Almost three years ago – back in December 2017 – the administration and members of the City of Brownsville Public Utility Board decided to indefinitely suspend the Memorandum of Understanding between it and Tenaska to build a $500 million gas-powered electric plant.

Unlike the press conference and fanfare staged at the announcement eight years ago, the PUB administration chose to keep the suspension of the project close to their vests and chose not to tell the city commission of the decision.
It turned out that all the projections by its top administrators – notably those of CEO John Bruciak – for its need that were to be funded by increases in utility rates that started in late 2012, kicked in force on 2013, and kept rising until the end of 2016...were wrong.
But it wasn't until today that they told city commission officially. And forget about a rollback in rates. In fact, they hinted they might be higher in 2021.
"Prior to the meeting today," asked District 4 commissioner Ben Neece, did you every officially notify the city of the termination of the Tenaska project?"

The PUB found that the lower prices in fuel – which were blamed on those damn Arabs in OPEC – overturned all their plans and projections and they decided to scuttle the project.
All that is left of the estimated $100-plus millions of dollars that were raised through the increase in utility rates is some 50 miles of water and gas right-of-way without any current use and a $29 million fund that PUB has kept for a rainy day. No report or notification of the expenditures or balance left of the Tenaska monies were ever reported to the city.
"Did you ever officially notify the city of the $29 million," Neece persisted.
"No," Garcia answered.
And, in reference to a "package" that the PUB board and administration sent the city commission around noon Tuesday going into more detail on the debacle an the pennies left over from the splurge over the last seven years, Garcia's answer to the question by Neece was the same.
"Did anyone officially inform the city of the expenditures before today? Apart from the package that you gave us today, that you wanted to keep confidential, have they been provided to the city?"
"And has the $9.5 million write-off hasn't disclosed or the city been properly included in an officialy to the city?," he asked.
But if you think that the high rates that were put in place in December 2012 will be rolled back to their pre-Tenaska levels, think again. The answer is still "no."
Throughout the Zoom meeting, it was clear that the fable of a municipally-owned gas-powered electric-generating plant crumbled soon after the city commission under then-mayor Tony Martinez rammed through the proposal and jacked up the utility rates. But not before PUB spent $100 to $110 (give or take a few million) on Right-of-Way between here and Edinburg for gas and water lines that are no longer be of use for the non-existent plant.
Now, Garcia explained – because Bruciak was unusually silent – PUB has also used at least $48 million of its surplus funds to add to the $54.5 million in Tenaska-generated rate increase funds to pay a total of $102.6 million in fuel costs to keep rates level.
"A rollback or reduction in rates means that they will get a higher bill because of fuel surcharge is going to get higher," Bruciak spoke at last. "It will also impact the transfer of PUB funds to the city. Be cautions because if you roll the rates back there's going to be consequences...We're going to be short on energy in 2021."
Everyone thanked everyone after the meeting, including Bruciak and his two top dogs at PUB who argued for the construction of the plant and the increase in utility rates. Mendez – apparently impressed with their substellar performances – agreed to meet with the PUB guys to discuss future energy needs with renewables such as wind, solar, etc.
Does anyone remember what this CEO and his overpaid underachiever cadre told the city commission and the residents back in December 2012 and January 2012?
"The multi-year rate plan will support growth (and)...the bond issue will take care of our future needs (for the next five years out into October 2016)....The rate increases will take care of our future needs and provide low-energy costs to the residents of Brownsville."
“We looked at a lot of things. We did an integrated resource plan on the power supply that looked at everything in the state that was available. This hands down was the most economical and efficient for our residents.” Bruciak at joint meetings of the commission on and PUB boards Dec. 11, 2012, and January 2013.
Consequences? What consequences? Bruciak and the commissioners parted ways amicably agreeing to work together "in a positive way" to address future energy needs.
"I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."
"Your winnings, sir."
"Oh, thank you very much."
