Monday, August 31, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: True to form, just as the board members of the San Benito Consolidated Independent School District have limited public comment only to items on their agenda, its lawyers have now put the San Benito News on notice that they will be sued for libel if the board and administration think they have published information they believe is unfair to them and to the district and its administrators and staff. Will the News news cower and whimper and slink off like a whipped Greyhound? And were the lawyers acting on behalf of the entire board when they fired off the missive? Transparency has never been this board's forte. Did Superintendent Nate Carman and the board instruct the lawyers to write the demand letter and threaten it with the lawsuit? Was there a vote to do this?)  

By Juan Montoya

Attorneys for the San Benito Independent School District have demanded that the San Benito News and its corporate parent New Horizon Publishers "cease and desist" allegedly libeling the district and its Superintendent Dr. Nate Carman or face a libel suit.

The law office of attorney Thomas G. Rayfield sent the News' Noel J. Espinoza, and New Horizon officers the letter May 5 and demanded that the newspaper stop publishing what it called defamatory stories about the district and its superintendent.

Rayfield cites a newspaper article that ran in the April 24-30 edition where in reporting a lawsuit filed against the district by former SBICSD employee Celia Longoria, it stated she had been forced to resign or face termination and that 10 others that "faced a similar fate."

Rayfield charges that the statement is false and objectively verifiable and that because of the newspaper's "malicious intent the reporters did not seek to investigate the story before publication."

The letter goes on to point out that of the 10, three still work for the SBICD and therefore were not forced to resign or face termination, two retired at standard retirement age, one left for career advancement and three were fired for cause.

"The statement is defamatory. The published statement was liable (sic libelous?). It contains a false statement of fact. It impeaches my client's integrity, virtue and reputation."

Rayfield then goes on to list the catchwords associated with a classic libel lawsuit such as alleging that the News and New Horizon have a vendetta against the district and that their "pattern of conduct" over time that demonstrates their malice toward the SBCISD and Carman and says it is not the first time that they have "repeatedly published false and defamatory" statements against the district and its administration.

"If you do not cease publishing defamatory statements regarding my client, I will have no choice but to recommend to my client (clients?) that they file suit against J. Noel Espinoza, the San Benito News, New Horizon Publishers Inc., in Cameron County District Court. In said suit, I will seek actual damages my clients have sustained in addition to punitive damages for your malicious acts."


Anonymous said...

Why is it the schoolboards in the valley, SBCISD, BISD, TSC all go to such great lengths to pat themselves on the back that they run the risk of needing medical attention bc they hurt themselves? Meanwhile, the county remains one of the poorest in the nation and meanigful employment and education are lacking? Apparently those leadership conferences in Vegas are not paying off. Time to go....let someone who gives a real shit about the community give it a shot.

I'm not a CROOK! said...

LINK to Entire Letter".

Anonymous said...

More from el racista El Paya Jerry -

"I’m happy I’m an O’Connell and not a Cavazos. There is no finer family than the O’Connells. I’m happier that I’m an American and not a Spaniard."

Anonymous said...

I am so glad the district and Carman had the balls to do this. How can the district get ahead and make progress when it is the same naysayers, including the SB news who is against our own? Only in San Benito do people get fired FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS, yet they seem to blame everyone. It was very evident they had a personal vendetta against Carman and the district. When you are reporting, especially a newspaper or a media outlet, you have to keep your own personal feelings out of this. But, I am not surprised since the SB news is not a reputable, prestigious newspaper.
Keep up the good work Dr. Carman and Board of Trustees and congratulations Dr. Carman on your invitation to join the Superintendent Advisory Group! One of 25 among Texas, that speaks volumes!

Anonymous said...

Juan that idiot Erase-mo is on probation. Can voters actually trust him to stay out of trouble and not break his probation? He embarrassed us once before and he resigned because he plead guilty to his DWI with a minor in his car. A BISD student which he was called on the table for. Now he has changed? Ya right!! We have to be a sorry community if this bozo is ever elected for any position. His supporters don't care about all the arrests and questionable acts he has made throughout his life. The Lopez family are good people. His daughter seems to have class, intelligence, and above all, integrity. My family, friends, and colleagues will be supporting her. Ethics and morals are on the ballot which they should always be. Erase-mo needs to get a job and earn a paycheck like the rest of us. Hey Erase-mo I have yet to see any of you ask Erase-mo why he doesn't talk to half of his family who banished him from their lives for the horrible things he has done. I challenge yo to ask Erase-mo why he doesn't acknowledge his sister Melissa who runs Brownsville Raza. Is it because she has no problem telling people what he has done in Mexico and up North regarding unethical behavior? Come on you blind followers like Al Santa Ana, ask him!!

