Sunday, August 2, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Who is guiding the Llanes-Garcia-Lopez and Moreno ticket running as a slate for the four seats in the November 3 election of the San Benito Independent School District?

Is it a seasoned political campaign manager? An ad agency? Or are they just winging it?

Whoever it is, whether they have hired a campaign manager or are doing it themselves, there are some basic things that candidates just aren't supposed to do.

For example, the distribution and design of the campaign literature for one of the four on the ticket, Ramiro Martin Moreno, candidate for Place 6 against Victor Rosas and Joseph Galarza, has a few demerits against it already.

Demerit 1: First of all, someone should tell all of the four persons on the slate that placing campaign literature in mail boxes is actually a federal offense and a no-no in any election.

Postal guys can go, well, postal. You don't want that.

That someone actually does it nowadays makes one wonder whether the candidates know – or care about – the basics of a legal campaign.

Demerit 2: The leaflets and sample ballots such as Moreno's at right, should be in yellow and not white, resembling the actual ballot. 

Then there's the Big Demerit 3: That is the misrepresentation of office title on Moreno's pushcard. Non-incumbents must always use the word "for" in their literature to avoid giving the impression they already hold the office. This makes it clear that you are looking for election, not seeking reelection.

Nitpicking you say? Well, it just happens to be the law and the rules by which we hold elections and pick our representatives.

Good thing this isn't a game like baseball where three strikes and you'r out, or three outs and you lose your turn at bat and take the field. The silver lining is that Moreno and his slate have a little time to clean up their act after this inauspicious start.


Anonymous said...

These guys running are doing it for the wrong reasons. They are not doing it for the children. They are not doing it for the teachers. They are not doing it for the community. No, they are doing it for themselves.... selfish, is what I say. They just want to put in an insurance company that will grease their palms. They just want to stick it to some board member that didn’t vote their way on an issue. Sad....they don’t offer anything but selfishness. Puros tlacuaches.

Anonymous said...

Where is San Benito? Never heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Nombre el San bene doesn’t follow any rules. They make their own and enforce what they want with who they want. Viva San bene.

Anonymous said...

You expect so much of your Mexicans, Montoya. They're stupid.

Anonymous said...

Is that the village where all meskins have gringo names?

Anonymous said...

Good reporting!
Good work!!

Anonymous said...

Coronavirus updates: Arrests after party boat with 170 guests cruises around NYC

DO IT HERE PENDEJOS SPI is full of party boats

Anonymous said...

Trump and his hillbillies are nothing but scum

Anonymous said...

8 dead, 19 wounded in weekend Chicago shootings
So where are the jump off boys still in portland idiots

Anonymous said...

260 employees in 1 school district have tested positive for Covid-19 or been exposed
and the idiots here want to open up the schools pinches pendejos

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

People at the island party get sick and come to brownville and infect everybody stop all this stupidity NOW...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Close SPI bridge or open up the parks the children want to have fun also

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just goes to show how ill informed people are. Take a look at the incumbents expenditures, the entire community knows they don’t report a fraction of money given to them. Their own family members throw each other under the bus, just five them a couple of brewskies and they sing like freakin’ canaries. LOL!!! People don’t waste their time commenting on fake news and badmouthing good people as is quite evident. Stick to reporting about Trump and COVID pandemic, maybe your information might get more credibility. San Benito constituents will make their voices heard loud and clear. Wait and see. Can’t wait!

Anonymous said...

I hear Moreno is a principal at a school, you would think he'd be a little smarter than this (Or should I say he's been hopping around from job to job look at his employment history - wonder why he can't keep a job?)
Talk about financial reports, start off with his too! A restaurant donated 3,500? Is it correct or did he enter it incorrectly again when it should have been under fundraiser instead of monetary donation.
Perhaps all of them should do their research! I hear these are hefty fines! Elections for Dummies 101?, I think you are putting it too nicely!

Anonymous said...

