Saturday, August 8, 2020



Anonymous said...

Cameron and Hidalgo poorest counties in the United States. Keep voting democrat while expecting different results.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so bitter? Everything trump does, you whine. Enjoy life, bitter guy.

Unknown said...

Where’s rambling loose screw Biden during this pandemic! Vato is high!

Anonymous said...

Trump lied. Americans died.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020!!!!

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2020 at 9:39 PM
August 8, 2020 at 10:14 PM
August 8, 2020 at 11:16 PM

Trump has in recent months misleadingly compared the novel coronavirus pandemic with the H1N1 “swine flu” pandemic, which killed an estimated 12,469 people in the U.S. between April 2009 and April 2010. On Twitter, he’s called the Obama administration’s handling of that pandemic a “total disaster” or “disaster” more than once.

“President Obama and I left a playbook for President Trump on how to fight pandemics. He flat-out ignored it. And we’re all paying the price every day,” Biden tweeted.

A new poll that showed most Americans believe Biden would handle the coronavirus pandemic better than Trump.

Is this the reason of your RED ASS idiot

Anonymous said...

Letters to the Editor: We're a third-world country if Trump can corrupt the Postal Service so easily

We'll be a third world county if this world idiota wins

Anonymous said...

'I Don't Care': Trump Responds To Intel That Russia Is Working To Get Him Elected Again

Of course he does putin's got him

Anonymous said...

Ohio Republicans against Trump: He no longer deserves the consent of the governed

Anonymous said...

Covid: Seven year old dies of coronavirus in Georgia, a day after Trump said children are ‘almost immune’

Anonymous said...

Texas wife blames Trump and Gov. Abbott for husband's COVID-19 death in viral obituary

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump applauds Gov. Greg Abbott's handling of Texas reopening during White House visit

Costing texas 1000's of lives just to please an idiot by his lapdog.

Anonymous said...

the only moron is trump.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:32am
Trump said "children are ALMOST immune".
ONE seven year old dies in Georgia.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020 bitches!

Anonymous said...

RE the post of Saturday, August 8, 2020

Biden says, "Come on Man ! "

If Biden was in office, his tune and that of the Democrats would be that it's the public's own fault they got infected. We would all be better off if they offered solutions or better ideas on how to fight COVID, restart the economy or get the kids back in school. It's all about their BS posturing.

It is the Democrats own fault that they keep playing the blame game and attribute everything negative to Trump and the Republicans.

Do the best thing for ALL Americans and stop trying to be the loudest whiners because that certainly hasn't been helping.

Biden has nothing further to say as he has fallen asleep and is dreaming of challenging people to do push ups.

Come on Man !!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Pa mi raza Latinos that know I love Mรฉxico as well!

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!

Anonymous said...

Pendejos being lead by otro pendejo a world class moron el trumputo

Anonymous said...

So he's s pendejo and he beat you all (232-306 electoral college votes). Imagine what he would do to the Dems if he WASN'T a pendejo. You'd be better off saying that he's smart and that you got beat by a smart person instead of by a pendejo. If you got beat by s pendejo WHAT does that make you?
TRUMP 2020!

Anonymous said...

So, this is a fake tweet.

GGL said...

I have always wondered why the people of Cameron County have no common sense. Common sense is the ability to look at what is going on in front of you, then, understand what it is that is going on in front of you. If you stand outside when it is raining you will get wet, right? No you say because you have an umbrella, you will not get wet. You have been given an umbrella by the democrats in Cameron County with holes in it for so long, they have made you believe you get wet because Trump throws water on you. Good luck trying to figure that out, because you are never going to stay dry.

Anonymous said...

she won the popular vote baboso

Anonymous said...

Popular vote doesn't count. Haven't you figured that out yet. But I'm the baboso right? What does that make you? Pobre vato!!

Anonymous said...

He is so convincing that all uneducated voters and all hillbillys voted for him, my question how did they filled out the ballots if all these idiots can't write and can't read? HOW? That just shows everybody that you CAN take a horse to the lake and YOU can force him to drink water just poke his ass.

Anonymous said...

In what way did winning the popular votes help her pendejo???

Anonymous said...

@8:13 am
"She won the popular vote baboso."
It's been 3 1/2 years and you still haven't figured it out that the popular vote doesn't count. AND YOU CALL ME THE BABOSO. Chingada madre! Es por demas con esta gente tapada. Nothing more dangerous than large groups of stupid people. Stay stupid my friend!
