Social media consumers had gotten used to hear how hard Eder Hernandez, P.A., and the medical workers under is supervision – despite they and their own families being unmercifully assailed themselves by the COVID-19– had valiantly forged ahead to conquer the devil virus.
We had recounted how Valley Med Urgent Care had been granted a de facto monopoly after talks with other vendors were suddenly abandoned and the city manager was instructed (by whom? no one knows yet) to ink a deal with the Valley Med on March 24. The first invoice was dated March 25, the next day, and was the first of 91 invoices to come for the period between then and July 30.
During that period, Valley Med billed the city – and was paid – $815,000. No, it wasn't Hernandez who got the cash, but rather the association of doctors who own the firm. But people associate Valley Med with Hernandez because of his flair for courting social media. Comes with the territory.
Valley Med got the endorsement of the mayor who said patients seeking tests with health insurance would be referred to its private clinic and those that didn't would be funneled to the city's Sports Park complex also operated by Valley Med with their cost borne by the city .
"The people who are looking for the test, if they have medical insurance, then the medical insurance will be taken through the office of Dr. [Eder] Hernandez,” Mendez said then. “If for any reason they don’t have insurance, then there are funds available through the City of Brownsville to cover that."
Many medical professionals (especially some from East Asia and India) who had guided Hernandez to learn the ropes of testing and general medicine were disappointed and considered him a hypocrite and an ingrate when he shunted them aside and went off to reap the profits with the knowledge they had freely provided him.
He had gained entrée into their group by joining their Christian group and even got baptized with them. Some believers say it might not have been his first baptism citing one they saw performed on him at the ICC months before. Can't be too sure, we guess.
It would be July 3 and July 10 – four months later in the midst of mounting complaints about the lag between testing and getting the results from Eder's group – before the Valley Med monopoly was broken and two other players in the testing game were given a chance to wet their beak.
Valley Med informed the city July 30 that it would no longer be performing the tests for the city at the Sports park, taking the $815,000 in city payments for the four months gig, and setting up a private shop to service the 5 p.m. to midnight niche.
The two outfits hired were The Port Occupational and Medical Clinic LLC with president Dr. Antonio Diaz (August 3) and South Texas Medical Associates with their Reliable Urgent Care LLC represented by administrator Edward Bustos (August 10) who inked the deals.
We have head that many local doctors who had supported Mendez's candidacy for mayor were miffed by the city when they chose Valley Med over their testing companies even as they prepared to provide the service.
And during that four-month span we were told not only by Hernandez, but also by his boosters in the city like Mayor Trey Mendez and commissioner Jessica Tetreau that his weary staff were working 24/7 to "serve the community" despite the hit on their social lives.
Only until we got a copy of all three contracts and found that PAs like Hernandez had been granted an hourly rate of $150 an hour (four PAs alone at Valley Med) plus costs of the test kits ($110 per kit) and the pay for their staff which included two ghost supervising MDs (Teresa Saavedra and Dr. Abdur Rauf). That's only what they got from the city. Those patients referred to them by the city who had insurance were billed apart.
At $150 an hour, who wouldn't work 24/7 (plus overtime even)?
Now that Hernandez and Saavedra and Rauf have moved on to private testing to "serve the community" we probably won't be reading the Lamentations of Hernandez on social media anymore. In fact, he is said to have gone back and removed the majority of his postings on social media. Pity. It provided some comic relief to this crisis when it was most needed.
Catholic schools return to classes Aug. 31
Classes for the affluenza students will begin soon looking for tutors to
hire, call vatican City for more info.
They need to audit the city Jauancito. I hope FEMA comes in and audits their use of the money! Esto se escucha como otra tranza como con los famosos “domes.” Ask the difficult questions Montoya!
El grupo de el les dio una Buena Cojida! But you guys are use to it! Keep it coming! Let it be known Govt Institutions have been notified.