Charlie Atkinson
Bearer of facts

Anonymous said...

Hey, Paya Jerry, spare us your racist pro-Trump shit! -

It’s the Republican Party’s dilemma — how do you argue for four more years of this, when “this” is absolute shit? More people died during four days of the Republican National Convention than died on 9/11. There is social unrest throughout our country. Children are in cages on our border. World leaders are literally laughing behind Donald Trump’s back.

Anonymous said...

Criminal Indictments by Administration:

Donald Trump (so far)---215
Richard Nixon--76
George W. Bush--16
Bill Clinton--2
George H.W. Bush--1
Jimmy Carter--1
Gerald Ford--1
Barack Obama--0

GO HAVE A BEER.... said...

to Anonymous @ August 31, 2020 at 3:26 PM

Is that you Michael A. Vargas?
Go have a beer Dude.

Anonymous said...

The Doughboy Donnie Smallhands criminal enterprise will go away one day (hopefully sooner than later). His legacy will become a mere shit stain on the ass of history! 馃懡
Doughboy has NO SHAME and is AMORAL. He’s Beelzebub in the flesh. 馃懝

How do supposedly educated black, brown, red, yellow and poor white folk continue to support this pathological lying fool? 馃惙

Make Amerika great again, my ASS! 馃ぎ The WORLD laughs at us while Doughboy’s pal Jerry Falwell, Jr ‘watches’ the pool boy! 馃挬

Gee, I wonder who murdered Epstein?? Hmmm. Must have been one of those ‘Deep State’ guys Puff Doughboy keeps talking about.
How does a man in black show up at Epstein’s mansion (before the police do), to haul shit away?? Pee pee tapes??

Anonymous said...

The San Benito News should follow up and ask SBCISD candidate Jack Garcia to enlighten everyone on the FBI investigation his apparently at witness too, according to a statement he made to the SB news. He is tied in to Atkinson corruption situation according to the information being passed around. So if that the case, that makes Jack Garcia a witness to corruption. We all know the FBI during an investigation of this magnitude will not divulge that type of details. But I’m more than sure Jack Garcia along with his buddy SBCISD trustee Angel Mendez will do everything they can to deny an involvement. The truth will prevale..

Anonymous said...

Will Commissioner’s daughter abstain from voting for the insurance bid since daddy gets paid on the back end?

Anonymous said...

Y el scoreboard! Quierro anunciar mi nuevo compania. Se puede?

Rosalinda G. Garcia, Realtor said...

Attorney Rayfield states that out of the 10 staff members, 3 are still employed. Wowzers! Is that a call for a celebration? 3 out of 10!

Anonymous said...

These shady districts always trying to silence their employees, that's how these cocos work, look at hcisd, same quietness, pretending to be the victims, deny freedom of speech.

Rosalinda G. Garcia, Realtor said...

To Editor's Note.

You are correct about limited public comment at SBCISD. Board President Orlando Lopez and Board Member Victor Rosas, whom are both running for re-election support limited public comment. They VOTED AGAINST all PUBLIC COMMENT BECOMING POLICY.

They also never spoke publicly against public comment being placed at the tail end of board meetings RIGHT BEFORE ADJOURNMENT. Glad its now against the law.


Anonymous said...

Is there a court in san bene? just askin'

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile your scores are in the basement.

FOCUS people...serves SBISD for hiring incompetence consistently...

well at least they consistent.

Anonymous said...

Heading in the right track just follow BISD and you'll eventually get there idiotas

Anonymous said...

what? JACK GARCIA MUST BE A GRIMEX new word for coco... verdad hillbilly baboso?

Anonymous said...

Jack what a name for a meskin

Anonymous said...

Rayfield that name rings a bell he was hired by Cameron County to get JP Trejo out of trouble with the State Judicial Board, aren't there any attorneys in Cameron County?

Anonymous said...

Public comment in SBCISD was a joke for a long time because you had a few psychos like Rosalinda Garcia and her best friend Chuy Aguliar go up and make total fools of themselves. I was one of the parents that called board members several times to move public comment because it was extremely disruptive especially when Public comment went before kids and staff would get recognized at board meetings. These idiots are the same people that bring so much negativity to SBCISD. I as a parent, I am tired of these people so I’m glad we finally have a board that stands up for kids and staff and not their own political agendas. Rosalinda you mentioned Victor Rosas and Orlando L贸pez. Like it or not, these guys have done a tremendous job since they’ve been on the board. Just look at all the positive growth and district success since these two guys got elected. I don’t care what you say lady, these guys are great board members and have a lot support. If you don’t believe me just go around and ask. I support to keep SBCISD moving forward for our kids. I (we) support Victor Rosas, Orlando L贸pez, Balde Olivarez Jr, Jimmy Sanchez, Rudy Corona.