Erasmo had his chance and blew it. He lost the trust of the public by choosing to embarrass this community by sleeping at Whataburgers, driving drunk and being guilty of it, snapping photos of young men and posting pictures on his facebook of young boys in towels who go to school at BISD. Frankie Olivo, Erasmo's nephew, has been arrested also for masterbating in a video and sending it to a female minor. This guy is perverted just like Erasmo and can't be trusted. Carlos Elizondo proved he was there for the vendors not to improve the lives of the teachers, students, and the progression of the district. These bozos can not be trust but if no one challenges these idiots they might slip in. Get involved and say no to these low lifes. Erasmo is uneducated as well as Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

If all the registered voters in san benito vote then it will be loud and clear but that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

Moreno is a Junior High principle At Rio Hondo go figure. Great representation to say the least. I told understand these people running to make SBCISD Great Again, really!!? Moreno has on his illegal signs, The Choice for change.. change for the worst with him and his slate. Just ask around regarding his running mates and quickly you’ll find out about Jack Garcia and His Aunt current board Member ML Garcia. She’s costing the SBCISD school $100’s of thousands of dollars on lawsuits and settles due to her behavior towards employees. Jack Garcia on the other hand came out on the SB news stating, he was a witness for the FBI in the Atkinson case. Jack was also the guy that got terminated for not following board policy because his aunt and cousins husband board member Angel Mendez would protect him. I can go on and on but SMART SB VOTERS like myself know these people are no good for SBCISD. Voters have done their research and know the dark history of Moreno,Jack and others and it will come out. There’s more to come...

Anonymous said...

I've heard of pendejos but a pendejo with a degree? wow

Anonymous said...

San bene is the only village that don't belong in the valley puros gringos

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Moreno guy they say is AC/DC ???

Anonymous said...

I was passing through San Benito and noticed a political sign of a former employee I worked with at a place he got terminated. I can’t believe this guy would have the audacity to run for school board when he has a very dirty shady past. I’m sorry but that fake smile doesn’t mean anything I pray for SB community that they make the right choice and it sure at Moreno. Moreno is very well known in the educational community as a shady liar and trust me, just ask around. I spoke to friends of mine in SB and they have nothing nice to say about him. Apparently he’s going around saying his related to the Salome family but that a huge lie too. Than you have the other folks on his slate, please. Jack Garcia former CTE director with a past 4 miles long and a very negative reputation. The list goes on.. Several of my friends in SB are making the right choice this coming election and it sure ain’t this slate.. God Bless SBCISD and all its great recent accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

Only in SB will you have people running for school board that have applied for jobs but didn’t get hired or people who worked there previously who got terminated. It’s so upsetting with all the great things going on with SBCISD with the current board members that don’t cause problems or cost the tax payers over $100 k in law suites and settlements( current board member ML Garcia). The Moreno slate consisting of Jack Garcia, Janie López and Ana Llanes please give me a break. Please research each one of them and you’ll find nothing impressive. Moreno has a bad employment history and worst personal history. Jack Garcia is an extremely easy target, just ask people he worked with at the after school program where he was terminated for not following policy. Janie Lopez is another disgruntled employee who no one liked when she worked in the SBCISD district. Just ask her fellow coworkers who call her a home wrecker. Anna Llanes has back stabbed every person she can to get what she wanted for years and that was to fire her husbands boss, the Previous Maintance Director David Garcia. This slate is a total joke and we all know it. They should all just get out of the race and stop misleading people with their lies because we’re not falling for it.. SB community will vote for the good people who continue to do great things for the kids and district..

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the previous comments regarding these people. Don’t fall for their misrepresentation and fake accomplishments that doesn’t equate to better board members than their running against. I have to say and I’m shamed to say it, but I also worked with Ramiro Moreno and his an emotional mess and unstable. He also has a history of getting terminated or being asked to resign for inappropriate reasons. Than he wants to make SBCISD great again! Really dude.. your a fake and don’t belong on the school board with your past. I feel bad for the Gonzalez Family that don’t know your hidden past. Unfortunately, when your dealing with kids it’s all going to come out Ramiro and you think you can hide behind that fake smile.. enough with this guy who will not win! Next the slate your running with please. What a joke. SBCISD has been doing a lot of great things lately and you guys want to come in and disrupt it with your personal agendas. Jack Garcia a major joke and being investigated by the FBI, Janie Lopez psycho, Anna Llanes two face back stabber. Enough said.. people in our community know who were voting for.. surly not these idiots..

