By Steve Clark
Brownsville Herald
Judging from an advertisement posted on its job board nine days ago, SpaceX has big plans for Boca Chica Village, the formerly sleepy retiree haven a seashell’s throw from Boca Chica Beach and now neighbor to the company’s Starship production complex and launch site.
“Boca Chica Village is our latest launch site dedicated to Starship, our next generation launch vehicle,” reads the posting. “SpaceX is committed to developing this town into a 21st century Spaceport. We are looking for a talented Resort Development Manager to oversee the development of SpaceX’s first resort from inception to completion.”
Among the preferred skills the company desires in a candidate is “experience working for high-end brand luxury development.”
SpaceX says it’s looking for someone to manage design, architecture and construction, provide a final cost and schedule for the project and implement cost controls, obtain all the necessary governmental approvals and coordinate all field work, acting in the capacity of a project superintendent. The position would also entail coordinating and confirming project specifications with SpaceX, maintaining the “quality and workmanship of the project,” resolving issues that come up during construction, tracking project changes and completing the project closeout package, documentation that verifies the project is finished and ready for delivery.
Basic qualifications for the job are a bachelor’s degree and at least five years experience in construction project management. Preferred skills also include “experience bringing teams and processes from development to production, excellent concentration and attention to detail with outstanding work efficiency and accuracy (and) strong leadership skills.”
To read rest of article, click on link: https://www.brownsvilleherald.com/2020/08/12/flying-high-spacex-plans-luxury-resort/
Other plans for Boca Chica potentially include an offshore launch platform. On July 16 SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk tweeted that “SpaceX is building floating, superheavy-class spaceports for Mars, moon & hypersonic travel around Earth.
I heard that he objected to building a bike trail commenting those are for poor people only not here...
All Section 8 apt managers qualifly for that job but will they get it? I doubt it no locals will ever be hired beyong the check point.
Gracias elected officials for those 1000's of jobs and making 50k a year gracias gracias gracias PINCHE PENDEJOS...
Shark attacks will rise on SPI from the vibration of the earth 🌍! They pulled the wool over the city leaders faces. Our City Leaders are Covid to us.
PUB (Tenaska)
City Contracts (Covid Testing Center)
Over inflated land deals (where Veterans sits) (Nylon store)
BISD (we had a member on the City side and BISD side)
Tax Dude racking it in (and the lead agent tries to get him on giving out a title sticker only)
The Bridge to nowhere
What a fucking quagmire it is in my hometown!
Jessica is the dumbest commissioner on the commission. She always screws up because she is told what to do by Carlos Marin. People just need to vote her out. Brownsville,TX keeps electing stupid people. She brags how naïve she was when she was elected because a Mangy Dog that lived in District 2 could have gotten elected.
Gulf of Mexico front property for sale
There will NEVER be a missile launch from Boca Chica...a pipe dream that will never come true little man Trevino. You got duped Mexican by a billionaire white guy. The troll Eddie Trevino fucked a lot of people...good people.
SpaceX in Boca Chica is just a money making skim for the elites! Los pendejos Brownsville wantabe elites, were scammed and bribed to let Musk rape our beautiful beach area! How in the heck can this charlatan gringo succeed in trips to Mars, when we never even went to the moon!!!
Why here?
We should never forget those that sold us out. Carlos Cascos. Thinking that being a Republican would make you seem whiter and maybe richer, you found out when you went to Austin that you were just another fucking spic, greaser. Causing us to lose the jewel that was once Boca Chica is unforgivable. One of the last pristine, undeveloped beaches in the country, a haven for the Raza, memories of purer, simpler times, is gone forever. This beach was so part of us, of our ancestors and of our culture, and you let it go just to get a picture of you and Rick Perry shoveling sand. Disgusting.
Hate what is happening to our beach. Never liked the idea of space x coming to pur little town let alone our beach. I hope our people will wake up and won't go down with out a fight,i know won't.
How are they able to consider development? Wasn't this area part of a nature preserve?
Perhaps he should build it in Mars,and maybe he can stay there as well.
I have an online Doctorates degree. Do I qualify for this job. Just call me Dr.
There will never be a Mars or other planet launch from Brownsville. They chose Brownsville to do rocket testing and nothing else. Remember Titan tire? Casa del Nylon? Still sitting unoccupied and fast falling apart after almost a decade of being purchased.
Hey I will trade you these pretty trinkets for your beach Judge and Commissioners. Wow keep putting them back in office you deserve them. Follow the money.
Ball-less on the virus and bully on selling ALL of US out just to kiss a white ASS pinche joto culo...
That includes la bruja del el grand southmost
I had an idea this stinkin' city was bad but it became a reality when el rrun rrun came on the internet. Now 95% of this city is depressed. What to do?
MOST CORRUPT MOST POOR CITY IN THE USA. That will never change if the citizens don't take action, talking and typing is cheap...
Elections are around the corner go out with your masks and vote ALL these pendejos out.
Weed is the new thing. He wants to cultivate the weed and sell it to martians and moonies
Ya anda bien grifo
subpar leadership from Trey Mendez
Below par for shorty in other words no leadership AT ALL
Dr. Eder has an online doctorate degree in aerospace engineering. Did he get the contract to build the space ship at Boca Chica? Were there bids? Will he be the first man to land on Mars?
That dr should be sent to mars in the ESA's Schiaparelli lander maybe he can join cosmonauts mickey mouse and goofy
We have a port and Space x. A democrat will shut them down and you'll say Brownsville is third world. Lets grow for once without Mexico's help. Chicago and Minneapolis, Seattle are next third world cities thanks to DemocRATS.
Republisuckers lead by a pendejo so what can you expect NOT EVEN A MIRACLE
Pasa el toque vato loco and fly to mars and the moon.
RepubliCONS hahahahaha I D I O T A
Pasa la grifa uuuuy uuuuy uuuuy aaaaaahaaa
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