Someone tell PA Eder Hernandez that the deal is done.
He and his medical doctor associate Dr. Teresa Saavedra closed out the monopoly COVID-19 testing contract between Urgent Med Care and the City of Brownsville Friday.
Hernandez said that after a good run between late March and the end of July where they were paid for performing "more than 12,000" city-funded tests it was time to move back to their private practice to continue "helping the community" and said their "success" and safety of the team was because of the "grace of God" and was a testament to "science over politics."
Some city officials and local attorneys remember things a bit different. For while both Saavedra and Hernandez say the city "came to us" and offered them the gig, there had been extensive talks between other local physicians and the city on setting up the testing.
In fact, in some of those early some of those talks, they remember that City of Brownsville Commissioner Dr. Rose Gowen, sat in and tossed about specifics on the setting up the site. How "the city", because no one is saying who decided, opted for Saavedra (a family doctor who started with Su Clinica like Gowen) and Hernandez, a lowly PA, to be handed the contract does ring a lot like "politics" rather than any measure of competitive scientific expertise.
Hernandez responded to this criticism over the apparent lack of physician supervision over his operations by citing an April 5 waiver by Gov. Greg Abbott that allows more flexibility between physicians and the PAs and Advance Practice Registered Nurses they supervise including allowing for oral prescriptive delegation agreements and waiving fingerprinting.
But Abbott signed that waiver on April 5, about 10 days after the drive-through testing had started.
When it was obvious to city officials that the COVID-19 infection was peaking in mid-July and that one testing site in the city wasn't enough, two other companies were hired and Urgent Med Care saw the writing on the wall.
They abruptly announced last week that Friday was the last day they would conduct the tests at the Brownsville Sports Park and said they would go after the night crowd, offering their services at their new clinic that would open from 5 p.m. to midnight.
But there was no question that Hernandez bristled at any hint of criticism over the handling of the testing which many people said took too long and by making the person wait as long as a week to 10 days to get results, could actually spread the virus to those around them.
In fact, that has been a constant Hernandez characteristic. He openly came into a dispute with another podcaster when he advocated a treatment involving two FDA-approved drugs that weren't recommended for COVID-19, only to back off after someone tagged the host's Facebook site and his site was closed for pushing unproven "cures."
The treatment method included two FDA-approved drugs, ivermectin and dexamethasone, which Eder and wife claimed had resulted in a 100 percent survival rate for more than 1,000-COVID-19 positive patients referred to his clinic. (Did Saavedra approve of the non-FDA-approved remedio as his medical supervisor? And the nicotine patches that turned out to be anecdotal, were they supervised as well?)
Hernandez has painted himself as a persecuted man of God – a martyr – who has overcome the work of the devil against his benevolent acts and has prevailed, thanks to Da Lawd. A classic example has to be his invoking God against the devil in evil men against him in his Facebook posts and asking God to get on with the Second Coming after water flooded into a Reynosa maternity clinic.
Sometimes prophecy is a risky business as when the crystal ball proved a bit cloudy when he went on a podcast with Realtor Craig Groves in April and predicted that the city would flatten the COVID-19 curve "in the next two weeks."
Self promotion has never been a problem for our martyr, however. During the podcast with Castro he dubiously claimed that after studying international efforts, he had instituted the testing procedures before anyone else in the world.
"We wrote the book on how to deliver mass testing," he claimed to Castro's approbation. "No one had ever done that before."
So a Brownsville PA beat out the medical experts in Europe and then New York and elsewhere?
His latest post has some of his acquaintances concerned and wondering whether he is carrying the God-thing a bit far. (And not like Him who would turn the other cheek, Da humble prophet's supporters have taken to posting a mug shot on Facebook of a PI arrest I had two years ago. Christians shoot messengers, too?).
In the latest installment of the Book of Eder he compares himself to Joseph of the Old Testament whose bothers sold him into slavery and he overcame their evil and emerged triumphant just before he died.
Let's hope the stress isn't getting to Eder. After his superhuman efforts to save the lives of his fellow men (for a slight fee, of course) he can carry his earnings in his sackcloth and cover himself with ashes all the way to the bank and forego demise for a bit longer.
My question how many of those free tests went to city employees and their family members like police department families that got "front of the line service" as they put it
Ehat about the poor people that dont have insurance or govt benefits and i dont mean or include the undocumented to be politically correct
Move on. The guy is gone. News, bro!
That's life (that's life), that's what all the people say
You're ridin' high in April, shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
I said that's life (that's life), and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world, it keeps spinnin' around
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing
Each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race
That's life (that's life), I tell you I can't deny it
I thought of quitting, baby, but my heart just ain't gonna buy it
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing
Each time I find myself layin' flat on my face
I just pick myself up and get back in the race
That's life (that's life), that's life and I can't deny it
Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it
But if there's nothin' shakin' come this here July
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die
Eder no vale vergassss just like Erasmo.
Erasmo toots his own horn and talks shit about the community like no one else.
Ask Erasmo basic questions and he NEVER answers them, he just babbles on and changes the subject.
Erasmo has absolutely no credibility! Half the shit he says is false!
He goes around BISD campuses and takes pictures with children. No wonder he resigned he was probably worried the community would find out that he likes to drink and take selfies with kids.
Not a good look.
He had his chance when he was on the bisd to do something and he did nothing!