Anonymous said...

SBCISD candidates Ramiro Moreno, Jack Garcia, ML Garcia, Anna Llanes and Janie L贸pez.. Just take a moments and analyze this lineup...... Ramiro Moreno is lucky to still have his teaching certification after his stunt in Raymondville School district. He was forced out for trying to misuse federal funds.. if that’s not enough, he was also forced out of San Perlita school district for having an affair and caused huge problems for him there.. Ramiro Moreno you couldn’t hide forever and you don’t belong on the school board. Jack Garcia has a story four miles long that consist of improper relationships with his staff members when he was a director with SBCISD, he caused a huge mess when he was commissioner/mayor which ended his short political run, and termination for not following SBCISD policy and thinking he was protected like 13 years previously. Jack Garcia is also pet of the Atkinson investigation which his trying to dismiss but he thinks people in San Benito don’t know any better.. ML Garcia has no business running for re election and should be forced to pay back over $100 k in lawsuites that has been paid off with tax payer due to her despicable action against SBCISD employees. Anna Lanes and Janie L贸pez have very bad reputations and bring nothing good to the table to make SBCISD district better.. these folks have no business running for school.. my support is for the good guys!

Anonymous said...

Ramiro Moreno with the fake smile is very annoying. Can you please stop coming to my neighborhood Hunters Crossing and handing out your sample ballots.. we thrown away 3 already.. go bother other people.. we’re not voting for you!

Anonymous said...

The pendejo city of the valley san bene

Anonymous said...

San Benito is mush better than the idiots/candidates running for school board. Jack Garcia, Ramiro Moreno, ML Garcia, Anna Lanes and Janie Lopez are worthless. Its very simple, please do your home work and you'll find out very quickly were these people stand. Our kids deserve much better, vote Orlando Lopez, Victor Rosas, Blade Bolivares jr,Rudy Corona and Jimmy Sanchez. plus Jack Garcia is under investigation by the FBI and also where he lives. there's pictures he lives in Harlingen and not in San Benito and that's a election violation. Jack better come clear because he's going to get expose with picture(s). Jacks simply a joke, period.

Anonymous said...

In our small community of San Benito we’ve begun to take pride in all recent accomplishments the school district as done under the recent board. I just don’t understand why you have Jack Garcia, Ramiro Moreno, ML Garcia, Anna Llanes and Janie L贸pez running for the school board. As a parent and supporter of all the positive movement it’s obvious these people are running for the wrong reason. Example, Ramiro Moreno came to my sisters house during this pandemic and pledged his spill about wanting to change things.. really dude, change what? He didn’t know we had already been warned about him and his own family is not supporting him. That guy is full of himself and selfish. Than he questions why we have Victors Rosas and Orlando L贸pez sign on our fence.. hello idiot, we’re all supporting them and the others.. Those guys have proven themselves.. Plus, Ramiro is running with Jack Garcia, really!! That guy has no shame after all the embarrassment his caused our city and school. He’s running for the board knowing his under investigation by the FBI. What a shame playing everyone for fools.. we need to continue the positive movement and stay away from this slate of idiots..

Anonymous said...

Ramiro Moreno should put you his employment history. I’ve worked with him and his not impressive at all. San Benito people this guys is a liability.. just look up his employment history and back ground.. stay away..

Anonymous said...

Jack Garcia lives in Harlingen and laughs about it. He’s arrogant and stupid thinking we don’t know. There’s pictures to prove it.. Jack Garcia you and your fellow running mates are a joke.....

Anonymous said...

I laughed when a friend of mine told me her mom had a received a call from a lady named Sandra Tumberlison. She told said, this lady so talking about how the current board needing to be replaced for several reasons. I was taken back when she said that because this board has gone above and beyond to assist that lady Sandra as she currently leads the historical society. Several people have applauded the current board for assisting with the Callandrant museum which couldn’t have been possible with the school district assistance. I say, thank you to them. So for that lady Sandra Tumberlison to be saying that is a total fool and that’s why our community is the way it is. We need nice people to work together not two face back stabbers who don’t appreciate all the good and positive going on with the school. I personally have never gotten involved but I’m tired of people like Sandra Tumberlison wanting to control again and we all know what she/they did when they had it. I’m totally against that! We need to continue to moving the district forward. I pray our community votes for the good people who have shown to respect our district and kids. My whole family supports Victor Rosas, Orlando Lopez, Rudy Corona, Balde Olivares Jr., Jimmy Sanchez.