Anonymous said...

I’ve never thought of posting a response to something on social media but in this case I have to. I have several family members that work at SBCISD and honestly their extremely happy with all the positive things going on currently. We don’t get involved in politics but we stay informed and this board has done amazing things in just a few years. It saddens me to see self interest people like Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, Jane Lopez and Anna Llanes run for the wrong reasons. This school district is finally moving forward and than we have these folks that want to come in and ruin it. How can you be an educator like Ramiro Moreno and make so many mistakes? Apparently all the people are saying is past is horrible too.. Jack Garcia running on revenge because he got terminated for not following the rules. Plus, he’s been investigated by the FBI in the Atkinson case. Honestly, that’s an embarrassment and he should just step down. The other two lady’s also have a bad reputation and a history of just causing trouble. The word is radicle guy name Chuy Aguliar our all these people to run and these people listened to him. Everyone knows Chuy’s game and it’s extremely shameful to our community. But, the good thing is we are tired of all that past negativity our community and school dealt with for years so we will make sure these folks don’t get elected. I’m sorry but I can’t imagine any of these clowns on the board.

Anonymous said...

This guy Ramiro Moreno is annoying on Facebook requesting friends to whoever will except it. He must’ve requested me four to five times and I finally had it. Needless to say, I didn’t except him. But it did trigger me to ask a friend of mine to works in Rio Hondo and knows him personally. People/Voters in SB really need to research this guy very carefully. People need to know is an emotional wreck and has a tarnished employment history. I’m sorry but I can not and will not support fake people and it appears all the people his running with are similar. Moreno, Jack, Anna Llanes and Janie López are no good for the SBCISD board. Voters do yourself a huge favor and look at what the current board has done and now these candidates. There’s no comparison and the choice is very simple.. Evil needs to stay away from our SBCISD and our kids..

Anonymous said...

Someone forwarded me this blog and I couldn’t resist. Some people in SB have NO SHAME whatsoever. I asked sole friend and family I have in SB and they laughed when we talked about this article for dummies! They like Ramiro Moreno is our if his mind running for School Board with his personal past and working history. It’s sad when goes around saying his related to Salome family’s to get support. Than he has his second wife’s family the Gonzalez helping him out but they really don’t know him. Plus we all know the Gonzalez’s family it’s all about them and what they get out of the school district. Everyone knows their history too and it’s not favorable. Than we talked about Jack Garcia and they laughed because he lives in Harligen and just used his dad’s address to run for school board to revenge his termination from the school district. Than he came out on the SB news defending himself of course but also stated he was a witness of an FBI investigation. Really witness, the FBI won’t release that information to you. Apparently he worked with a lot of federal money at SBCISD and he was not a Exemplary employee that’s for sure and everyone knows it. Let’s not forget about Jack Garcia Aunt ML Garcia currently a board member who has cost the tax payers over $100k in lawsuits due to her unethical behavior and mico managing. That’s just shameful and she should pay for money tax payers fished out. It’s for the kids not to pay for board members inappropriate behavior.. Than there’s 2 lady’s running Anna Llanes and Janie Lopez who also have very bad reputation and nothing to offer the school district. As the people I spoke to said, when have you seen such great positive things going on in our school district and that’s a fact.. keep in going and ignore these shameful people who are actually and embarrassed to our community, period..

Anonymous said...