Erasmo no vale
Carlos no vale
Erasmo Castro no vale
Carlos the grinch Elizondo no vale
Who's also running to the bank are ALL bar owners in SPI,
Y el bidding que?
Ed Markey Slams Ted Cruz's Comments In Senator Spat Over Coronavirus Relief
Read what this idiota racist republican said about YOU Al' AND HE'S FROM THE RICHES STATE IN THE WORLD "TEXAS"
Who sang that song vicente ferfeo
County extends emergency orders until Sept. 7
So when does it take effect 2021?
Pinches pendejos that's why they don't sell
All you pendejos hating on this guy! This guy was aided to succeed by the commissioners who I'm sure were getting kickbacks. All this fake virus was made to make money for elite. Hospitals are labeling any deaths COVID-19 deaths to make money. King Trevino is enjoying his 15min of fame and power to make rules that are unconstitutional. Bill Gate just can't wait for his vaccine to be use on all you pendejos who believes this virus is real! Enjoy your vaccine idiotas!
Installing more traffic lights on southmost rd is NOT going to eliviate ALL the traffic jams in the city WHAT STUPIDIT its going to create more in that area now there is a traffic light on each corner on southmost WHAT STUPIDIY
Can't figure out how to solve the traffic problems and you create MORE???
Shorty the mayor is not doing his job your job is not to sell pizzas its to solve city problems PINCHE PENDEJO....
The count today is 15 by the local daily
Eder Hernandez and Donald Trump "I alone can fix this."
Both promising the curves would flatten soon and covid would go away like magic.
Both promoting debunked miracle cures.
Neither one a doctor.
With a bunch of gullible doofs believing them and hanging on every word!
He’s a mingler and mingling gets you contracts without Bids: He secured and cornered the market with the Covid testing with no qualms (Officials failed to verify his supervising physician) that’s how we do things in Deep South Texas. He runs Southwest Keys with Diego and someone at the hospital. Diego is the medical director at Southwest Keys who is employed by SWK and Eder who is a silent partner channel patients to his Med Urgent Care and (the hospital) the 3rd partner (name unknown). It reeks of rotten greed! Greed gets you BISD wellness contracts with out bids. The ORR needs to investigate. OIG is on it. Finger prints are everywhere, how about the printing and sign contract with BISD as well? Who got that without Bids? Heads are gonna roll!
Hillbillys for trump
Morons for trump
Eder is a professional business man and he is far more knowledgeable than any of you here speaking negatively on him. Stop bullying harassing and SLANDERING him. He saved lives in the RGV and that’s all that counts. I’ll keep going to see him and so will my whole cuadra. We owe our health to him. @ 1:19 stop being foolish and educate yourself on his degree, he is a doctor of medical science, so yes he can be called Dr. stop being jealous.
Yes have an online Doctorate degree in Chicano Studies. So yes I'm a doctor. Can I get contracts without bids also?
Ayy cabron. That "Huevones for Trump" le dolio a alguien.
@ 2:18pm
Y el Target shoplifting que?
It can't be slander because it's not being done orally. It's being done in writing. So you probably meant libel instead of slander. Also it only libel or slander if it's untrue.
I know this because I got and online Doctor of Jurisprudence degree but I liked to be called attorney at law. Even though lawyer also will do.
August 11, 2020 at 2:20 PM
Did he prescribed viagra to you he can do that, is that why you are so happy happy?
Some are not happy with just bankrupting businesses in Brownsville, they also want to see SPI's businesses (and their employees) bankrupt
Rednecks for Trump
Mexicans with the nopal en la frente for Trump. If he sees you he'll exterminate you on the spot!!
@2:20 you are obviously foolish. His degree as a "doctor" is an online degree. Look up what requirements to get a P.A. degree. Then you'll see the difference between a doctor and him. He still needs a supervising doctor, and trust meno real doctor is jealous of him. The real fight is in the hospital where real doctors are treating the critically ill patients. If he was that mighty like you say he is he would be in icu rounding and saving lifes.So no mames
The only heads that are going to roll are all of yours with these negative comments. Dr. Hernandez is a medical professional who did NOTHING wrong, on the other hand he came in to help when nobody stepped up to the plate. You all are just plain evil. There is a God who sees everything and justice will be served to all you losers who probably can even pay your child support
Move on from these fictional statements. Talk about what’s really important like Sylvia Atkinson and the corruptores (many of you all on here) your day is coming soon. Bad deeds will get you in your orange suit!!!
@6:52 I know the difference between a PA, NP, and An MD. I know he needs a supervising doctor and he has one, so what’s the big deal?
There’s doctors, PAs and NPs outside the hospital that are treating patients to the best of their ability so that they don’t end up in the hospital, not sure if you’re aware of that. I’m not discrediting the intesivists at the hospital that are saving lives whatsoever, I’m very grateful for them. Either way, online or not, he earned that doctorate and that title comes with it. I’ve always heard him tell people about his credentials so he never passes as a medical doctor. Idk why it’s such a big deal, the guy went to school and he’s good at what he does.
Par de no-nos maricones so who's testing who? jotingos
Y el bidding que?
Mamasela al pseudo Dr.
Y el online degree que?
Mantenidos for BIDEN!
Sanganos for Biden!
Pair of WAPs
Hillbillys for trump idiots
I ain't black and I'm still for Biden anyway because I'm Hispanic!
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