$100 million raised and $29 million left for a rainy day.....hell, we are lucky we haven’t had a serious Cat hurricane! PUB can not supervise themselves City of Brownsville. You guys gave these fools our hard earned tax dollars. Ridiculous: “Did you ever notify the City of this, that, and whatever?!!! You need to ask them how they going to pay us back! Vouchers or Amazon Gift cards. How about the credit points the 3 stooges have collected over the years. Fire those MFs!!
Lack of Leadership Everywhere! You idiots vote these people in!
Oye, we never heard why that building across the street from BISD Admin building burned down. I was craving a cup cake today. Maybe the feds were getting ready to raid that insurance verga cuhhhh!
not bad for mr bruciak guy earning $399k per year with a computer science degree, like that law firm i heard about before, Dowe, Cheatum & Howe all the way to the bank, let just keep everyone in the dark, Makes you wonder about all these PUB Board memebers who are now on the City commission and the previous Mayor Mr Green jeans oops meant blue jeans. We are in the money and hurting our citizens, shame on all you folks. adios
If they were employees they'd be long gone. I heard there were a lot of franklins in their hands waiting to be shaked.
I guess the city commissioners are not familiar with the words
All this acting is Oscar type, maybe they all will win one, catagory:
I heard that they ALL got a pay raise now they are in the 400k a year no wonder they have to raise the rates - FANTASTIC JOB COMMISSIONERS AND SHORTY! BUILT SOME MORE CUSTOM BIKE LANES AND TRAILS AND BUY SOME MORE 80K HIGH END PICKUP TRUCKS.
lIKE THE fORREST DEPARTMENT create another department and call it HIDDEN FUNDS!!
Police arrested an 8-year-old at school. His wrists were too small for handcuffs
Not here, here they shoot them for playing with a toy gun.
Thousands line up before sunrise at Dallas food bank
The City can dissolve the PUB with a SIMPLE MOTION to dissolve. Put in a temporary administrator, and go to market suppliers, not this corrupt entity.
Don't blame them they are doing just what the city is doing wasting taxpayers monies NOTHING ELSE
lets re-elect all of them again so we can keep PUB wasting taxpayers monies in secret.
Stop the bleeding 🩸 Brownsville rate payers are done with this self serving entity.
Y el Target shoplifting que?
Fuck erasmo castro’s incompetent fat lying ass.
Hi i drink and take selfies with children.
Hi im not handsome.
Hi i talk shit about everyone except myself.
Total lack of leadership, PUB has made millions on this Tenaska BS at the cost of the rate payers. Where is the accountability, City Commission? Get with the program and start doing your job,after all, that is why you were elected. While you are it, please consider reducing the overinflated salaries of managers at PUB, earning $300,000-400,000 a year is totally unacceptable. Thank you.
This city commission is defunct starting with Gowen and her buddy ex Mayor Martinez they are bad to the bone and i don't mean it in a good way.Every time you see them in town thank them all especially those two for stealing our money.WE WERE LIED TOO NOW WATCH THEY ARE GOING TO START POINTING FINGERS AT EACH OTHER AND COMMISSIONERS AND EX-COMMISSIONERS ARE GOING TO PRETEND THEY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING AT PUB, MOTHER F*CKERS.
Does Brusiak have an online degree?
A full Audit and investigation from out side law enforcement needs to next on agenda we want answers.
Vote for Pat! Pat, will take care of these Bozo's. We own PUB, there is no reason why we should be paying high rates. Mayor... commissioners... how about a little help.
Y los huevones for Biden que?
This is what happens when you hire gringos with cocos, and FROM harlingen WOW...learn learn learn
PUB should at least reimburse BISD for all extra money charged for inflated electrical rates. I'm sure if an audit was done the reimbursement would be in the millions of dollars which our children desperately need right now.
Y Martinez que?????
Where's your champion Trey Mendez? He is still hiding from the fiasco of Downtown ?
Y el toque onta Neece?
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