I have to applaud the current board to making huge strides in a very short period of time. My kids recently graduated from SBCISD and it was actually enjoyable to see all the positive vibes and the recent growth. Thank you board members who actually care about our kids and district. You know who you are, the ones that fought hard to pass the bond, give the staff annual raises and changed the reputation of the district. That being said, you have people like Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Ana Llanes and Janie López who all against the bond and moving our district forward. They were also against spending money on professional development; there’s was political signs up against that. Who does that? Well, you staring at the names of the people behind all that negativity to our district. These people need to understand things have changed in our community and we’re aware of the good people with their hearts in the right place and we also know the evil with bad intentions. I must say, whoever convinced these people to run is out of their mind. I speak for my family and we want better and everyone I’m talking to says the same. Support the people who support the district, staff and most importantly the kids of SBCISD. Everyone I know is support Victor Rosas, Orlando Lopez, Balde Olivares, Jimmy Sanchez and Rudy Corona. I don’t even know most of these guys but it’s a no brainer for us.. Guys best of luck and you have more support than you like..

Anonymous said...

This blog-article is floating around everywhere and I’m glad I saw it. Several people from my home town told me to read it. Why your probably wondering because we know Ramiro Moreno and most of the folks running on his slate. Honestly when I saw Ramiro Morenos signs I told myself, you got to be out of your mind. It’s really sad Ramiro Moreno you have no integrity nor honor. A man with your past should not be running for school board especially with your employment history. You know your very lucky to still have a teaching certificate! Your wife’s family the Gonzales, please. They can’t even get their own family re-elected much less you. Than you have Jack Garcia, really! That guy was protecting for years by Celeste Sanchez when she worked at SBCISD. Than they both screwed up the city when they were elected city commissioners; We we’re the hope of the valley. Jack Garcia should be embarrassed for allowing someone to convince him to run for school board where he was terminated. Than you have the other people Anna Llanes, Janie Lopez and ML Garcia. ML just search her name on the SB news and you’ll see an article of how much tax payer dollars have gone to law suites were she’s involved, yes involved as a board member. The other two ladies please not even worth talking about. Sorry, I’m just so aggravated seeing these people running for the wrong reasons. These people don’t stand a chance in hell to win.. just ask around you’ll find out.. Good Luck SBCISD and continue the great progress our kids and community deserves it..

Anonymous said...

We in Rio Hondo already have several issues to deal with at our district, now we get another black eye with Ramiro Moreno. Everyone knows his an emotional wreck and always complaining about his marriage. He locks himself in his office at the Junior High where’s his a principle and isolates himself from everyone due to emotional instability. Maybe that’s why we have issues here in Rio Hondo we hire the left overs from everywhere else. Can’t say that about all staff but this particular guy ruins it for all. Ramiro save yourself the embarrassment and get out because it’s truly embarrassing for everyone that knows you. Get your life together and repair your shady career and than you can run for political. SBCISD community beware of this guy and the people running with him. We are warning you! Please do yourself a favor and ask people that have worked with each person running with Moreno, you’ll throw up.. viva San Benito..

Anonymous said...

So, several of my friends have been taking about this specific article and finally I know why. I just don’t understand people from my community sometimes. These people running with Ramiro Moreno have absolutely nothing to offer to make our school district better. It’s the old mentality of making deals with people to get support and promising to fire people for Political retaliation. What a shit show with Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, ML Garcia( current board member and Jacks Aunt), Anna Llanes and Janie Lopez. Just take a moment and process those people on the school board. After halve a second of thought it makes you nauseous. Ramiro Moreno doesn’t not respect the current Covid situation by going door to door harassing people for support. My parents were so upset about and that’s why I’m responding to this blog. He has no consideration for others but his selfishness to push for support. Do you really want a guy like that. Thank you have Jack Garcia and honestly my little brother went to the after school program when he was director and what a mess. He would never show up at the chess meets and no one could ever find him but he wants to come out now and say he respects of kids and community. Jack you were always protected and never earned anything on your own. In addition it appears your practices with federal money might be catching up to you with the FBI questioning with the association with Atkinson. Everyone knows the games you would play. I’m telling you, absolutely no self respect for this bunch. ML Garcia please! In my opinion asking my family members who are district employees say, she’ll do done as no of the most disappointing board members of all time. She single handily cost us tax payers over $100 thousand in legal fees and law suites.. we all know that too lady.. oh but her and Jack together want to change the district for the better.. seriously.. I pray for the SB community to have to put up with these mess and at this time. Someone people are just evil with self interest. I’m not a betting person but I bet all my friend these people will not win.. period...

