republicans have drawn a red line on this issue. If immunity is not provided to BISD and all corporate American retroactive to December 1, there will be no additional Bill. I can guarantee you The Dems will cave so they can say they got you an additional $1200 payment.

It is time we the people draw a red line and tell the Democrats if they do not tell the Republicans they will never sign off on immunity we will not vote for Biden, you can kiss all liability goodbye.

Do not forget you have the absolute right to homeschool your children. When your child leaves the home that is your decision and no one else's. last night Cameron county admitted to 56 children between the age of 10-19 being diagnosed with Covid. Every day the number of new cases for children go up. There were 14 9 and under.

Keep your children home. Make everyone wear a facial covering in your home.

I am willing to bet most social media is going to work with the teachers to help with the home schooling and providing parents options.

But if your children leave you home, or are walking around your home without a facial covering, that is on you. And remember the Republicans are holding up the next plan over a demand governmental agencies and businesses cannot be sued over covid. And to be honest, how do you prove exactly where anyone got covid. It is not like HIV where you can actually trace the transmission to the exact person who gave it to you.

Bobby WC

Be safe and take responsibility for your children

Anonymous said...

By extension? Brownsville is in Cameron County, you moron! Your use of English is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Blogsquatter Blimp is back? Ja ja aja ja ja. His boring, lying Blog has died! Vato inutil!

- Booby Weightman-Ramirez

Anonymous said...

It seems that eddie trevino continues to fail us. He has been inept and deceitful when it comes to accurate reporting. I pray we have no hurricane. He lacks confidence and leadership. If he would spend more time addressing the pandemic instead of reading boiler plate statements on TV, we would be better off. When does his term end? We need him OUT.

Anonymous said...

@9:51 kinda dumb to go after the schools. The district as to follow TEA guidelines and the state. So if anyone would be to blame would be the state and TEA. Funny how I see so many children out and about with their parents, but parents don’t want to send them to school. So if your child infects mine I will make sure to go after you cause you sent your kid to school knowing he was sick. So if you are already thinking about going after the school and board I highly recommend you home school your child with an accredited program.

jmon said...

To August 1, 2020 at 10:32 AM. If you object to this writer's use of the English language (or Spanish for that matter), don't trouble yourself clicking on this blog. We'll do fine without you thank you.

BobbyWC said...

To August 1, 2020 at 10:32 AM- your capacity to read at a substantive level is that of a three year old. My readership is way up. And now that Juan has turned to some real serious reporting I am sure his readership is growing.

I stand by what I said, if he will not shill for a candidate I strongly encourage all candidates to place an ad with him. Just tell him if he plays the shill game you will pull the ad. Free Juan to do the type reporting we all know he can do. Place your ads so he does not have to shill for anyone - just the facts.

Good luck Juan - like you said you do not need the troll who closed his blog and lasted 5 minutes before he was back with his nonsense.

You frustrate me because I know you can destroy every reporting in the LRGV if you did not have shill to survive. So guys help Juan be the best we have by taking out your ads.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

I already have an attorney thank you

Anonymous said...

King Trevino is not under reporting the fake COVID-19 deaths! For him more reported fake COVID-19 deaths means more government funds! That's what happens when fake deaths are being used to rise the COVID-19 death, it harder to get a straight real number!

Anonymous said...

Dale gas Juanito this is a blog nothing formal ignore this moron.

Anonymous said...

'Nobody likes me,' Trump complains, as his allies fade This is what the local elected officials should start saying. MOST IF NOT ALL OF YOU MORONS ARE DISLIKED JUST LIKE THE VIRUS..

Anonymous said...

So when are they going to open the city parks? There is heavy traffic everywhere in the city. Open the parks or do something about the traffic and the stores full of customers. SO WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? No kick backs from the parks

Anonymous said...

Ay mi gente linda. Bottom line is...the county and its bureacrats are exhibiting a high level of incompetency. No heads are rolling and everything will remain the same except the property appraisals. Those will keep going up to maintain the county's, city's, school ditrict's and other governmental entities' style of spending the same or higher. Tighten your belts just like we tax paying peons do in such dire economic situations. If they were a business, they wouldn't be in business anymore. Have you noticed how our leaders keep gaining weight and we keep losing it??? I wonder why. Sera porque se sirven con la cuchara mas grande.

Anonymous said...

They should put a funnel in their asses tambien bola de mamones.

Anonymous said...

Is that what's call double dipping?

Anonymous said...

Wear a mask at home!!! Some of you have lost it completelly

Anonymous said...

If county cannot handle the local stats on COVID, then hire some external experts to assist. The county is not leading it is staggering behind the funeral processions. County do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

The county judge thinks highly of each of you remember when he and Ruiz went to the SANTA Rosa meeting after the flood, things changed. The change was Ruiz had a kid arrested for speaking his mind about how worthless they both were. Well it proves things change.

Former RGV LEO said...

Eddie gots the Napoleon thing going on but its okay because he still has family store open and check cashing business going strong!
This POS wants to dictate how we live when this pendejo should know that US mexi-cans do what we want anyway! What this little POS doesn't tell you like the national media or that false doctor in fauci IS that there are precautions to take and the world will still go on, period! I feel for those who have died because of this virus BUT there were underlying conditions and that could mean anything! But, we'll never really know because autopsies aren't done! And because the hospitals get money from the government for indicating covid deaths!
Wear your mask BUT if you don't take care of yourself physically, take the vitamins their suggesting and get out in the sun! Then you're only putting yourself at risk!

Anonymous said...

He's not worried WHY? because he does NOTHING!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some bars here in brownsville or several are open this lady that lives close by is now starting to leave her home at 6:30pm and return at abt 2:30am and she is a waitress at a local bar so she is working but where is the bar? Where are the officials and where are the cops she dives home drunk WHERE ARE THE COP AT 2:30AM SURELY THEY CAN SPOT A CAR AT 2:30AM

Anonymous said...

Daily reported 91 deaths today's count look it up.


Anonymous said...

1000's of car every where all stores are open all restaurants are open gyms are open behind the scene bars are open
