During Tuesday's joint meeting of the City of Brownsville Commission and the Public Utilities Board District 2 Commissioner Jessica Tetreau said that she was just 27 when she attended the joint meetings when the Tenaska plant was approved and that she was chided by then-Mayor Tony Martinez for having no vision for the future.

On Tuesday, the commissioners were officially notified for the first time that the plant had been suspended indefinitely by the PUB administration since December 201.
At this point, Mayor Trey Mendez intervened and told her that as elected officials of the city mayor and the commissioners were the representatives of the people.
That brings up a rather interesting point.
Can the mayor and commissioners really represent the views of the average Brownsville resident ratepayer?

If not, how can they say they are representative of the people? Are any of them currently unemployed because of the COVID-19 impact on the local service economy or manufacture?
Ok. Let's say that they don't represent the low-income residents, but rather the middle class, upper middle class, and well-to-do in the city. That leaves out about half or more of the local residents, so we have a city commission who represent less than half of the population. And if you slice it down even further, we have a city commission that is representative of a minuscule segment of the people.
But wait, you say. Isn't it better government that we have the cream of the crop (even economically speaking, that is) rather than the unwashed (and uncouth) masses on the city commission?
Well, is it?
At yesterday's meeting to grill the honchos of the Brownsville Public Utility Board on the suspension of the Tenaska-PUB agreement to build the electric plant, two commissioner – Rose Gowen and Joel Munguia – did not participate via Zoom.
Gowen, who was there and cast a "yes" vote to initiate this debacle on December 2012, would have been able to call the PUB honchos on their assertions at the origins of the plant's construction. But, alas, she was a no-show and chose not to face the music and reexamine her vote. Util now she has been a steadfast supporter of the PUB administration. If her bike-and-hike trails money were endangered, who would she side with, Bruciak or the ratepayers?

Terteau made like she was mad and upset, but stopped short of calling for the PUB honchos' heads. And Gowen actually called for a refund and rollback on PUB rates, but since it was just a discussion, no decision on the subject was made.
Commissioner Nurtih Galonsky, who was on the PUB board before individuals were limited to membership in only one board or commission, actually championed the PUB trio and blamed unforeseen conditions (like OPEC prices, etc.) for the wasted eight years of high rates.
But you really can't trust any one of them on any specific vote. Despite her complaints, Tetreau not only voted for the construction of the plant in 2012 but also voted for the rates increase.
On Tuesday, she, along with Mendez, commissioner Cowen, and Ben Neece, and Galonsky were told that rolling back the rates might mean that the annual PUB $10 to $14 million transfer to the city might be endangered or drastically reduced. (See graphic below.)
For years now, the city has depended on the transfers to avoid a budge deficit that might mean reduction in services or city personnel.
Under that gun, will the city commission stop short of cleaning house at PUB as a majority of ratepayers would have them, or will their individual interests trump the wishes of the constituents they represent?
SUSPEND the whole administration NOT THE BUILDING idiotas
They'll never do anything to jeopardize their daily stipen. Bola de comprados.
The only thing Mayor Trey represent, is his pizza place and there's another commissioner who represent her car wash business!!!
Pobre air head Tetreau. She thinks she's relevant. She's the AOC of Brownsville. Why do we keep voting for these idiots? We have nobody to blame but ourselves. Por pendejos.
It is high time that BPUB refund the ratepayers for this well- orchestrated scam since 2012. It is in part, our fault for voting people that don't care, they are just there for pet projects and not to provide much needed municipal services. Very pathetic.
No need to defend yourselves commissioners the damage is done! We need true leadership and accountability. Commissioners in our area are not suitable for the job (it is a duty), they are easily taken advantage of either intentionally or it’s their minimum brain function. You question the truth and welcome deceit. How could you look at yourselves in the mirror you all are despicable! Put this on your resumes: I AM WORTHLESS!
City manager better start doing his job start cutting back on city budget police budget is 56% of the entire city budget wth!! Rate payers were promised a help with lowered utilities rates with Tenaska!! We paid our dues either give us a refund or lawsuits are coming!!
People in browntown are to stupid to care. The majority are on welfare and have everything paid by others.
Just imagine if every business on PUB the mall,HEB,both college's,BISD SCHOOLS,residential owners,Hospitals,Walmart's etc wanted to execute a lawsuit on LIES PUB and commissioners gave to the community.Not positive but seems the lies turned to something illegal when they appropriate those Tenaska monies for something else.
Honestly citizens I don’t see them rolling rates back or refunding us money/credit to our bills. If we allow them to say they will return or refund our money they are going to launder off the amount and pretend they gave us a rate cute or credit. We need to apply pressure on them to show us the money with something physical, sadly, a park or any other type of public amenity. Regardless they will increase our rates in the futures and recapture their loss, in the end we will have paid for that park (just an example).
Hey vato! I herd from a little pajarito that sits on the power line que el PUB was buying fancy furniture with the money left over from the Power plant of Nowhere land - Tenaska o algo asi. No les Olvida que necitan regresar los dos millions que robaron tambien. Why doesn’t the city hold them accountable vato, sabes porque tienen ese mayor nano por su french fry y dos huevitos.
Requirement to run for ANY elected office in cameron county "YOU HAVE TO BE STUPID AND AN IDIOT". Pendejo is not included WHAT A MISTAKE!!!
Is she still chasing stray dogs or banks
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