Anonymous said...

I was venting to my family and friends because this guy Ramiro Moreno could careless about anyone but himself during this pandemic. This guy is pathetic going door to door handing out his political slate sample ballots. Really Bud! Are you out of your mind? Anyone who does this during this time must have a agenda to fulfill or promises and that’s extremely awful. Several of family and friends are disgusted with this guy and the people he is with. Come to find out, it’s the Gonzalez family and one of them works for the district. Go figure. Why are they so desperate is the question. By I’m not going to answer that nor spend my time wondering but what I can tell you is his a joke and very obvious self interest person. No room for that on a board that as accomplished so much. So, the other people on the sample ballot or the slate his running with is not impressive at all. This guys Jack Garcia! I asked my friends and family and they laughed and rolled their eyes. Jack wants back into politics but made a mess when he was a commissioner and actually it was an embarrassment to our community. Not to mention a current FBI investigation for his dealing when he worked for the district. Than you have his Aunt ML Garcia current board member.. Everyone laughs about her and her disgusting behavior and lack of professionalism; which as cost us tax payers over $100 thousand dollars. Yup instead of that money going to our kids it’s going to defend her. What a joke! Than the other ladies Anna Llanes and Janie López really. Anna has the worst personality ever and apparently talks really bad about everyone. Than you have Janie López has story’s 2 miles long. She’s a two face and not liked when she worked at SBCISD. So you see the trend with most of these candidates and it’s sad. They either worked for the district, didn’t get hired by the district or got terminated by the district! Interesting is the district has done an amazing job without them. So anyway, I had to express my frustration about these people because our community deserves much better!!

Anonymous said...

So I came across this article being shared by friends. I have to say, it’s funny but true. Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia Anna Llanes and Janie López are running around saying, let’s make SBCISD great again! I don’t know what world these people live in but what SBCISD has done in the last three years hasn’t been done in past 20 years. It’s obvious in our community we have haters and this group would be the haters. They all have a vengeance and agenda to fulfill and that doesn’t include the kids nor staff. I was told to do my research on these people but I didn’t because they bring nothing to the table to improve what’s going on now. The incumbent should run on, forwarding process, success and keep the nay sayers out. The vibe is our community will stand together and continue supporting the good people who have a made a difference and it’s shows. Everyone I know is supporting, Victor Rosas, Balde Olivares Jr, Orlando Lopez, Rudy Corona and Jimmy Sanchez.. if you don’t believe me just ask and you’ll find out very quickly who our community wants..

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely offensive when these educated idiot Ramiro Moreno going to dose to door handing out his bullshit. My parents are elderly and with this Corona pandemic you would think this guy had better sense but he doesn’t. My whole family is trying to social distance and protect my parents and this idiot along with his few family members don’t care. I called around and found out it was some on the Gonzalez family helping and that makes it even worse. Why would you jeopardize people health for your selfishness? That just goes to show the type of people they are and it true it’s disgusting.. I wish the City police or County Judge would cite these idiots during this time. His candidacy on the school board is worth more than someone’s life? That’s the problem with these people running with him their scum in my opinion. I don’t get involved in politics but this time I am. Let me tell you why. When you act selfish and turn people off they will react and research what you have to offer and ignore your lies. Ramiro Moreno if full of shit with a horrible past, Jack Garcia is a joke and being investigated by the FBI as him( his a witness not a target). Ask any law enforcement professional and they’ll tell you the FEDS don’t release that information during an on going investigation. ML Garcia current board member is the worst example of a board member costing us tax payers over $100 k in lawsuits because of her unethical behavior towards staff. Than you Ana Llanes and Janie López both have a shady past and bring nothing to the table. It’s very obvious who my whole family is supporting. The guys who act professional and respect people. Their not running around all desperate to secure votes during this pandemic. I praise those guys.. continue doing what your doing you guys have a lot of following and that’s why I’m posting this. I’m pushing for Victor Rosas, Rudy Corona, Balde Olivarez, Orlando López and Jimmy Sanchez. Guys I’ll be going to your swearing in November.. God Bless you Guys..