This is criminal. The contract for testing should have been given to various real doctors with clinics in different parts of town to serve the citizens. Instead people were stuck in lines at the Sports Park with the city paying police overtime to control the traffic. Also if they would have done bids, which they LEGALLY should have done, it would have saved the taxpayers a fortune. And what about the tests? Dr. Eder (?) was paid top dollar to use obsolete testing. Avoiding the bidding process is illegal and should be investigated. Who gave the contract? Who set the pricing? Why only Dr. Eder who's not a real MD? Elected officials should investigate and give us answers and if anything illegal was done criminal charges should be filed. Help us out DA Seanz.
Pinche rata nos robo.
It's "no more laments," you idiot!
Mojsdos will always be mojados looking for easy money idiotas.
Did people die from the obsolete testing? Did people spread the virus to other people that died because of this obsolete testing. Top dollar was paid for tests that took over 10 days to get results back. This is not acceptable from a doctor much less s PA. Who was the doctor that authorized this testing? Who picked PA Eder to do the testing? Who verified that this was an acceptable test? HOW do you know if there is better testing at a lower cost if you don't get real doctors involved in the process? WHO AUTHORIZED THIS AT THE CITY? If federal money from the CARES Act was used then the feds need to investigate. Can ANY city Commissioner please step up to the plate and request an investigation. If no city Commissioner or the Mayor request an investigation then you complicit in this crime. DO YOUR JOB MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS.
Stop crying about the small shit! He made some money good for him! The PUB are where there should be investigations! They have raped the citizens of Brownsville for many years and nothing ever happens to them!
Puro Lloreca.
Cuando ustedes se maman..
Kien Los acusa
Pura pinche rata de dos patas
Him and who ever gave him the contract should be arrested and jailed where's the FBI ooops they're gone
BISD trustees challenged for posts; 15 candidates file for election
Texas reports more than 200 new virus deaths
To 1:46 p.m. It refers to Book of Lamentations in the Bible in case you can read. Is it too much above you? Please leave this blog and don't come back.
August 19, 2020 at 2:09 PM yes your right this guy Eder got his foot in the door somehow.People are making a big thing of this guy but daum PUB and this Tenaska is the biggest hiest in Brownsville history they stole and misappropriated over $70million of rate payers money.why aren't you people going crazy over this issue funk this guy go after PUB and city commissioners its 10 times the problem than this idiot.
There is a need for a list of queationable transactions, unusual transactions, suspicious or potentially transactions and of course questionable bank transactions.
The city should require that elected and hired employees file a suspicious activity report to an independant entity either state4 of federal within 30 days of ocurrance, (financial crimes enforcement network FinCEN.
You site Eder, so it’s ok for Bustos a so called Administrator with only a high school education to do testing. Come on Montoya this guy will make money at least Eder has the credentials. Ponte trucha.
I heard he puts a nickle in the church donation cup pinche culo oooh he's a man of of of I forgot MONEY THAT'S IT MONEY, MAN OF MONEY...
This clown has been misrepresenting himself as a “doctor” for years. He’s a swindler but he is only the puppet.
Online degrees matter!
Dr. Eder's clinic on Alton Gloor has two signs outside. One sign is in the front and the other sign is on the side. Both signs have his name but neither sign has a doctors name on it. Their is no doctors name anywhere only Eder's name. How can this not be illegal? If not illegal then it's unethical as hell. No wonder everybody called him a doctor thinking he was an MD. State needs to investigate this.
So is Eder a real doctor (MD) or not. If he has a doctorate in anything he is not a physician or a MD. If this is the case then he should be practicing as a physician and passing himself off as a doctor. This is very deceitful. This would mean that if I'm a PA and I get an online doctorate degree in anything (astrology, comic art,floral management, culinary arts, spirtuality,fashion design,art history, music, anthropology, etc.) I can practice medicine because i'm a PA and then tell people I'm a doctor. This in itself should tell you something about this guy. How can anybody possibly defend him for doing this? The city or state needs to investigate this.
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