Anonymous said...

This guy with a Fake smile is very annoying. Doesn’t this guy know there’s a dam pandemic killing people and all this guy thinks about is his freakin election. What an idiot! The title of this story fits him well. Our community don’t need idiots like this guy on the board and actually it’s embarrassing for him to say his from here. Everyone I know is calling him the educated idiot. It’s scary his a junior high principle in Rio Hondo. Maybe they should re-evaluate this idiot. All the other idiots on the slate with him should be shamed of themself for allowing him to handout their mailing ballot during this time. My family and I know who were voting for and it ain’t Ramiro Moreno, Janie López, Jack Garcia, Anna Llanes not ML Garcia. I’m very disappointed with these people from our community. We need to vote to keep them off the school board!

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one that thought this idiot has some issues. Who the hell goes door to door during a pandemic, Ramiro Moreno. Why does this guy think his above everyone else. I spoke to several of my family and friends and their waiting for him to show up so they can give him a piece of there mind. The sample ballots his passing out has the wrong people bubbled in. Jack Garcia aloof with his Aunt ML Garcia are a joke and think the rules don’t apply to them. Ask Jack Garcia to fill you in on the FBI investigation his apart of. The others nothing to be excited about. Come to find out Chuy Aguliar is the mastermind behind all these misfits running for office. It’s sad it this is the best he could do. Our town is over this guy Chuy trying to run the city and school. When his daughter was on the school board it was a royal mess. That goes to show you the type of person he is and what he does with a little bit of power. We’re tired of all the crap! Let’s keep our school moving in the right direction. Vote for the good people who have our kids progress in mind.. God Bless, Victor Rosas, Balde Olivarez jr., Rudy Corona, Orlando López and Jimmy Sanchez. You guys have a lot of support..

Anonymous said...

I have to add my two cents in this article and its not going to be nice. This Ramiro Moreno character is nothing but a selfish idiot who thinks my family's health is irrelevant. His going around saying how educated he is and he wants to change. i recommend he change himself before wanting to our district that mind you is fine without him. I guess you never know someone till you try your hand in politics, and i don't like what he represents.If hes acting selfish and self serving right now during this covid pandemic, can you imagine him in a political seat. hell no! i try to be civil but this guys actions have gone way to far. I will not be supporting this guy nor the people on his tickets. I've asked around and they bring nothing to the table to benefit our district. we support the other guys.. Rudy Corona, Victor Rosas,Balde Olivarez jr, Jimmy Sanchez,Orlando Lopez have my whole family's support.

Anonymous said...

i waited and waited to comment on this post because i wasn't sure other people besides my family and friends felt the same way. Ramiro Moreno came to my house questioning why we had political signs of the candidates not on his side. He pretty much begged us to allow him to put up his sign. what is wrong with this guy? seriously, he's a strange person who my family an i will not support and that along with the others on his slate. I'm sorry but these people are weak and shouldn't be representing our School District. Ramiro Moreno slate of Jack Garcia, ML Garcia,Anna Llanes and Janie Lopez are a bunch of haters. Do your research on this people and you'll find a guy( Jack Garcia who shouldn't be running because hes being investigated by the FBI), ML Garcia( Jacks Aunt who cost tax payers over $100k in lawsuit(s)- public information, Anna Llanes is hateful and has no personal skills and Janie Lopez is a two face who loves to talk about everyone but has a very dark evil past. i post this comment because I'm tired of seeing our community being brought down because of people like this. i don't even have to tell you who im voting for but i will guarantee you it ain't these people.

Anonymous said...

i knew this story was floating around but i didn't pay too much attention to it because I'm not supporting these people anyway. i couldn't resist after reading all these post because there true. Ramiro Moreno for claiming hes so educated is not impressive at all. I grew up in the same neighborhood he said he did and no one has anything nice to say about him. Ramiro Moreno is running around disparately seeking support during this pandemic. he could careless about anyone but himself. the worse about it is, he's handing out sample ballots with other people on his side. these people are not good for our school district. it took a long time to get our district back on the positive track and we need to make sure it stays there for our kids. don't take my word for it just do your homework on the candidates running. let me help you because i did mine just to prove these people are not worthy of the seat their running for. Ramiro Moreno should not get elected simply because of this article exposing his ignorance and lack of detail, so say the least. Jack Garcia was a major joke as city commissioner and mayor. Plus his currently part if an FBI investigation associated with Atkinson from Brownsville. His aunt ML Garcia current board member up for re election has caused the us taxpayers over $100k in lawsuits. Only in SB do you have that type of behavior, simply ridiculous. The other two ladies Janie Lopez and Anna Llanes please. both of them are Sandra Tumberlison puppets. We all know what happen when she had a little bet of power. please vote to keep our kids safe and continue moving our district forward and its not with these people.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s important for share this bit of information about Ramiro Moreno and his slate of candidates. Anytime you have a candidate( Ramiro Moreno) walking the streets currently under this pandemic and pushing his side Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Janie López and Anna Llanes it makes you wonder why the urgency under this pandemic. He has no respect for anyones health to push for support. So, I asked a few of my friends that work at the SBCISD district about these people and sure enough it’s all the same sentiment, they shouldn’t be running. So I asked why? Ramiro Moreno has a very bad employment history and he considers himself a educator at a school that is doing horribly currently. That would be Rio Hondo school district where he’s a junior high principle, and mind you, his been wanting out for years but can’t get hired anywhere but there with his reputation. Than there’s Jack Garcia, who was terminated by SBCISD and currently part of an investigation by the FBI in connection with Atkinson from Brownsville. This guy has nothing to offer the district period. He has no kids attending SBCISD and he doesn’t even have a JOB and he wants to be a school board member.. really.. Than you have his aunt ML Garcia who apparently has cost the district in lawsuits over $100 thousand tax payer dollars. District employees can’t stand her nor her nephew Jack Garcia. Than you have Janie López who was hated when she worked for SBCISD and also has a very bad past. Theirs a few lady’s out there sharing their story’s how she ruined their marriage. They said, it will come out very soon. Than you have Anna Llanes who hates everyone but acts very spiritual. Everyone I speak to laughs about her running honestly. These people in my opinion have no business seeking political office on the school board. Our school district has accomplished some many greats things lately and you have these people who want to come in a ruin it. We need to stand together to make sure this doesn’t happen. I know our community will come together and show these people they don’t belong. Vote for moving our district forward.. I can’t want for Balde Olivares jr, Victor Rosas, Rudy Corona, Jimmy Sanchez and Orlando López to have a political function so people can know how my support those guys have.. I don’t know you guys but trust me you have a lot of support guys..

Anonymous said...

This article is extremely important for our anal community of San Benito. I’ve heard a lot about but haven’t had the chance to comment because I never have. But in the particular case I will because it has to do with the well-being of our school district. I just don’t understand why Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Janie López and Anna Llanes would think about running for school board. Let share with the talk of the town with these people. Ramiro Moreno has single handily aggravated people in our community by ignoring social distancing and disrespecting people by going door to door during this pandemic. He talks about not being a politician but he fails to say he’s not a good educator either. His employment history is horrendous to say the least along with his is emotional instabilities.. Than you have his crooked friend Jack Garcia who was terminated for not following district policy when he was the After School Program Director. This guy in our community is known as a joke, who was already in politics before and screwed that up. He brought more negativity to our community with his shenanigans and now he was on the school board to avenge his termination. Everybody know his being investigated by the FBI it’s documented and he lives in Harligen Texas but used his dads home address in San Benito to run for office but didn’t think anyone would find out. Typical Jack Garcia, thinks he doesn’t need to play by the rules and that’s why this guy should have never ran for office. Than you have his Aunt ML Garcia current board member with a negative reputation. She had cost the school district over $100 thousand in lawsuits and that’s public information. Mind you, is tax payer dollars that should be going to our kids and staff not representing her. She has no business running for office. She can’t follow the rules of being a boars member and she wants to get re-elected, please. You see the pattern from her and her nephew that have plagued our district for years. Than you Janie Lopez and Anna Llanes! It’s like really people. There should be an application process before people waste their time running for offices. Both is these ladies have baggage and bring nothing positive to the school board. It’s very simple, my family said it best the other day. You have the good people running against the evil. One simple example of good vs evil. All these people on this ticket voted against the bond and profesional development. They even bought signs and mocked our teachers for the amount of money that was being reinvested to SBCISD staff. That should tell you everything where these people stand. We have kids in this beloved district and we want continued growth and we will support the good people. Our community has has enough! My whole family is supporting Jimmy Sanchez, Orlando López, Balde Olivares Jr, Victor Rosas and Rudy Corona.

Anonymous said...

I was recently forwarded this article because I use to work in the After School Program with Jack Garcia. Everyone that know Jack knows his never worked a day in his life. He ran the grant almost to the ground and focused on hiring his buddies and spending money on trips. San Benito after school program when Jack was the director went on more trips than any other school district in the valley. On these trips, Jack Garcia was never to be found. Honestly we’re not surprised his being investigated by the FBI it was only a matter of time. There’s no room for him on the school board. I can’t believe my Ramiro Moreno would want to associate himself with Jack Garcia who has a very tarnished personal pasted, political pasted and employment pasted. Just doesn’t make any sense to me. That goes to show the caliber of person Ramiro Moreno is and that’s not very high. Ramiro Moreno is truly a disappointment to us all after joining the ticket with Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Janie López and Anna Llanes. Just take a step back and look at that line up REALLY! Those clowns on the school board.. They all have a very bad agenda and theres no room for it on our school board. I have to applaud our current board for doing an amazing job so please continue moving the district forward. My support is for the good people Victor Rosas, Rudy Corona, Balde Olivares Jr , Orlando López and Jimmy Sanchez..

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say, Good Luck to the People’s choice in the upcoming SBCISD elections Candidates Victor Rosas, Balde Olivarez Jr, Orlando Lopez, Rudy Corona and Jimmy Sanchez. These guys are the right choice!

Anonymous said...

Pura ratas y idiotas!
Keep SBCISD moving in the positive direction by not voting for Jack Garcia, Ramiro Moreno, ML Garcia, Janie Lopez and Anna Llanes. The word on the street is that these people are a joke. I have to agree! Let’s save our school district from these self serving individuals..

Anonymous said...

We’re going through a pandemic currently and also making sure these people( Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Anna Llanes and Janie López) don’t get elected. First of all to begin with Jack Garcia lives in Harligen and everyone knows it, and to top it off his being invested by the FBI. The San Benito news asked him and he said, he was a witness not a target in the Atkinson cases! Really.. a witness to what? Corruption? What a joke and everyone knows he is, period. Than you have another disappointing so called educator/ administrator, Ramiro Moreno. It’s simple, look up his job history and ask people who worked with him and they’ll tell you the truth. Bottom line, ML Garcia has already burned and crashed and the rest will follow. As a parent and voter, let’s keep these guys off the board! The choice is clear.. Pray for SBCISD to continue moving forward!

Anonymous said...

These SBCISD candidates Ramiro Moreno, Anna Llanes, Janie Lopez, ML Garcia and Jack Garcia) go around saying, let’s make SBCISD great again! What each of them should do is put up their employment history and if they have any pending FBI investigation or Lawsuites pending. Jack Garcia and his Aunt ML Garcia are the earliest targets in that ticket. Everyone I know is staying away from them 2 for sure. They try to pretend they care about our community and kids but all they care about is their own personal agendas. It sickens me to think if these people got on the board the destruction that will occur. As a parent with kids attending SBCISD, I will certainly stay away from these people. Let’s continue to make our school district better and support people who have the kids best interest first. Vote Victor Rosas, Orlando Lopez, Balde Olivarez Jr, Jimmy Sanchez and Rudy Corona. I guarantee these group will make a positive difference for our district.
